The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 354: Successful spiritual cleansing

Chapter 354 Successful Spirit Cleansing

 At the auction house, Mu Jiuchen was a little distracted in the private room, as if something had happened.

He frowned. Could it be that Wan'er had something wrong?

He took out the transmission note and looked at it. There was no movement from the transmission note. Then he realized that there was an isolation array in this private room and the sound transmission could not be received.

 He looked at Yu Haoran next to him again. Yu Haoran was looking at it enthusiastically, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Just when he was about to leave, that feeling disappeared inexplicably.

Mu Jiuchen touched his chest and wondered to himself, was he too worried?

 So he focused on the auction outside. This year he also sent Wan'er's elixir, so he had to pay close attention to it.

 In the training room, Mrs. Xu's whole body smelled extremely bad, and black sweat was dripping from her head.

Mrs. Xu was clenching her teeth. Now was the most painful time. Her lower abdomen hurt even more than giving birth, as if someone was messing around with a knife in her lower abdomen.

Wan'er specially explained that she could only endure the whole process. If you endure it, you will have hope for the path to immortality. If you can't help it, all your efforts will be wasted. There will be no chance to cleanse the soul again in the future. It is only once in this life.

She must endure it no matter what, and for no other reason than to bear the painstaking efforts of her husband, son, daughter-in-law and children.

From now on, let alone cultivating to become an immortal, it would be nice to spend more time with them, not to mention there are two grandsons about to be born.

Uncle Mu's heart almost burst out of his chest. Even though the sour stench from Mrs. Xu's body was extremely sour, Uncle Mu's focus was still on Mrs. Xu.

Even if it was dark, he didn't know, and he forgot that Yu Wan was alone in the living room.

At this time, he was fully focused on Mrs. Xu. He did not expect that this spirit-cleansing flower could not only wash out the spiritual roots, but also cleanse the meridians and meridians.

 My dear, isn’t this spirit-cleansing flower awesome?

Just seeing Mrs. Xu in such pain, Uncle Mu was worried about whether Mrs. Xu could endure it.

It’s really heart-breaking, one side is cold and the other is hot. Uncle Mu can hardly hold on anymore.

Uncle Mu carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was calm. If Mrs. Xu couldn't hold on, he still had a chance to save her. He himself was confused. What if something happened?

At this moment, Mrs. Xu, whose face was twitching in pain, suddenly relaxed.

Phew, she finally got over it, but she couldn't hold on anymore.

 Fell to the ground with a "thud".

"Ah? Xiu'er, what's wrong with you?" Uncle Mu shouted in confusion. He immediately picked up Mrs. Xu and rushed out.

“Girl Wan, girl Wan, look at your mother quickly,” Uncle Mu shouted, crying and running.

Yu Wan was a little dozed off after waiting, and in a daze she saw Uncle Mu holding Mrs. Xu who was dirty and smelly. Well, she could tell it was Mrs. Xu.

 “Ugh…” Yu Wan couldn’t suppress the surge in her heart and quickly turned off her sense of smell.

Uncle Mu's attention was all on Mrs. Xu, but he didn't notice that Yu Wan was so stinky that she vomited.

“Dad, put your mother on the chair!” Yu Wan said when she felt better.

"good". Uncle Mu quickly put Mrs. Xu on a recliner. In a panic, he glanced at her with his consciousness and saw that Xiu'er was just unconscious, not dead.

Yu Wan drove the wheelchair over and performed more than a dozen cleaning operations on Mrs. Xu before the smell in the room dissipated.

Uncle Mu realized something later, and his face turned red to the point of his neck.

After Mrs. Xu got clean, her face, which was originally in her fifties, suddenly looked ten years younger, and she looked at most forty years old.

Yu Wan shook her head and checked Mrs. Xu's body with her consciousness.

Not only did Mrs. Xu's face become younger, her body functions also became younger. When her consciousness came to her Dantian, she saw five tentacle-like things of different lengths in the center of her Dantian.

 “Five Spiritual Roots”.

 Sure enough, the spiritual roots were washed out.

“Girl Wan, is it the Five Spiritual Roots?” Uncle Mu has been paying attention, and of course he heard what Yu Wan said.

Yu Wan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, dad, that's right. Mom washed out her spiritual roots and also washed her menstruation and veins."

“Hey, it’s good if you have spiritual roots, it’s good if you have spiritual roots.” Uncle Mu was really scared. He was so scared that he didn’t even dare to take a look. If Xiuer didn’t have spiritual roots, he would be very disappointed.

Who would have thought that a small spirit-cleansing flower can really wash out the spiritual roots of a person who has no spiritual roots?

magic! Amazing!

Uncle Mu was so happy that he started spinning around in the living room with his hands and feet.

"Girl Wan'er, thank you very much. You are really the blessing of our family!" Uncle Mu said sincerely, without any perfunctory intention.

Yu Wan smiled at Uncle Mu and said, "Dad, we are a family, so why are you so polite? Take my mother back and let her sleep. When she wakes up, let her try to practice."

  She is also tired, but she can have a lucky star or something, who doesn’t like to hear this.

Yu Wan was also very happy. Not only was she happy for Mrs. Xu, but she also found that the spiritual roots washed out by the spirit-washing flower seemed to be thicker and purer than hers.

 This discovery made her even happier than earning countless spiritual stones.

She was thinking that if someone with spiritual roots ate it, would it be possible to make the spiritual roots stronger and purer?

Hmm, wait until Mu Jiuchen comes back to tell him the good news.

“Okay, okay, wait a minute, daddy will take your mother back and then push you back!”

Yu Wan nodded.

Uncle Mu came out soon and pushed Yu Wan back to her courtyard.

 “Girl Wan’er, that father has gone back soon, be careful!” Uncle Mu warned him a few words and then returned. He, a father-in-law, cannot stay in his daughter-in-law’s house.

Yu Wan nodded.

As soon as Uncle Mu left, Yu Wan stood up and walked around the house for a while holding her belly before entering the space.

In the space, Yu Wan looked at her belly. The two children couldn't be so big. Aren't those triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets unable to stand?

 She is a monk after all, so it is so difficult to conceive twins.

 It's only been ten months since we've been able to take action.

In her previous life, she remembered that her cousin was pregnant with twins. She heard from her mother that she was still working after giving birth.

 It was difficult for her to walk, let alone work.

Yu Wan wondered if there were more than two in her belly.

  She had seen them when she was first pregnant. At that time, they were still small, only as big as a thumb.

 Later, after the child took shape, she also saw it with her spiritual consciousness. Did she ignore that there were more than two?

Think of it, it's impossible. Her consciousness is so powerful that several children can't see clearly.

However, Yu Wan still carefully sat on the edge of the bed, closed her eyes, and began to look inwards.

In the womb, she clearly saw two babies sleeping soundly with their heads rolled up together. They seemed to sense someone watching, and their little bodies moved.

  Well, Yu Wan immediately felt uncomfortable in her stomach, and she quickly withdrew her consciousness.

These two brats have such strong senses, Yu Wan cursed in her heart.

But there are indeed only two in the belly, but they are a bit too big.

 It turned out to be this reason, now I feel completely relieved.

 (End of this chapter)

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