Chapter 69 Haunted House

 There are land deeds in the space. There is a house in the capital, but the name belongs to someone else, so she has no way to live in it. And she was stupid enough to send it to the door and let people know that it was all her fault.

 The only option is to buy a house first.

Anyway, this is not the first time she has done this kind of thing. She has a lot of money and is scared as hell. She bought whatever was available in the capital.

So Yu Wan drove the carriage around the capital like a headless fly looking for Yaxing.

Finally, Yu Wan found a good Yau Lai Ya shop on Xiangzhang Street in Xicheng.

She parked the carriage and went up to call the door. As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged man in his forties saw that she was a child and was about to chase her away. A one thousand tael of silver note flashed in front of his eyes.

The shopkeeper's eyes changed and he opened the door: "What do you want to buy, young guest?"

Why! It’s so easy to see money!

Yu Wan walked in, pulled up a chair and sat down in the middle of the room where the shopkeeper was warming up by the fire. She got straight to the point: "Where can I find a good house in the capital?"

The shopkeeper looked at Yu Wan with contempt: "Zhaizi, young guest wants to buy a house? The housing in the capital has been very tense recently, and there are no good houses yet."

snort! Buying a house is a big deal. Seeing how poorly this brat is dressed, he still goes out alone to buy a house? I'm afraid it's just to entertain him. It's such a cold day. If you tell me earlier, you won't even bother to open the door.

Yu Wan glanced at the shopkeeper. This man was always talking about trains. Recently? It’s been snowing so hard recently that I can’t go out. Who will buy a house? Unless there is someone more capable than her, who can come to the capital despite the heavy snowfall and severe cold despite the heavy snow and the severe cold? They are really looking down on others. How do they continue to do business in this capital city?

“There are no good houses, does that mean you have all the bad houses?”

 Um, the shopkeeper’s face suddenly turned ugly, and he rolled his eyes, hum! A poor boy, he thought carefully: "Yes, there is. There is a house in the east city. The house is magnificent, with pavilions and pavilions inside. It covers an area of ​​10,000 acres. The house is cheap, just 10,000 taels of silver. Little guest official Have money? If you don’t, you can leave. If you have money, I can transfer the ownership for you now. But let me remind you, not everyone can live in that house.”

The shopkeeper said after a few words, can a poor boy like this afford a house in the capital?

It just so happened that no one dared to live in that big house in Dongcheng District a few years ago. It was a ghost house and almost no one took over it. snort! If this brat could buy it, it would solve this troublesome house for him. Anyway, he said it was none of his business whether to buy it or not, and it had nothing to do with him if anything happened.

When Yu Wan heard this, she ran around the capital all morning and knew that Dongcheng District was full of dignitaries. If you spend ten thousand taels of silver to buy a house, can you still live there? The shopkeeper is obviously uneasy and kind-hearted. Is there something wrong with this house?

"Shopkeeper, what do you mean by the word "secure"? Is it a haunted house?"

The house in that prime location is so cheap that no one wants to buy it, unless the house is haunted. This is the only way to make sense. People in the world are still very afraid of the theory of ghosts and gods.

Bai Ziyi's General's Mansion is also in Dongcheng. After buying it, the two houses are close to each other. Even if Feng and Bai Ziyi were married, Yu Wan would not live with them and be a light bulb. The brothers and sisters live on their own and are free.

It's a nice house. Whether it's haunted or not, for Yu Wan, it doesn't exist.

This is a pie-in-the-sky thing. If you don't accept it, wouldn't you be missing out on the shopkeeper's kindness?

 “Haha”, the shopkeeper heheed awkwardly, and he touched his nose uncomfortably. This brat is so smart. But since we were all in the capital, it was possible that we had heard about it. Although we tried our best to suppress the fact that it was a haunted house, lest the news get out.

Yu Wan didn’t understand anything when she saw him.

So she took out a 10,000-tael silver note and placed it in front of the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, help me handle it. I bought it."

The shopkeeper didn't believe it, so he picked up the bank note and looked over it carefully to make sure it was genuine.

  "Okay, okay, young guest, please leave your name. I'll do it now. I only need to wait for a stick of incense to be checked in."


 The shopkeeper took the banknote and went to handle it immediately, finally getting rid of the hot potato.

As expected, the shopkeeper took care of the matter within a stick of incense. He just looked at her a few more times when he handed her the land deed and key.

Yu Wan took her things and got on the carriage and left.

“These days, even little girls dare to come out and buy a house.” The shopkeeper shook his head. He still misjudged the idea and closed the door with some disappointment.

Half an hour later, Yu Wan came to the door of the house. The courtyard was surrounded by white walls, and various trees were neatly lined up along the walls, but there was thick snow on them. A black gold plaque hangs on the top of the red door, with two large characters "Fengfu" written in a flying phoenix on it.

Yu Wan stopped the carriage in front of the door. She climbed up the steps and stood on tiptoes to open the dusty door.

 Pushing the door open and entering, the courtyard is in a state of depression, not even the white snow can cover it up.

 The courtyard is connected by corridors, dotted with rocks, nine winding corridors, and clearly visible pavilions and pavilions.

Yu Wan walked through the nine-curved corridor at the entrance, surrounded by ancient trees. Then she entered a large garden with overgrown weeds, as tall as a person.

On the left and right sides of the garden is a small building with a large living room in front, presumably for entertaining guests.

Yu Wan walked in from the corridor next to it. Inside was a large lake. The lake was surrounded by a circle of snow. The road was paved with unknown materials and was wide enough for a carriage to pass.

 There are many forks in the road in that circle, leading to other places.

Yu Wan chose a road. In the distance, he could see an attic, which must be for people to live in.

Sure enough, she approached and saw an attic with a wall outside. She opened the door to the small courtyard and entered.

In front of the attic was a garden of about two acres. She walked through the garden, walked to the attic, and opened the heavy wooden door. Entering the attic again, you will see a living room and a staircase on the right. She didn't take a closer look at the furniture. She wanted to let the people out first.

So Yu Wan went up the stairs to the second floor.

 When she went up to the second floor, she opened the last room, which happened to be a bedroom. It had a bed, a wardrobe, a was like a woman's room.

Yu Wan stepped forward and performed a dust removal, and the room was clean. She took out the quilt from the carriage in the space and spread it out, and then released Feng, Xiaowu, Xiaoliu, Jiang Shuangyan, and the two wives.

 She came to another room and released the three brothers Yu Haoran and Li Erniu Qiao.

 The other room is naturally Bai Ziyi and his secret guards.

She didn’t release the beautiful young man. When she had time, she let him go somewhere else. It couldn’t be in her own house anyway.

 After doing this, the rest was left to the little snake to give them the antidote. The snake's saliva can detoxify them safely and without side effects.

 (End of this chapter)

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