The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 451: Liangyi Eight Sealing Formation

Chapter 451 Two Instruments and Eight Sealing Formations

The two of them were also searching in the ruins. Mu Jiuchen had extraordinary attainments in formations, so he paid attention to any fluctuations in the formations.

  However, some formations have no fluctuations at all, such as the concealment formation. If it is the highest level concealment formation, Mahayana monks may not be able to detect it.

 I'm afraid that Liangbao will fall into a place like this and be unable to get out.

 The two of them searched for it on the mountain for two days, but they found nothing despite digging three feet into the ground.

 The two of them were disappointed.

"Mu Jiuchen, let's go to that mountain and have a look." These mountains are all connected together. They found this place from the top of the mountain, and only the tail of the mountain is left. The tail of the mountain is a cliff, just an ordinary cliff.

 There were also monks coming down and coming up.

"Okay." Mu Jiuchen didn't have any hope, it didn't hurt to go and have a look anyway.

 The two of them also flew down the cliff like the monks.

 There is actually a valley under the cliff. Many monks came down and walked around for a while before flying away.

Mu Jiuchen felt that this valley was unusual.

 Although he had no idea what was unusual about it, he just felt it was unusual.

Trees in ordinary valleys grow haphazardly, but the trees here seem to be very regular.

 He was a mortal general in the secular world, leading troops and fighting in battles.

Mortals can also use formations. Those who set up the formation are not necessarily movable things. There are also such things that use fixed things to set up the formation.

Mu Jiuchen remained calm. He took Yu Wanfei to the mountain and sat on the edge of the cliff.

Looking at the bottom of the valley now, the trees are arranged in a trigram shape.

 Just because there is no spiritual energy fluctuation, the monks don't care much about it.

In the eyes of monks, mortal things will never appear in the world of immortality. Even if they are made by mortals, they can be destroyed by a burst of spiritual power.

Mortal things are absolutely vulnerable in the eyes of monks.

Kemu Jiuchen will not underestimate the things of mortals. Below is the two-ceremony and eight-sealing formation set up by mortals. As long as any one of the trees is moved, it is equivalent to activating the formation, and the Bagua (two rituals) of the formation will operate, and the two rituals will generate four images, and the four images will generate the Bagua, and so on.

 At this time, wherever there was still a simple Liangyi Bagua array, countless Liangyi Bagua arrays had already been formed.

If the two treasures come in and have no intention of activating the formation, they are still in the golden elixir stage and have no ability to escape from the formation. It is unknown where they are trapped by the formation or where they are teleported.

 When it gets dark, they will go down and find out.

Mu Jiuchen took a deep breath. I don’t know which genius formation master came up with this formation.

How could any monk think that this is a formation used in the world?

Yu Wan saw that he had been looking at the bottom of the valley, and knew that he must have discovered something, so she did not rush him, and the two of them just sat quietly on the cliff.

Some monks came over and just looked at them curiously, and the two of them were Nascent Soul Stage monks. They were nothing outside the Yuanying Stage, but they were masters in the secret realm.

No one above the Nascent Soul stage can come to this kind of secret realm, and it would be a waste of time to come.

Finally, when it was late in the evening and no one came over, Mu Jiuchen picked up Yu Wan and jumped down to the bottom of the valley, flew towards the center of the Bagua Array and stood still.

Mu Jiuchen glanced at the big tree in front of him. This tree was the only one that grew straight. He said to Yu Wan, "Wan'er, hold me tight and don't let go. I want to pull out a tree."

Yu Wan didn't know what he was going to do, so she just cooperated, so she nodded, stretched out her arms and hugged him from behind.

Mu Jiuchen put his hands on the tree, channeled his spiritual power into his palms, and pulled out the tree with force, and the tree was uprooted. But at this moment, the originally normal valley suddenly flashed with light, one white and one black, and then the ground quickly began to rotate.

"Wan'er, don't move." When Mu Jiuchen saw this, he secretly thought that it was indeed the case, so he immediately told Yu Wan not to move. Let's see where this formation will send them.

Yu Wan is not stupid and will definitely not try to sabotage him. She hugged him tightly.

At this time, the formation has been spinning silently, spinning faster and faster, and the scene at the bottom of the valley is no longer the valley seen during the day, but a mist. In the fog, countless whirlpool-like Bagua formations are rotating at extremely fast speeds. rotation speed.

The two of them were trapped in the formation without any resistance, and they were already knocked unconscious.

Suddenly, the piece of Bagua where the two of them were standing suddenly flashed another bright light.

A bright light flashed and the two people disappeared.

 When the two people disappeared, the formation in the valley immediately stopped, and the fog disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  When everything stopped, the valley was exactly the same as it was during the day. The tree that Lian Mu Jiuchen pulled out was still there, just as it was before it was pulled out.

 The whole process was too fast, less than ten breaths, as if nothing had happened here at all.

Just as the light flashed by, the two of them were sucked away by a strong force, and they fainted completely at that time.

When the two of them woke up leisurely, they were in a cave, and there was still the sound of water dripping in the cave.

 It also dripped on them.

Mu Jiuchen picked up Yu Wan as soon as he woke up and checked that there was no injury, and then they took a look at this place.

This cave is six feet high and three feet wide, and looks like a hole dug by humans.

The spiritual energy in the cave is very thin, damp and overgrown with weeds.

The place where they were sitting was as if they had suddenly appeared there, and the surrounding weeds had not been touched.

Mu Jiuchen understood that they were sent here by the Liangyi Bagua array, which was like a teleportation array. Of course, they appeared here directly when they appeared.

“Wan’er, just stand still while I burn the weeds in the hole.”

Yu Wan nodded.

Mu Jiuchen summoned the phoenix fire and threw it at the weeds. Suddenly, the cave was filled with fire. In a few breaths, the weeds in the cave were burned away. Moreover, the cave was no longer wet, and the sound of dripping water disappeared. It's also very dry.

Mu Jiuchen took back the phoenix fire, and the two of them walked towards the other end of the cave.

 At the end, there is a large stone cave with countless sealed stone chambers.

When the two of them saw the stone chamber, they first felt that someone was imprisoned or a treasure was inside.

 But it is unlikely that the baby will be there, because the aura here is too thin and not suitable for the baby.

 The baby should be placed in a place with strong spiritual energy to keep it for a long time.

"Mu Jiuchen, let's open a stone chamber and have a look?" Yu Wan said. As soon as she saw the stone chamber, her curiosity was aroused.

Mu Jiuchen nodded. She asked Yu Wan to stand behind him. He stood in front of the stone chamber and used his spiritual power to strike out with a palm.

 “Boom.” With a loud noise, the stone chamber burst.

"No, Wan'er, retreat quickly." After the stone chamber burst, a swarm of poisonous bees flew out. Mu Jiuchen retreated while swiping out the blood-eating demonic insects.

 “Buzz buzz…”

The poisonous bees as big as a human head screamed happily when they saw the blood-devouring demonic insects. Even Mu Jiuchen stopped chasing them and rushed into the group of blood-devouring demonic insects, devouring each other with the blood-devouring demonic insects.

Mu Jiuchen flew to Yu Wan's side and immediately raised a defensive shield to wrap the two of them, and Yu Wan also used her blood-eating monster insect.

 (End of this chapter)

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