The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 577: The soul tester is here

Chapter 577 The soul tester is here

 Hand the stall owner to exchange the soul stone in one hand and the soul talisman in the other.

Yu Wan took the soul talisman and put it into the space, and continued shopping.

 After buying some things she liked, Yu Wan left the city.

 She came to a deserted place and took out one of each of the five soul talismans.

Just when she was about to try the soul talisman, there were several breaths approaching in the distance.

Yu Wan raised her lips, the person testing the soul talisman is here.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, four male soul cultivators landed around her.

"Hehe... As expected, you are still a beauty. The beauty will keep your soul stone and have fun with our brothers. From now on, you will stay with our brothers, otherwise~" One of them is older and has a long hair. The man who was a little against the rules smiled lewdly.

Yu Wan raised her eyebrows. They were still disgusting things, just right.

She poured her soul power into the soul talisman, and with a flick of her consciousness, the four soul talismans greeted the four people directly.

The four of them did not expect that the woman would start fighting without saying a word. They immediately flew away, sacrificed their Horcruxes, and attacked Yu Wan.

Yu Wan ducked away with a flash of consciousness and watched from the side invisibly.

The four people were shocked when they saw Yu Wan suddenly disappearing. Knowing that they were facing a tough challenge today, the four of them went all out to use the four soul talismans.

 I saw the four soul talismans turning into a fire bird and flying towards one person.

 A piece of paper turns into a ball of fire and burns on the spot.

 One piece turned into countless vines and wrapped around a person.

 The other one turned into a sharp arrow and attacked the sea of ​​consciousness.

 The four cards were particularly harmful to the fire bird, and entangled a soul cultivator, leaving the soul cultivator with only the power to parry, without the ability to fight back.

Yu Wan guessed that it should be a fifth-level soul talisman.

 The lowest level is the fire talisman, which burns for more than ten breaths and then goes out.

The sharp arrow missed the target and was dodged. However, the sharp arrow shot out hit the mountain behind, causing the mountain to collapse instantly.

It can be seen that this power is so great. If it explodes in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of a person, will the person still have a brain?

But the one that turned into a vine tied a man tightly, and the man couldn't break free.

That Zhang Yuwan was probably at the fourth level. There was light flowing on the transformed vines, but the more the person struggled, the light on it became weaker.

 After understanding the functions and attack power of these soul talismans, Yu Wan was thinking of using them on Tao cultivators. They had absolutely no power to resist.

Fairy power and soul power are two different kinds of power. Fairy power cannot break soul power. Only when it is much stronger than soul power can it be broken violently.

Yu Wan now looked at the four people. Two of them were restrained, and the other two were on guard but did not go to help.

 At this time, she quickly sent out twenty soul thorns, attacking four people respectively.


  When the two controlled people were hit, Yu Wan muttered something silently.



 Two screams were heard, and the two men returned to the west.

The other two people ran away, and when they saw that the two people were dead, they ran away in fear.

Yu Wan did not pursue them. Once those two people died, the soul talisman almost exhausted its soul power and then disappeared.

She took off the soul rings of the two dead people and threw their bodies into the black earth. Within ten seconds, only two pieces of clothing were left, and those clothes were burned by Yu Wan's soul fire.

 After that, Yu Wan found a place to enter the space. She first went to Soul Vein Mountain to carve out dozens of acres of land and planted all the soul medicines.

 Then count the things you bought today.

After counting, she checked the jade slips she bought one by one, and then began to practice the soul skills.

These soul techniques are useless in the soul world, but in the fairy world they are invisible techniques for killing people.

Yu Wan does not dislike Shao.

 She learned some defensive and offensive spells.

This cultivation space lasted for ten years, and she did not stop leaving seclusion until her soul could no longer cultivate.

"Wan'er." As soon as he came out, he saw Mu Jiuchen sitting alone under the Wudao tea tree.

Yu Wan went over, sat directly in his arms, raised her head and looked at him: "Is your cultivation about to break through?"

Mu Jiuchen kissed her lips and said, "It's still early, don't be in a hurry, tell me what you gained?"

Yu Wan said oh, and then briefly told what she had done in the soul world a few days ago.

“Oh, by the way, let’s go take a look at those soul potions.”


Yu Wan's consciousness moved, and the two men appeared on the Soul Mountain.

 “It’s grown so well.”

 The soul medicine planted ten years ago is now a thousand years old. She was a little surprised. It seemed that the soul medicine grew faster here.

 The Millennium Soul Potion can be used as medicine.

It just so happened that she bought a lot of pill recipes, so she could try to refine the soul pills, and if she couldn't use them, she could exchange them for soul stones.

She did it as she thought, and asked Mu Jiuchen to help collect the soul medicine. After collecting it, the two of them got on again before coming out.

"Mu Jiuchen, these are for you." Yu Wan threw the jade slips to Mu Jiuchen, and she entered the alchemy room.

 Start refining the soul elixir.

Like elixirs, soul pills have nine levels, from level one to level nine, and each level corresponds to each realm.

 She started refining from the first level soul elixir.

 After looking at the jade slips, Mu Jiuchen, like Yu Wan, chose some defensive and offensive soul skills to practice.

 The two of them are refining elixirs and the other is practicing magic.

The days passed quickly, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

This day, Yu Wan left the alchemy room with a sad face. Her Medicine King Cauldron was not good at refining soul pills.

 The Medicine King Cauldron is an immortal weapon, and soul medicine requires a horcrux. She has to go out and buy one.

This time Yu Wan entered in a different big city.

 She first went to the store that sold Horcruxes.

“Show me your soul cauldron.” Yu Wan asked as she entered the door.

"Senior, please come with me." A soul cultivator received her and took her to the soul cauldron.

Yu Wan looked around and saw that the shelves were full of soul cauldrons, but the level was not very high. She glanced at them and didn't take a fancy to any of them.

 When buying things, you also need to pay attention to your taste. If you don’t like it at first sight, there is no need to buy it.

Yu Wan left the shop and visited several shops but didn't like anything.

 Have to go to Fangshi to have a look.

Maybe I got lucky if I stepped on **** today.

She went to the market for a walk, and her luck really struck her. There were too many people and she accidentally stepped on a female nun, who scolded her.

 The two of them went to the same stall. There were a lot of messy things in that stall, most of which were broken.

 I guess the female nun wanted to pick up the slack just like she did.

The female nun went over to the stall and picked up a cauldron to look at.

When Yu Wan saw the furnace cauldron, her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

“This furnace of yours is so strange. Why does it have no soul power on it?” the female cultivator asked the stall owner.

The stall owner said calmly: "There are a lot of strange things. If you don't want to buy them, just put them down."

"Hmph! I prefer to buy it." The female cultivator raised her lips, took out the soul stone and was about to pay the soul stone.

Yu Wan felt suffocated. Don’t buy it. The aura on the tripod is the power of stars.

It must be the artifact, the Star Cauldron. To the female cultivator, it was a useless tripod, but to Yu Wan, it was a treasure.

Her "Star Jue" not only comes with exercises, but also comes with a star cauldron, a star sword, a star array, and a star clock.

 (End of this chapter)

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