Chapter 685 Soul Refining

When Yu Jing left the city, her eyes suddenly blurred and she fainted. Just like the imperial master, she disappeared in a strange way.

  When Yu Wan regained consciousness, she was still standing on the steps, still holding the scabbard in her hand, while Yu Jing fainted at her feet.

 She immediately put Yu Jing and the scabbard into the space, then looked around and saw that no one noticed her, seeming to turn a blind eye to her behavior.

Yu Wan was sitting cross-legged on the stairs, thinking about what had just happened. What she experienced was not an illusion, but a real soul being sent to other worlds and bringing back the scabbard and Yu Jing.

 Before, she thought that even if it was the real world, Yu Jing would not be able to bring her back, but in the end he actually brought her back.

Yu Wan actually doesn’t know what the use of the star body is to the body, and she is also very curious.

 When Ming Ao and Tian Ya were eager to get her astral body, she wanted to ask at that moment.

 It is definitely not as simple as Tianya said. The **** in charge must be a star.

 That's bullshit, isn't her father already a god?

 So this astral body must have secrets that she doesn't know about.

Furthermore, she also helped the Dongshu Realm to find the star body and was able to practice the "Star Art". Before the "Star Art", no one except her could practice it.

Moreover, she couldn’t even write it down silently.

So the people in Dongshu Realm must also know this, so they made this Lianxin Mountain to wait for her?

This is a bit unreasonable, how could that person know in advance that she would come to Dongshu Realm.

 And bring the astral body back, just to make sure she won’t take it with you?

What’s even more funny is that she gave up “Star Judgment” and got a scabbard instead.

Still so sure that the scabbard was hers, Yu Wan estimated that the memory in the God Realm must not be simple.

Yu Wan looked at Lianxin Mountain. This mountain is really for refining hearts and ghosts.

 Eighty percent of it is a cover-up created by people from the God Realm here, doing things specifically for her.

 Well, this thing is getting weirder and weirder.

 After what happened here, I must go to the God Realm to see who did it.

She also has another worry, that is, she is afraid that someone has the same idea as Tianya and wants to seize this star body.

She, Yu Wan, would not do a loss-making business. If she really had that intention, she would immediately take Yu Jing back to Beishu Realm.

Exhaling a breath, Yu Wan stood up and continued to crawl forward.

 When she climbed five steps, another blur of flowers appeared before her eyes, and she appeared in a golden color.

Before she could see where this place was, she suddenly saw a golden light coming towards her. It was powerful and had a golden fairy aura.

Yu Wan curled up her lips, it was a test of the metal element.

 The stars under her feet take a step forward, huh? Why can't I leave?

Yu Wan then realized that she was wrong.

Now it's too late for a duel, and I can only watch helplessly being hit.

 She was beaten to death beautifully.

When she opened her eyes, she was still standing on the steps, but her body seemed to be falling apart. When her consciousness wanted to see how injured she was, she didn't want to use it. The pain caused her to almost faint.

 It turns out that being injured there is really an injury to the soul.

What kind of weird test is this? How many people can pass it?

 How long will it take for the injured soul to recover?

 She is the only one who has the elixir to heal the soul.

Yu Wan sat down, resisting the pain of her consciousness, and took out a bottle of Soul Pill from the space. After swallowing one, she began to exercise her power to heal her injuries.

 Two hours later, Yu Wan opened her eyes and regained her consciousness.

Hmm, it seems that the spirit has increased a little bit.

Is that a test of gold magic and divine soul?

Can the soul be able to withstand beatings? The more resistant it is, the better the benefits will be?

Then this is a bit interesting.

Yu Wan got up and took a step up. When she climbed up the stairs, she returned to the place full of golden immortal power, and another golden immortal power attacked her.

This time Yu Wan was prepared, and when she raised her hand, a burst of fire fairy power greeted her.


The golden immortal power passed through the fire immortal power and hit her directly. She was beaten to death again, no, it should be said that she was beaten back again.

Yu Wan opened her eyes, and the situation was the same as before.

 She swallowed another soul pill, and after her soul recovered, this time her soul seemed to be slightly solidified.

Yu Wan felt happy, it was better to solidify the soul than to grow.

The more solid the soul, the better, just like the stronger the body.

After Yu Wan knew that there was such a benefit, she immediately took another step up. After going up, the scene was like that again.

After that, Yu Wan was beaten continuously, and her soul became more and more solid.

From not being able to withstand a single blow to being able to withstand one or two blows,... finally her soul was able to compete with the golden immortal power.

It was only then that Yu Wan saw clearly that this was a closed metal space, and the one attacking her was a metal puppet.

The puppet's 360-degree seamless attack meant that she would get beaten even if she ducked anywhere.

 No wonder.

Yu Wan raised her fist to fight back, punching her one after another until her magical power was exhausted.

I didn't faint this time, and my injuries weren't serious.

But Yu Wan discovered that her soul, which was originally a foot tall, was now less than half of its original size, but much more solid.

The strange thing is that at the heart of Shenhun, Yu Wan felt as if there was a heart there, beating one after another with her heart.

 And the soul can breathe inside, as if it has a respiratory system.

This is incredible.

This phenomenon is like the soul trying to cultivate into a physical entity.

Yu Wan was very excited. If the soul could be cultivated into a physical body, she would have one more life than others. Even if the body was completely destroyed, the soul would not have to cultivate a physical body, and she could live and practice as before.

 Because the soul is a body of flesh and blood, not an energy group.

 After discovering this, Yu Wan no longer complained about the person who set up this spiritual path, nor did she complain about the expensive fairy stone. That's all, it was worth it.

 After Yu Wan recovered her spirit, she was thinking that she would also let Liang Baolai take a walk after she went out.

 This path of mental training is really beneficial to monks.

Next, Yu Wan continued to fight the puppets in the metal space, but basically she was getting beaten. The more she felt that she could withstand the beating, the more solid her soul was, and the more obvious the breathing system of her soul was.

So Yu Wan had a guess. The gold master's respiratory system, this level is to solidify the soul and then grow a respiratory system.

 She believes that later on, the internal organs, meridians, bones, etc. will be similar to here and can all grow.

 As for how long it grows, it depends on the individual's strength.

Maybe some people will have nothing, some people will be able to develop rudiments, and some people may be fully formed.

Of course, it is a big deal to be able to grow the prototype of a dimension.

 For the soul to cultivate a physical entity, not only must there be corresponding techniques, but it must also be in a place with abundant soul power, and it cannot be cultivated overnight.

 (End of this chapter)

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