The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 536: Jiuhua Immortal Emperor

Chapter 536 Jiuhua Immortal Emperor

Thinking about this level, Yu Wan was not confident, and the possibility of failure was relatively high.

However, she can still come in again if she fails.

So Yu Wan began to refine the Lingbao Flying Sword that she was still refining.

 Flying swords are the easiest to refine among all magic weapons.

As she thought, the refining failed three times and was teleported out of the Tower of Babel.

When she opened her eyes and stood firm and found that she was in the forest, she smiled. This Tower of Babel is really very humane. The teleportation is also random. Others will not know how many floors you have reached and will not worry about running out of spiritual power. Some monks were robbing.

Yu Wan took a deep breath. Although the test in the Tower of Babel was harsh, her gains were not small. She learned all the skills of cultivating immortality that she had not learned before.

 Especially her magic.

As the saying goes, having many skills does not overwhelm the body. The road to immortality is long and long. It is not bad to find something to do in this boring cultivation.

Maybe it will be useful one day.

This time Yu Wan did not rush to break into the Babel Tower, but slipped into the space to make amends.

 The tests on the sixth and seventh levels should be about talismans and formations. The talismans are okay, which is her strength, but the formation can be said to be a combination of seven apertures and six apertures.

Yu Wan went to see her sons first. Their souls were almost restored, and it would probably take them a few days to wake up.

Seeing her sons like this, Yu Wan felt very uncomfortable. Her good and handsome son was tortured like this by the Thousand Swordsman, and she wanted to skin that **** Lord God.

Yu Wan gently touched the faces of the two children and said softly: "Dabao and Erbao, mother will definitely avenge you."

Yu Wan fed them some divine soul liquid and sat there for a long time before returning to the training room.

  Took out the three storage spaces that I had taken out from that **** man Shangshen.

All three of them were simple in appearance, and they were not ordinary at first glance. She picked up a piece of divine consciousness and entered it. After reading it, she couldn't help but want to laugh. As expected, they were all filled with artifacts, divine pills, and divine stones... The piles of treasures dazzled her.

 The Lord God is the Lord God. It is estimated that the most precious and cherished things in the entire world are with him.

It can only be said that he is arrogant. If such a precious thing is placed in a storage space, is there no one here to stroke his beard?

They say that a cunning rabbit only has three burrows. He is worse than a rabbit.

 The second dimension ring contained mostly his daily necessities, which she planned to sell in the God Realm in the future.

It's a pity to throw away the things that **** man used. She can sell a lot of sacred stones. Anyway, one day she will be able to use the sacred stones. Wouldn't it be delicious instead of the sacred stones?

The third one turned out to be the small space where Yu Haoran and the others were imprisoned. There was also the building of Jiuyou Trading Company inside.


Yu Wan laughed happily. This time the **** Lord lost his wife and his troops.

 The whole family's fortune was taken care of by him.

There are a lot of things in this small space, and they are all exquisite.

Fortunately, they escaped. If he had been caught, he would have died miserably.

However, this small space can give you two treasures. Although the level is not as high as her space, it is still a life space and can save lives in critical moments.

Yu Wan found a top-quality artifact to protect the soul and replaced the one in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if her body is destroyed in this way, her spirit will still be there and she will not die.

Of course the space is invisible in her soul, and the world gate is also in the space.

 This ensures nothing goes wrong.

 She will not be placed outside like the Lord God.

Yu Wan took out all the jade slips and other items collected by the Lord God and put them in a separate place. They wouldn't use them now. They would take a look at them when they need them later.

 When all his things were sorted, he started to refine weapons and learn formations.

 The formation will definitely be tested, and what she needs most is these jade slips for cultivating immortals and various arts.

In the fairy world, Mu Jiuchen just came back from outside that day, and his neighbor next door, the Immortal Yaoju, came to see him.

“Immortal Jiuchen, are you there?”

Mu Jiuchen saw that it was him in his consciousness, so he opened a formation to let him in.

"Is the Immortal Yaoju so free today?" Mu Jiuchen motioned for him to sit down and immediately poured him tea.

 The Immortal who lives far away usually comes here to have tea when he has free time. The tea comes from Wan'er's space, has a great taste, and also contains immortal power.

 Because of this, the two families became friends.

The Taoist couple Fairy Furong and Yu Wan who live far away from the fairy are also considered good friends. They usually go out hunting and collecting fairy medicine together as two families.

Fairy Furong is a beautiful and gentle person. She has never disliked Yu Wan, who is not yet a fairy. She likes her very much and treats her like her sister.

Yu Wan also secretly likes this gentle and gentle fairy sister.

It is a pity that they have no children. Yu Wanchang lamented that if they had a child, based on their good looks, the child they would give birth to would be so magnificent.

However, in Yu Wan's heart, no other child can be as good as her son.

Yaoju sat down and took a sip of tea and sighed: "People in our realm have a lot of free time. Hey, where are my brothers and sisters?"

 “She went into seclusion to prepare for a breakthrough.”

“Oh, it’s time for a breakthrough. By the way, the Jiuhua Immortal Emperor is holding an auction in his Jiuhua Palace. Do you want to go and take a look?”

"Jiuhua Palace." Mu Jiuchen knew that the Jiuhua Immortal Emperor was a loose immortal who had a good reputation. He had nothing to do anyway, so he might as well go and have a look.

 “Are you going too?”

Immortal Yaoju nodded: "My cultivation has been stuck in the middle stage of immortality for too long recently. Let's go and see if we can take pictures of immortal objects that can help us break through."

The Immortal Yaoju didn't hide it either. He knew that Mu Jiuchen was a rare person with good character.

 “Okay, you can call me when the time comes.”


 The two of them drank tea for a long time before they parted ways.

On the third day, the couple who lived far away came to call Mu Jiuchen. Mu Jiuchen packed up and followed the two of them to fly towards Jiuhua Immortal Palace.

 Arrived outside the fairy palace, the little fairy welcomed the three of them in.

 The three of them went into the main hall and took a look around. They saw that there were many people coming, including several Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings.

 The three of them sat down at a table in the corner.

Mu Jiuchen looked at it like a palace banquet, not an auction. Of course, it was his first time seeing this kind of event, and he didn't know if it was an auction.

As soon as they sat down, fairies brought them fairy fruits and poured fairy wine.

Mu Jiuchen smelled the fairy brew, and the taste was incomparable to Wan'er's brew.

The same goes for those fruits. Any one he took out from his storage space would look better than these.

The couple who lived far away saw that Mu Jiuchen didn't move, and they didn't move either.

 The three of them just sat quietly and waited.

More people came one after another to the main hall, and when it was almost full, an immortal wearing a purple gold crown and a handsome appearance flew over.

  Many fairies’ eyes were straightened, what a handsome Jiuhua Immortal Emperor.

Even Fairy Furong took a second look.

He flew to the main seat, stood there and glanced at the main hall, then closed the hall door with a wave of his hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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