The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 489: Secrets of the year

Chapter 489 The Secret of the Year

 The ancestor in black returned to the back mountain and called several other ancestors together.

 Among all the ancestors, the female ancestor Guan Yi is the strongest. Her strength is much better than that of the Mahayana monks.

She pondered for a long time, glanced at the ancestors with her beautiful eyes and said: "We are afraid that our plan will not go smoothly, so we should stop it for the time being."

 The other six ancestors nodded. Witch medicine was the basis for their survival. The roots were broken. No matter how capable they were, they could still outdo the great monks in the entire spiritual world.

They, the Wu Clan, were fully prepared to go out and fight with the few in front of them with live ammunition, and the strength of seven more Mahayana would be of no use.

 Some large sects have so many Mahayana monks, and they are really powerful.

 Without witch medicine, going out will undoubtedly be like hitting a stone with an egg.

One of the ancestors thought for a while and said: "Then I don't know when the ancestor's revenge will be avenged."

The black-clothed ancestor said: "We can't let everyone go to die, right? Are we afraid of not having firewood to burn even though the green hills are still there?"

Another ancestor sighed and said: "What Heizi said is that the ancestor's revenge must be avenged. If he hadn't saved the last members of our Wu Clan back then, I was afraid that the Wu Clan would have been wiped out."

"I won't talk about what happened back then. Let's first let the clan open a remote place to grow elixirs. This time Heizi will watch and don't let anything happen again." Guan Yi said, if it weren't for the ancestors who had to rule the entire spiritual world. , so much so that the Witch Clan was almost wiped out.

Although that battle did not lead to a century-old war, it was not a small war. The Mahayana monks in the spiritual world defeated the Wu clan at that time, and there were countless casualties on both sides.

Guan Yi doesn't like to cause further turmoil, but the legacy of her ancestors is there, and she doesn't have the final say alone.

 So, if you can support me, it’s best to support me until you forget this lesson.

 The ancestor in black nodded.

This high-level discussion ended like this.

“Heizi, you stay.” Just when everyone dispersed, Guan Yi left behind the ancestor in black.

The ancestor in black stayed behind. After the other five people left, Guan Yi waved his hand and set up a barrier.

 She asked the black-clothed ancestor to sit down.

After the black-clothed ancestor restarted, he frowned and said, "What's going on with Aunt Yi?"

Guan Yi said: "Pay attention to Xiaguan Town. He always wants to go out and die when he goes out. He is afraid of bringing disaster to the Wu clan. Such a big thing that happened to the clan this time is not an accident."

The ancestor in black said: "Guan Zhen always wants to go out not for revenge. He is similar to the ancestor back then. This person is a trouble."

"So keep an eye on him. You can even destroy him at the critical moment. The Wu Clan can no longer withstand the wind and rain."

 The Wu Clan is like this mountain in the sea, it may be destroyed at any time.

Although in the secular world, not all people have come to find him.

Guan Yi looked at the plants and trees in the Wu clan worriedly.

 Can't you put down your ambition and practice peace of mind to ascend to the immortal world?

Isn’t that delicious?

The black-clothed ancestor nodded and the two of them dispersed.

In the space, Yu Wan brought Elder Dan in front of her.

During these days that Elder Dan was trapped, he couldn't get out of here despite all his efforts. When she figured out that this might be the legendary life space, she gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

beat? Can you beat the space master?

 There is nothing we can do even if the gods come.

 “Elder Dan.”

Elder Dan glanced at Yu Wan and said calmly: "If you want to know about the Wu Clan, I advise you not to ask."

Yu Wan: "You are overthinking. I am not interested in the affairs of your witch clan. I left you here to help me plant and refine witch medicine. Of course, you have two choices, one is to obey, the other is to die."

Elder Dan was stunned for a moment, and after a while he said: "I choose the latter."

The Witch Clan has too many secrets, and this female cultivator is not a simple person at first glance. If one day he leaks the secrets of the Witch Clan, it would be a shame for him to die, but the Witch Clan will be beyond redemption.

 In fact, Elder Dan had a misunderstanding. Yu Wan was already in their witch clan. If he could be kidnapped without anyone noticing, would the witch clan be safe?

Yu Wan nodded. There was no use keeping such a single-minded idiot.

 She then killed Elder Dan with a soul thorn and took off his storage ring.

Like Elder Dan, none of the other people chose to live. Yu Wan had no intention of hiding and killed them all.

 It is impossible to expose things in space. If it is not used by her, she will die.

 The most important thing is that they are all witch cultivators. What if they get out of trouble and hurt their son?

There is no absolute thing in the world. Although the chance of this is small, it may happen if her soul is harmed.

After Yu Wan collected all the people's belongings, she threw their bodies directly on the black earth. After a while, only a pile of clothes was left, and she burned them again.

 After handling everything, Yu Wan took Elder Dan's storage ring and rummaged through it with her spiritual consciousness. There were books and jade slips inside. She took it out and looked for it, and found out that there was indeed a recipe for witch medicine.

 She looked at the elixir recipes carefully, and as expected, only witchcraft could be refined. She also stopped studying the witchcraft elixir recipes.

 But it’s good to have a comprehensive understanding.

Anyway, she plundered the things belonging to the clan leader and Elder Dan. There were a lot of antidotes to the witch medicine in them, so she could keep herself safe.

Every day after that, Yu Wan would go out to do things at night, which annoyed the clan leader so much that he made his head grow bigger. Finally, he asked Guan Yi to come out.

It's useless for Guan Yi to come out. She monitors the entire space with her consciousness twelve hours a day, but she can't find anyone, and people are attacked or stolen every night.

 Guan Yi got so angry that she wanted to abandon this place and give it to that person.

 It’s a pity that they really have nowhere to go.

 10,000 to 20,000 people did not just leave.

This went on for half a year. Yu Wan felt that it was almost done, so she opened the barrier and left without warning.

The moment she opened the barrier, she was discovered by Guan Yi, who struck her with a palm.

 She felt that someone was hit, but she was directly knocked out of the barrier with her palm.

After Yu Wan was kicked out of the barrier by Guan Yi, she fell far away and then fell into the sea with a "bang".

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… the strength of the Mahayana period is different.” If she hadn’t had the divine clothes on her body, she would have been chopped into pieces.

After Guan Yi felt that someone had been hit, she dodged and followed him out, searching everywhere with her consciousness.

 She saw a strange scene.

 At the moment Yu Wan fell into the sea.

Something obviously fell into the sea, but you couldn't see what it was. By the time Guan Yi teleported to the sea, everything was calm.

Guan Yi stayed there for a long time, but Yu Wan had already entered the space.

There was movement in the water, so the moment she fell into the sea, she had already entered space.

Let you Guan Yi stay until the end of time, and the sea will dry up and the stone will rot, while she, Yu Wan, can practice leisurely and contentedly in the space.

 Occasionally, I went to visit the God Realm, and when I saw something in need, I took the sheep.

 (End of this chapter)

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