The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 733: First hearing about the Chu family

Chapter 733: First hearing about the Chu family

This was the first time Yu Wan heard her father say that he had relatives and a family.

 “Where is dad’s family?” Yu Wan was very curious and went to take a look when she had the chance.

Tian Yan glared at her and said, "Weier doesn't want to go and take a look, right? I advise you not to go so as not to cause trouble for them."

"Causing trouble? What trouble? Is that **** old man Ming Ao still staring at you?" Yu Wan was surprised, the head of the dignified Tiandao Sect would do the spying thing?

That **** old man really threatens dad with his relatives?

Yu Wan thought of Ming Ao's virtue. He was a person with no down lines. What bad things could he not do?

This dead old man!

But she won’t go if her father won’t let her go? Is she that obedient?

  I’ll still go check it out if I have time another day.

Tian Yan chuckled twice: "Weier, don't think there is no trouble. Do you think anyone can enter Tiandao Sect? People in Tiandao Sect are all geniuses among geniuses, elites among the elites in the family. What do you mean? Ao won't take the opportunity to do something with dad's family?

 Dad hasn’t been back for so many years, I hope it didn’t cause much harm. "

Ming Ao is a man who will retaliate for his anger, and he is also the head of the Tiandao Sect. It is certain that he will suppress the Chu family.

Yu Wan was not as optimistic as her father. She couldn't help but worry. She didn't know that her father had a family before, which was her family. Now that she knew, she would definitely not be able to sit still.

 She doesn't like to involve other people with their affairs.

She asked: "What does dad mean that our family is still very powerful in the God Realm?"

Tian Yan nodded. Since his daughter wanted to ask, he would tell her. If she didn’t tell her, she would still find it on her own. He said, “The Chu family, the largest cultivating family in the Eastern God Territory, is our family. At that time, your grandfather He is the patriarch, I don’t know if he is now.”

Tian Yan sighed after finishing speaking.

Seeing her husband's dejected expression, Yao Ji held his hand and said, "Husband, why don't we go back and take a look? We should be fine as long as Wei'er has some space."

It happened that she had given birth to a child, and she happened to take the children back to visit her. Both children had never been back, so it was strange that the husband felt better.

Tian Yan gently stroked her head and said warmly: "Let's talk about it in a few days."

To be honest, he really wanted to go back and see it. He hadn’t gone back to see it for hundreds of thousands of years, and he really couldn’t bear it.

 In the past, when I was not a parent, I could not understand the feeling of being a parent. Now that I have two children, I can fully understand the feeling of being a parent.

 When my daughter is away, I miss her anxiously. I always wonder if she is well, if she is in danger, if she has been abducted by some brat, etc.

Mingxiao was listening and felt bad in his heart. He really hated Mingao. If he hadn't done these things, their family would not be in this situation now.

 He almost lost his life because of this.

It's a pity that his strength has not been restored now, otherwise he would really go out and capture Ming Ao, extract his soul and refine it, so that he would never be reborn.

Mingxiao looked at his son-in-law and his family who were in a low mood. He narrowed his eyes slightly. There was no way to keep hiding like this. They said they could hide for a while but not forever.

So he had an idea in his mind, and he immediately sent a message to Yu Wan: "Girl, grandpa told you the address of Tiandao Sect. You take grandpa there, and we will go find your great-grandfather. It's not the way for us to keep hiding here and there. "

Maybe the girl can join Tiandao Sect. After joining Tiandao Sect, no matter how inhumane Mingao is within the sect, he would not dare to take action in Tiandao Sect.

 This will also give the girl a place to stay.

Yu Wan’s eyes lit up after hearing this, and she nodded towards Mingxiao.

She has long wanted to visit Tiandao Sect to see what kind of place it is, where Ming Ao can be so arrogant without restraint.

I also went to see what kind of partial-minded person that man named Ming Qi really was. He was so biased that he could tolerate the arrogance of his younger son when something happened to his eldest son. By the way, let’s take a look at who are the people in the Tiandao Sect. Are they the people who are sanctimonious in the mouth of Ten Thousand Buddhas, or are they the people who are upright and awe-inspiring for the Wushu Realm in the mouth of Mingxiao?

Mingxiao pointed his hand, and a divine light shot into Yu Wan's sea of ​​consciousness.

 In Yu Wan's sea of ​​consciousness, the divine light turned into a map, a map of the divine world.

Yu Wan took a closer look at the location of Tiandao Sect. It turned out that it was at the very center of the God Realm, on a suspended mountain called Tianwai Mountain.

 Her parents didn’t tell her about such an easy place to find. She took a look at Tian Yan and his wife and saw that they protected her very well.

 She came to protect their home in the future, and she took Mingxiao out.

The grandson and grandpa came to Hun Mountain, and she still had some questions to ask Mingxiao.

 Grandpa and grandson sat down.

“Girl, I want to ask you how to find your great-grandfather after you go there?”

 Yu Wan nodded, that was Ming Ao's territory, and she was worried that Ming Ao would take people once they appeared within the Tiandao Sect's territory.

Mingxiao waved his hand and said, "Girl, don't worry about this. As long as you get to Tiandao Sect and grandpa has an identity card, you can go directly to your great-grandfather."

“Grandpa arrived at Tiandao Sect, aren’t you worried about Ming Ao?”

Ming Xiao shook his head again: "In Tiandao Sect, fighting and killing each other are not allowed. He is the sect leader and must abide by this sect rule.

 If someone violates it, he will not be able to bear the punishment. "

Yu Wan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. If this was the case, she would let Ming Xiao go out and she would just watch from inside the space.

The grandfather and grandson discussed some specific matters, and then waited for Yao Ji's full moon in the space.

Ming Xiao also told Tian Yan his plan. Tian Yan thought it was feasible, so his family simply confronted him head-on, and everyone put it in the open.

He wanted to see Ming Ao's deflated look, it was very interesting.

Yu Wan was looking at the mature Concentrating Flower on Soul Mountain at this time. She wanted to deal with this matter first. After a thousand years, she didn’t know if those two people would still need the Concentrating Flower.

 She asked Xiaojie to find Qingyuan.

 Qingyuan was currently in a mountain forest, fighting with a god-man.

 The man of God trapped Qing Yuan in the formation and said arrogantly: "I advise you to be obedient and surrender, as this will save you from death."

Qing Yuan glared angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, if you want to fight, fight, and then we'll talk about defeating my emperor."

“Haha! You are so shameless. Let’s see how I deal with you. I think your bloodline is very pure and I can’t bear to kill you. I want you to be my contracted beast. If you don’t know how to praise me, then let me die!”

Speaking of the magic hand of the divine man, he controlled the formation.

This formation is an advanced killing formation. In an instant, countless attacks attacked Qing Yuan.

At first Qingyuan could resist for a few times, but gradually Qingyuan couldn't resist anymore and showed signs of defeat.

Yu Wan looked at it and shook her head, and immediately stepped out of the space. With a movement of consciousness, she launched a star formation to surround the killing formation.

 (End of this chapter)

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