Chapter 735 Mingqi

Ming Qi felt someone knocking on the door in the divine land. He released his spiritual consciousness. To his surprise, it was Ming Xiao. His spiritual consciousness moved and he appeared in front of Ming Xiao.

Ming Qi looked at Ming Xiao nervously, as if he was afraid that the person in front of him would disappear. He asked carefully: "Is it Xiao'er?"

Ming Xiao nodded lightly, not as excited as Ming Qi. He said, "Dad, I am Ming Xiao."

Seeing his eldest son being so cold, Ming Qi's heart sank. He knew that his eldest son hated him and hated him for not helping him deal with Ming Ao, but Ming Ao was also his son, so he couldn't kill them all.

He lowered his eyelids, took a deep breath and said: "You, just be okay, be okay, dad, I..."

Ming Qi felt sour in his heart. He was choked with sobs and could not speak. What should he say? It seemed that the only thing suitable for him was to say, "It's okay."

Mingxiao then held Yu Wan's hand and said, "Girl, I have met my great-grandfather."

 “Great grandfather.” Yu Wan’s attitude was very respectful.

 “Huh? Ziwei?” Mingqi then noticed Yu Wan.

Yu Wan felt trembling in her heart. This great-grandfather was very familiar with her.

  Did he really turn a blind eye to their family and stand by and watch as he appeared?

Yu Wan was indifferent and just watched quietly, giving her the feeling that this great-grandfather was not a simple person.

Mingxiao nodded, still speaking in a calm tone: "Yes, this is not the place to talk. Let's go back first."

 “Okay.” Ming Qi waved his hand and led the two of them to his palace in Tiandao Sect.

This palace is called Fushen Palace. It has a majestic appearance and is floating on the mountain, far away from other palaces.

Ming Qi put the two men down and made a gesture. In an instant, the palace door opened and the three of them entered.

There was no one in the palace, so Ming Qi moved out a set of low tables and three futons. Yu Wan looked at the set and saw that they were all artifacts.

The three of them sat down, and Mingqi took out another tea set, which was also a magical tool.

Yu Wan is not rare at all. The artifacts used in her space are no less than those from Ming Qi. Of course, they were all robbed.

"How has Xiao'er been doing these years?" Ming Qi asked after pouring some tea. He actually wanted to ask how Ming Xiao escaped from Ming Ao. He searched Ming Ao many times but could not find him.

He couldn't anger Ming Ao, so he had lived a miserable life over the years, and only he knew the feeling.

“How is your son doing, haven’t you asked Ming Ao?” Ming Xiao complained full of complaints.

 “Dad, hey…”

 All Mingqi's helplessness turned into a long sigh.

Yu Wan saw that he had aged ten thousand years, but she did not say a word. She wanted to see if her grandfather wanted justice, and how her great-grandfather would deal with it.

Ming Qi glanced at Yu Wan. She must have understood what happened to Ming Xiao. Seeing that she was still so calm, this child had a much more mature mind.

He looked at Mingxiao with an indifferent expression again, knowing that if he didn't deal with Mingao and Tianya today, his son might never be a stranger to him again.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh. The eldest son has suffered for so many years, and he should be dealt with emotionally and rationally.

There is also Ziwei, this child also suffered the disaster because of Ming Ao and his son. Fortunately, he discovered it in time, otherwise the child would also have disappeared into ashes. After all, it was also Ming Ao and his son's fault.

Now that the eldest son can come back safe and sound, at least he can feel at ease, otherwise how can he be worthy of their fallen mother.

Thinking of his fallen wife, he sighed and said: "Ming Ao is not suitable to be in charge of the Tiandao Sect anymore, and Wei'er is in the star body. Let Wei'er manage it next. As for Ming Ao, let him guard the battlefield outside the territory for eternity. Not allowed to return to the Five Axis Realm.

As for Tianya, let’s go together. Xiao’er will be the main god, and it’s time for the God Realm to take good care of it. "

Mingxiao listened and looked up at his father who had grown older in an instant. It was really not easy for his father to punish Mingao and his son.

Ming Xiao no longer blamed him so much in his heart, and he calmed down and said: "Dad has no objection to Ming Ao's punishment of his son. It is what he deserves. If he were not my brother, I would categorically refuse such punishment." .

Forget it is just the position of Lord God. Now that my cultivation level has only returned to that of a God King, I am not suitable to manage the God Realm. I'd better find another suitable person.

The girl can manage the Tiandao Sect, and the son will take over the job for the girl. "

 After saying that, Mingxiao looked at Yu Wan and nodded to her, meaning to ask her to agree.

 In those days in the space, I knew that she had an unruly temperament and liked to be free. Now that she was asked to take care of the Tiandao Sect, she probably wouldn't be willing to do it, so he might as well accept it first.

He thought that if he took over the Tiandao Sect, it would be of great benefit to his family. First of all, it would ensure that their family could have smooth access to the Five Hubs Realm, and no one would come out to embarrass them.

Moreover, if Mu Jiuchen walks around in the God Realm in the future, the Shang Yuan Ancestor will not embarrass him.

 Actually, Yu Wan is also thinking about this issue. Tiandao Sect, such a mysterious sect can be obtained so easily, it feels a bit like a dream.

 My heart could not help but beat violently. This was so different from being a disciple of Qian Tian Dao Sect. This surprise came too suddenly and too fast.

 This made her even more impressed by Ming Qi's strength.

 But she knew that getting something so easily was not a good thing.

 But he is in control of the benefits that Tiandao Sect has brought to their family, which is simply an unprecedented change.

 She can't refuse either emotionally or rationally.

  She didn't have much freedom after just agreeing, but for the future safety of her family, Yu Wan nodded.

Ming Xiao felt relieved when he saw Yu Wan agreed. The child was still not confused at the critical moment.

 He was very happy.

As for Ming Qi, it was within his expectation that Yu Wan agreed. He knew the situation of his eldest son's family better than anyone else, so he made such an arrangement.

  Everyone is selfish, and he cannot save even one son.

Moreover, in this way, he can heal his wounds in God’s land with peace of mind.

"That's very good. Don't worry, Weier. There aren't many people in the Tiandao Sect and there aren't many things to do. With Weier's cleverness, Weier will get started quickly." Ming Qi smiled and said.

"Naweier, thank you, great-grandfather." Yu Wan naturally had to be polite and respectful. Just because Ming Qi could dismiss the position of sect leader and chief **** at will, this great-grandfather had a lot of power.

 She has to hold on to such a golden thigh tightly. She is not stupid and pushes good things to the outside.

Mingqi: "No need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank yourself."

 Thanks to her being born with an astral body, it’s just that it’s not time for her to know it yet. When the time comes, she will naturally understand.

 Mingqi then fought in the air and summoned Mingao and Tianya.

The father and son stood confused in the main hall. When they saw Ming Xiao and Yu Wan, their shocked expressions could not be more severe. They never expected that Yu Wan would come directly to Tiandao Sect and find the old man.

 (End of this chapter)

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