Chapter 431 Retreat

In this retreat, she not only wanted to break through in cultivation, but also cultivated her spiritual consciousness. Since her breakthrough in cultivation to the Nascent Soul stage, her spiritual consciousness has not been cultivated, and she has not cultivated the soul thorn.

Take advantage of this retreat to practice well.

Yu Wan sat cross-legged, scattered the spiritual stones around, and began to operate the technique.

 As the exercise proceeds, spiritual energy continues to flow into the body.

Gradually, Yu Wan’s breathing became even and long.

Three years have passed outside. Mr. Mu and Mr. Mu have come out of seclusion one after another. Mr. Mu’s cultivation has broken through to the perfection of the golden elixir. He only needs a few years of polishing to have a baby.

Uncle Mu successfully broke through the golden elixir, and the Mu clan also gained a golden elixir monk.

The two of them also took over the affairs of the clan after leaving seclusion, and Mu Jiuchen retired.

Mr. Mu and Mr. Mu also knew about the affairs of Mr. Mu and his family. Mr. Mu couldn't believe that his honest bad boy, his son, and his grandson would do such a shameful thing to his grandma's family.

Mr. Mu sat in the study and meditated for a long time, and asked Mr. Mu to invite Mr. Mu over.

 If this matter is not handled properly, it will sow the seeds of disaster for the clan.

I used to think that the second son was a little inflated, but I didn’t expect him to be so bold. Not only did he steal the clan’s spiritual stones, but he also used his position for personal gain.

The most unacceptable thing is that Jiang had an affair with Ming'er, which completely subverted his three views. How could his such a well-behaved and sensible grandson do this?

Second Master Mu was forcibly detained and brought before Mr. Mu by Uncle Mu.

Mr. Mu looked at the unshaven and slovenly second son in front of him with a gloomy face, and he felt very angry.

"You, look at what you are doing here, tell me what kind of messy things you are doing, how come you don't have more brains at your age, just have a heart. Your two unsatisfactory sons will just do whatever they want. Because of your stupidity..."

Second Master Mu lowered his head and allowed Old Master Mu to scold him. When Old Master Mu scolded him enough, he asked Uncle Mu to take Second Master Mu back and left him alone.

 It can be considered that I have completely given up on the second home.

Two more years passed.

At this time, Mu Jiuchen and his two sons were staying in Black Wind City, thousands of miles away from Jiuyou City.

There is a Batu Cave here, and Mu Jiuchen took two treasures to explore it. Of course, he left a message for Yu Wan before leaving. She had been in seclusion for five years and was about to leave.

Batu Caves is named after the black gas that emerges from under the cave all the year round. I heard that there is a large underground space under the cave, I don’t know how wide it is.

Although there is black air coming out all the year round, the black air cannot come out of the hole and is not harmful to the monks. Therefore, monks who go on expeditions gather in groups every day. Not many gain anything, and most of them return without success.

The father and son stayed for one night and set out for Batu Caves with the monks the next day.

 Half a day later, a group of people came to a huge mountain, and the Batu Caves were at the foot of the mountain.

Because there are monks coming and going here every day, some people have built several rows of houses in this valley, which are almost like a market.

The father and son looked up. The mountain was tall and stretched for hundreds of miles. There were lush trees on the mountain. There were many monks looking for elixirs or hunting monsters in the mountain.

 “Dad, let’s go in,” Dabao shouted after looking at it for a long time.

 “Okay”, Mu Jiuchen withdrew his consciousness and took his son to the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave is one foot wide and half a foot high. From the entrance, you can see the black mist lingering inside the cave, but the black mist never dissipates from the outside of the cave.

Mu Jiuchen secretly thought something magical, then turned to Liang Bao and said, "We must be careful when we go in. It doesn't seem dangerous, but we can't take it lightly."

 Liangbao nodded.

So Mu Jiuchen entered with two treasures.

 When they entered Yi Zhang, they entered the black mist.

Mu Jiuchen used his consciousness to observe. The black mist was just like the ordinary white mist. Except that it was black, there was nothing unusual about it.

There is a problem only if there is no abnormality. Mu Jiuchen held the two treasures and walked carefully.

 The other monks couldn't help but look at them when they saw how careful the father and son were.

 Haha, it’s the first time for these three people to look at their cautious expressions.

 But no one dared to laugh at them. Although the two younger ones were Xiao Zhuji, the older one was the Nascent Soul Lord.

The father and son followed the monks into the underground space. At this time, the black fog became thicker and even affected their spiritual consciousness.

The thicker the black mist becomes, the harder it is for spiritual consciousness to travel far.

"Don't let go of dad's hand." Mu Jiuchen held Er Bao, and Er Bao held Dabao. He had to free one hand to deal with emergencies.

"Huh? Do you feel that the black fog today is much thicker than before?" A monk was saying at this time.

“Well, when you tell me, it feels true. When I walked here before, my consciousness could still extend one foot, but now it’s only half a foot.”

"Then, let's go back. If something happens, we won't be able to escape." A female nun seemed a little scared, and she asked the monk next to her.

“It shouldn’t be anything, this Batu Caves have been like this for so many years.” Another person continued.

 “That’s right, let’s go a little further.”

The group of monks in front of Mu Jiuchen and his son noticed something unusual. They were all talking, and they also stopped to listen.

“Let’s follow them,” Mu Jiuchen sent a message to Liang Bao. These people had been here before, and if you followed them, you could hear something about the things inside the Batu Caves, and you wouldn’t get lost.

 Liangbao: "good".

So the father and son followed the people in front of them and walked here and there.

In the space, Yu Wan let out a long breath. After almost six years, she finally successfully advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

This retreat has been quite long. This is still outside time, and decades have passed in space.

 She spent a lot of time practicing spiritual consciousness and soul thorns, as well as some spells used in the Nascent Soul stage.

The spells unlocked in "Star Art" were probably related to her spiritual roots. There were three types that corresponded to her spiritual roots. After reading them, she perfected all three spells in space.

 One is a fire spell, which is actually an upgrade from the original fire spell, called a prairie fire. This spell is more than ten times more powerful than the fire rain spell.

 The person or object being attacked can be burned instantly, and the attack range is larger. Of course, the attack range can be controlled by yourself.

Another earth spell, this spell can be randomly transformed into different shapes when used to attack the opponent. For example, the stone rain spell can be turned into a stone arrow spell, or it can be turned into a boulder to attack the enemy. Of course, it can also be turned into a stone wall as a defense.

 Another wood spell, this time the one unlocked is a healing spell, which can be used for self-healing or assisting healing.

Although this spell is a bit useless, it can be used to heal injuries without elixirs.

 Although she has space, there are also unexpected times, so she has practiced to be prepared.

Monks are not afraid of being overwhelmed by too many skills, but they are afraid of not having enough skills.

In addition, there is her alchemy skill. She can make fifth-level elixirs as long as there are elixirs and elixirs.

 (End of this chapter)

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