Chapter 455 found

 The two quickly checked the storage bags and storage rings.

When she saw the corpses in the storage bag, Yu Wan threw them directly into the black earth. If these corpses were taken out and buried, they would also pollute the land. The corpses were full of poison.

 The spirit beast bag was full of blood-eating demonic insects, and Yu Wan let them out.

It was then that she realized that there were only fifty-five of the more than two thousand blood-eating demonic insects left, which made her heartache again.

 She finally managed to reach level 4, but she failed so many times.

The two of them finally cleaned the ring. It contained various venoms, and Yu Wan kept them all.

There is also a poison book with dozens of jade slips about poisons.

Countless spiritual stones, countless pill bottles, countless identity tokens, countless spells, magic weapons, spiritual treasures, and countless jade boxes, all of which are filled with elixirs.

Another jade box contains countless jade slips.

 There are also countless vestments for men and women.

The two of them were shocked when they saw these things. How many monks had been captured by this man? The storage bag was full of corpses. There was not a single zombie. There must be countless zombies outside.

 The two of them put their things in the treasure pavilion before they found space.

 There are still zombies outside and they must be eliminated.

The man in black robe has been eliminated, and the zombies will no longer be controlled by others. It is estimated that a zombie war will occur.

So the two of them searched separately.

Sure enough, in the underground dungeon, countless zombies were biting and devouring each other.

 The scene was brutal and bloody.

The two of them released blood-eating demonic insects to devour the zombies. Mu Jiuchen cast a fire tornado, and Yu Wan threw a thunder-attribute talisman. Most of the zombies were wiped out in a short time.

Although some zombies are powerful, the two of them used the zombie's nemesis, and they were able to defeat the zombies in a few swipes.

Originally, Yu Wan wanted to keep the powerful zombie, but she thought that zombies feed on flesh and blood. If she couldn't control herself and ran out to harm people in the future, then she would be a sinner.

 Finally everything was sorted out.

 The two of them packed up the battlefield and came to the big stone room.

Yu Wan collected the corpses in the small stone houses in the big stone house and threw them into the black earth. He also took away the cauldron of the man in black robe. It was still a spiritual treasure. Even if it was not used, it could be exchanged for spiritual stones in the future.

Yu Wan put the cauldron away, revealing a teleportation array underneath.

“Mu Jiuchen, there is a teleportation array here.”

Mu Jiuchen was looking for the teleportation array everywhere. When he heard Yu Wan's voice, he quickly flew back and stepped forward to see that it was indeed it.

“This old guy is so cunning.” Mu Jiuchen waved his hand to clear away the dust, revealing a clear teleportation array.

“You are so cunning, who would have thought that the teleportation array is under this cauldron.”

“Whatever, Wan’er, let’s go out. There is no Dabao or the others here. They must be in another place. This secret realm is not simple.”

Yu Wan nodded. Anyone who dared to take the name of the Divine Medicine Sect was not from a small sect.

 She took out the spirit stone, activated the formation, and left the space.

 In the secret realm, the two treasures were not found after searching for several days. The two planned to search the ruins again. If there was still no one, they would leave the secret realm.

When Yu and Wan teleported out, they were accidentally teleported to the ruins. They happened to be seen by the two treasures who came to look for them, and they flew over quickly.

 “Mom, dad, mom, dad…” Liang Bao shouted.

 “Big treasure and two treasures?” When the two heard the voice, their consciousness swept away and they were indeed the two treasures who had changed their appearance.

 “Father and mother.”

“Two great treasures.” Yu Wan and the others moved over, each holding a son.

"Where have you been? Make it easy for parents to find you." Yu Wan patted Dabao on the back and asked him, almost making her burst into tears.

“Mom, let’s find a place to talk.”


 A family of four flew down the mountain and entered space in a hidden place.

In the space, Liang Bao briefly and comprehensively talked about their experiences over the years.

Mu Jiuchen also talked about what happened when they entered the secret realm.

“Huh, there are still such evil cultivators.” The two treasures couldn’t stop sighing after hearing this. Fortunately, they hadn’t gone there yet, otherwise the consequences would have been unpredictable.

"Oh, by the way, parents, you should also go and see if you can trigger that inheritance channel. The inheritance of this Divine Medicine Sect comes from ancient times, and the things in that inheritance are indeed much more advanced than those in the current world of immortality." Dabao suggested.

 The alchemy skills he inherited have indeed been of great use to him, and he can make a copy of this for his mother in the future.

Mother can receive the talisman inheritance, and father can receive the formation or weapon refining inheritance.

 It’s a pity that one person can only accept the inheritance once and can only choose one.

Mu Jiuchen and Yu Wan looked at each other, and they were a little moved by Dabao's suggestion. They had never entered the sect system to study, and they had to explore everything on their own.

If they can also inherit and have the opportunity to be sent back to the Mu and Yu tribes in the future, why worry about the two tribes not being able to grow stronger.

“Do you remember the specific location?” Mu Jiuchen asked.

Liangbao nodded: "Remember."

 “Okay, let’s go now.”

Yu Wan also agreed. It happened that her talismans needed to be improved. They were all jade slips left by Huang Qiuying. She put them together from the southeast to the northwest. It is not comprehensive, but they are all commonly used in the world of immortality.

If you can accept the inheritance, there are one or two particularly powerful ones, and when you fight in the future, you won't be as ineffective as before.

 The family came out of the space just at night.

At night in the secret realm, everything was quiet, and no one could see their fingers, of course without using their consciousness. Only the slight breeze caressed their cheeks.

The four of them came to the ruins. Liangbao flew towards the place where they triggered the teleportation channel, and Yu and Wan followed behind.

 After a long time, the two treasures stopped.

 “Mom and dad, this is right here.” Dabao said, pointing to a piece of ruins.

Yu Wan looked around and saw that this place was no different from other ruins. How to trigger it?

Yu Wan was deep in thought, and she asked Liang Bao: "Did you use anything here at the time? Or were you just walking here?"

 As soon as Liangbao heard it, he immediately recalled it.

“Oh, mom and dad, we were sitting here healing our wounds.” Dabao said.

Yu Wan seemed to understand. It was probably because her elixir was of higher quality than ordinary elixirs and the aura radiated out touched her.

Does this inheritance still have wisdom?

Yu Wan had no intention of thinking about that. She took out a fifth-level elixir from the space and crushed it. The elixir fluttered in the wind.

Suddenly, two circles of light suddenly appeared in the ruins, and before Yu Wan and Mu Jiuchen could react, they swept her and Mu Jiuchen away.

 Only two treasures were left stunned in place. It turns out that triggering the inheritance channel requires a medium.

How can their mother be so smart!

 Let’s say that when Yu Wan and Mu Jiuchen were thrown into a secret room by the teleportation channel, they were so dizzy that he quickly sat down cross-legged and started to use his skills.

 After half a stick of incense, the two stood up.

This is a large stone room with countless doors in front of him. The doors are marked with alchemy, weapon refining, formations, talismans, and beast control...

 (End of this chapter)

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