Chapter 493: Star Soul Jue

Yu Wan chose to consolidate her cultivation in space. After it was consolidated, her consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and saw her two identical souls. This was a sign of the distraction period.

 Being divided is when the soul is divided into two or more, and she chooses to divide one.

  What are the benefits of distraction? It can be said that distraction has many benefits. In terms of life-saving alone, when a monk only has one soul, if the fallen soul will be completely dissipated, there is no possibility of rebirth under such circumstances.

 If there are two souls, and one dies and the other is still alive, then you can continue to live.

This situation is when the body is still there. If the body is no longer there, then the only option is to reshape the body or seize the body. Most of the time, seizing the body is used.

In addition, the divided soul can also be attached to the magic weapon used by oneself, so that the magic weapon can be used as if it were used by the main body. When fighting against the enemy, the survival of the fittest will be revealed.

 It's just that the newly separated soul is still relatively weak and needs to be cultivated.

 When the two souls have been cultivated to the same level or higher than their cultivation level, then the two souls will merge into one and the soul will be more powerful.

 If you cast the soul spell under such circumstances, the attack power will be doubled.

 So the split soul is the most suitable for Yu Wan's soul stab.

Yu Wan was distracted for a long time before she looked at what was unlocked in "Star Judgment".

After reading it, it turned out that "Star Art" unlocked a skill for cultivating the soul, "Xing Soul Art".

 "Star Soul Jue" can absorb spiritual power to strengthen the soul, but the speed is very slow. Then there is the ability to absorb the power of the stars to practice, which is twice as fast as spiritual power.

 The fastest way to absorb other people's souls to practice is the fastest.

Yu Wan’s first thought was to use the soul of a monster. She was not so cruel as the soul of a monk. She would kill people and take souls to cultivate the soul.

There is a very good technique in "Star Soul Jue", which is to refine the soul and refine all the original memories of the soul. After you absorb the soul and practice it, there will be no sequelae.

Each soul has its own memory. If it is not refined and you absorb this soul, the memory in this soul will be stored in your own memory. If you have too many memories, it is easy for the memories to be crossed and confused, thus affecting your own memory. .

There are many monks who suddenly go crazy, sometimes thinking it is him (her), and sometimes thinking it is not him (her). Most cases like this are caused by memory confusion.

Supernatural powers and the like are no longer unlocked. Yu Wan estimates that they will only be unlocked when he breaks through to human immortality, and what will appear then will be immortal magic.

 After reading it, Yu Wan’s consciousness left the space and started to run "Star Soul Art".

With "Star Soul Jue", the strands of star power in the immortal energy poured into the sea of ​​consciousness. The two souls in the sea of ​​consciousness absorbed the power of the stars. Yu Wan felt that the weak soul was gradually getting stronger.

Although it is very slow, if you practice every day, after a few decades, your soul will be able to balance or even surpass your cultivation.

 The soul is still weak, so Yu Wan insists on cultivating the soul and accumulating cultivation, and so on for several decades.

At this time, Yu Wan's two divided souls stopped at the late stage of the distraction period. She did not stop until they exceeded their cultivation level.

 The use of soul stabs at this level is lethal. The two souls merge into one, making it even more powerful.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it is of no use against the immortal soul of the immortal. It is simply like a worm shaking a tree.


Yu Wan stretched. She stood up and stretched her muscles. After sitting for decades, her body was a little stiff.

 It’s really true that the higher your cultivation level, just retreating into seclusion is equivalent to half a mortal’s life.

"Are you ready?" Mu Jiuchen opened the door and asked.

 “Well, that’s almost it. What about you?”

“I’m almost done, and I’m going to take on the sect’s mission.” The mission hall had urged him several times.

 “Where to go to do the task?”

"The Fairyland is the border with the demon world. All major sect disciples in the fairy world and the Immortal Cultivating Family will send their disciples to guard the border. We, the disciples of the Immortal Spirit Sect, have to guard each realm for a hundred years. Before, I cultivated Because Gao Zongmen has no request, I must go now."

“Oh, let’s all go, we’ll stay in the space, you can take it with you.”

"Okay." A hundred years was too long, and he was worried about leaving mother and son in the sect.

Mu Jiuchen went to the mission hall and cleaned up when he came back.

 In fact, there is nothing to take care of. The most important thing is to take care of Yu Wan and her son.

There is a teleportation array to go to the Immortal Demon Plain in the sect. After Mu Jiuchen went to the teleportation hall to show his identity jade token and mission token, the management disciple opened the formation and sent him there.

As soon as he left, Xin'er also came to the teleportation hall. The disciple complained in his heart, why didn't he come earlier and teleport together without wasting his immortal stone.

Mu Jiuchen didn't know that Lian Xin'er had already followed him. He left the teleportation array and came to the reporting office. He showed his identity jade badge and mission token, and took a look in front of a mirror at the door as the administrator asked. The portrait was the same as Mu Jiuchen's before he was registered.

This fairy weapon is a mirror that reflects demons. The essence of the demon is that demons will appear, and demons will manifest demons.

 This is mainly to prevent monsters from entering and destroying the barrier.

 After the administrator confirmed that it was correct, he obtained an access token for him, distributed the mission section, a room to live in, and the things he needed to complete the mission before sending him in.

Mu Jiuchen secretly sighed that this defense was very strict.

 After finding his own residence, he went to the Xianling Sect's station to report.

The disciples there arranged a group for him, gave him another jade slip, and asked him to start performing the task tomorrow.

 Let's gather here tomorrow. Mu Jiuchen took it and went back.

 When he returned to his residence, he took out the jade slip and looked at it. It detailed what he had to do every day.

 It means entering the barrier to patrol for four hours every day. The time is arranged by the elders stationed in the area.

 The rest of the time is free time.

 In free time, you can kill demons in the barrier, go out, and practice.

There is a large market a hundred miles away from here. Behind the market is a very broad mountain range. Monks can come here to hunt fairy beasts and collect fairy medicine in their free time.

One hundred years without seclusion is still a long time, so naturally you can earn some immortal stones for your own cultivation.

 After getting familiar with everything, Mu Jiuchen activated the formation and started practicing.

 I wanted to enter the space, but there were many monsters and monsters here, so he couldn't be careless.

  Tomorrow, he will go out after patrolling, go to the mountains, and then let the mother and son out.

 The next day, Mu Jiuchen got ready, put away the formation, and came to the station.

 There are already many disciples of the Xianling Sect staying there.

 The patrol team is a group of ten people, regardless of gender or cultivation level, ten people can enter the barrier.

 To open the enchantment, you can use your own entry and exit token.

“Hey, what a coincidence, Junior Brother Mu?” Lian Xin’er appeared next to him in a flash.

Mu Jiuchen frowned, what was this haunting woman going to do?

 (End of this chapter)

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