Chapter 405 Comeback

“Is it the kind of flower that washes spiritual roots?” Feng was surprised that there really is such a magical flower in the world. The stems and veins on the flower really resemble the veins of the human body, which is really magical.

Mrs. Xu had no spiritual roots before. She said that it was Xiao Si'er who gave her the spirit-cleansing flower to wash out her spiritual roots. Now that such a plant is vividly placed in front of her eyes, she can't help but marvel at the wonder of this world of immortality.

Thinking that something that Xiao Sier cherishes so much is given to her like an ordinary thing, while scolding this little prodigal in my heart, I feel warm in my heart. This daughter is really the lucky star of her family, and even more so, her baby. .

She, Feng Yuxue, has been blessed with such a daughter through several lifetimes of cultivation.

Thinking of what she has experienced over the years, Feng's eyes couldn't help but become misty.

Mrs. Feng pulled Yu Wan into her arms and stroked her head lovingly.

Yu Wan felt Feng's deep motherly love. She missed her so much. She also put her arms around Feng's waist, buried her head in Feng's arms, and greedily smelled the good smell of Feng's body. Wen Sheng said angrily: "Well, mother, your qualifications are neither good nor bad. Your cultivation speed is so slow. It should be because your spiritual roots are mottled. If you cleanse your spiritual roots, your cultivation speed will be much faster in the future."

Her mother's cultivation has not improved a bit since she established the foundation, and she is still firmly in the early stage of foundation building. Uncle Bai, Yan'er, and Yi'er are all in the late stage of foundation building.

She felt flustered just by looking at Feng's cultivation speed.

The mother and daughter were affectionate for a while, and then Ms. Feng sat down. She held Yu Wan's hand and looked at Yu Wan's face. The child's face had not changed for so many years, and the traces of time had never left her. His face has always looked like he was eighteen or nineteen years old.

This face looked more and more like hers. Feng couldn't help but caressed Yu Wan's cheek, her eyes filled with endearment: "My son's face is so beautiful no matter how beautiful it is!"

"Pfft... are you praising yourself?" Yu Wan couldn't help laughing.

Fengshi gave her a cute look.

“Okay, okay, I’ve been staying here for so long, and the guests outside haven’t left yet. Let’s go see your sister-in-law.” Mrs. Feng turned her away directly.

 “As ordered!” Yu Wan laughed at Feng and stood up and walked towards the bride.

Jiyue Pavilion, the courtyard is full of aura and full of spiritual plants. It is covered with red silk hanging everywhere. The red and green contrast with each other. It does not look out of place. Instead, it looks a bit more lively and fiery.

"Hello, Grandma Fourth Aunt." At the door, two maids in festive clothes saluted Yu Wan.

 “Well, open the door”.

 The two maids opened the door to Yu Wan respectfully: "Grandma Fourth Aunt, please."

 The voices of the two people rose a little higher, and they were even more joyful.

They are the maids of the patriarch’s wife in marriage. Who among the Li family doesn’t know that the fourth sister of the head of the Yu family is a member of the Mu clan, a new cultivating family in Jiuyou City.

For example, the Li family currently does not have a single Nascent Soul cultivator, and is only supported by a patriarch who is in the late Golden Core stage. With such a late Golden Core stage, the Li family still has a place in Jiuyou City.

 Don’t say that the Mu family has two Yuan Ying ancestors.

Today is their young lady’s big day. It’s such an honor for these fourth aunts to come to see their young lady in person. What a blessing it is to their young lady.

Seeing that the fourth aunt's grandma was as beautiful as a fairy, and did not have the bad temper of the powerful monk, they were all happy for their young lady, who had married the right woman.

Yu Wan didn't know that the two girls were already thinking a thousand times. She entered the wedding room and saw the bride sitting alone on the bed with a red hijab on her head.

Yu Wan shook her head. This girl was really calm. She thought that when she got married, she immediately took everything off her head as soon as she entered the new house. How could she sit obediently and wait for her husband to come back like this new sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, don't move. Brother is still with the guests. I'm just here to talk to you." Yu Wan saw that Li Yuling was about to get up, so she quickly went over and held her down gently.

Li Yuling was very scared and excited. Even though her fourth aunt's grandma was her husband's biological sister, she was also a great cultivator of Yuanying, so she actually put aside her status to accompany her.

The originally anxious heart felt strangely calmer now.

How could such a big Immortal Cultivating Family take her little Zhuji seriously and think that they would leave her here and forget about her.

"Thank you Fourth...Fourth Sister." Li Yuling originally wanted to call Fourth Aunt Grandma, but after a pause, Fourth Sister still shouted out, but she didn't know if Fourth Aunt Grandma would be angry.

Yu Wan moved the stool next to the table and sat next to Li Yuling before saying, "You're welcome, sister-in-law, if you need anything, you can tell me."

Li Yuling was very happy. She heard the tone of the fourth aunt's grandmother, who was approachable and without any airs. She hurriedly said: "The fourth sister is interested. There is nothing needed for the time being."

“Well, that’s okay. Brother should be back soon, and I have to go back too.” Yu Wan looked at her and saw that this elegant and elegant sister-in-law really didn’t need her here, so she stood up and left.

“Fourth sister, walk slowly,” Li Yuling’s clear voice sounded again.

 “Okay”, Yu Wan opened the curtain and went out.

"Grandma Si Gu, please walk slowly." The two maids sent each other off respectfully.

Yu Wan waved her hand, threw a pill bottle and walked out the door.

 In the evening, Yu Wan, Mu Jiuchen and his son waited for the guests to finish before returning to Mu Mansion.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, Mr. Mu sent someone to call Mu Jiuchen.

Yu Wan led her two sons back to the house.

“Mom, we heard today that many monks have disappeared inexplicably. Grandpa must have been talking about this when he called daddy.” Erbao said, lying on Yu Wan’s body.

 “Oh? Mom doesn’t know yet.”

Yu Wan frowned. The cloak had disappeared for a few years, and now he couldn't wait to come out and become a demon again.

This time I come back to the world of cultivating immortals, I am afraid that I will suffer disaster.

 Looks like we need to be prepared this time.

She said: "You two are usually not allowed to go out alone. Keep your spiritual pets and blood-eating monsters with you at all times."

 Speaking, he waved out four spirit beast bags, two treasures each.

Liangbao carefully hung up the spirit beast bag and nodded heavily at Yu Wan.

Dabao said: "Mom, don't worry, we have heard about the cruelty of the puppet man and will not go out alone. We don't want to become that kind of monster."

Yu Wan rubbed Liang Bao's head: "Well, it's good to know. That puppet is very fierce and only knows how to kill. Mom and dad are going to go out tomorrow, so you two can go and have a look."

In the past few years, the number of monsters in the Jiuyou Forest has gradually decreased. Yu Wan guessed that the cloaked man captured the monsters to refine the puppet. He will go to the Jiuyou Forest tomorrow to see what happens.

 When Liangbao heard that he could go out with his parents, Yu Wan's face kept chirping with joy.

 The next day, a family of four stood at the edge of Jiuyou Forest.

 “Let’s go”, Mu Jiuchen waved his hand, and the family of four entered the Jiuyou Forest.

After entering the Jiuyou Forest and wandering around for a long time, it turned out that there were very few monsters, let alone monks. There were none of the low-level monks, but there were a few high-level monks.

 (End of this chapter)

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