The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 753: Inner Demon Oath

Chapter 753 The Oath of the Inner Demon

Years later, Mingzhu was impressed by this man's charm, and they got together naturally and gave birth to a boy.

So Mingzhu took her family of three back to Tianshu Realm and established a sect.

When he was living a very happy life, suddenly a goddess came one day and claimed to be the man's Taoist companion.

Mingzhu was blinded at that time, so she questioned the man, but the man naturally would not admit it, so the two women started fighting on the spot. In the end, Mingzhu lost so miserably that her soul almost disappeared.

The man forcibly broke through the barrier of the goddess and rescued the pearl. At the same time, the two of them fought again, and the goddess won in the end.

The goddess threatened Mingzhu’s life and asked the man to return to the Xuan Realm with her.

  Men do it as a last resort.

So the goddess imprisoned Mingzhu’s soul in the Temple of the Ancestor, never to come out.

When the man left, he left his son behind and told him that he must keep the Tiandao Sect no matter what, and that there should be no reason to disband the Tiandao Sect.

Of course the man did not tell his son that Mingzhu’s soul was imprisoned in the Temple of the Ancestor.

 In fact, no one in the Tiandao Sect knew that she was imprisoned in the Ancestral Palace, and they all thought that she had gone to the Tongxuan Realm with a man.

“Then why do grandpa and the others all have the ancestor’s surname Ming, but not the male ancestor’s surname?” Yu Wan asked curiously.

Mingzhu sighed and said: "Our son has always had my last name. It was his request. I think he was wary of that woman at that time."

“Oh, then it was also proposed by the male ancestor to return to Tianshu Realm, right?”

The male ancestor is a bit of a scumbag. He has a Taoist companion and still looks for Mingzhu. Even after the child is born, he still doesn’t tell her the truth and lets others come and beat them.

It can be seen from this that the male ancestor’s Taoist companion should be a woman with a domineering personality and strong cultivation, so the male ancestor would be so afraid of her.

None of the children born after him dared to bear his surname, and the surname was Ming.

Mingzhu nodded: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Later, after my son gave birth to my grandson, and then the grandson grew up, the couple also went to Tongxuan Realm to look for us. There was no news after this trip. I don't know. They live or die."

“So, ancestor, you want to take the body and get out? Since you are imprisoned here, ancestor, didn’t you think that you can get out after taking the body?”

Yu Wan poured a ladle of cold water on her without hesitation. It was her soul that was imprisoning her, not her body. Even if her body was taken away, she still couldn't get out.

This ancestor was really ill and went to the doctor indiscriminately, and never thought about how the goddess would give her a chance to get out.

Mingzhu was startled. She really had not thought about this problem. Now that she thought about it carefully, her soul trembled violently.

 “That woman is so cruel.”

"It's not cruel, it's precautionary. Listening to what you said, although the male ancestor did not admit that the goddess was his Taoist companion, there are various signs that the goddess was his Taoist companion and a mother. Tiger Taoist Companion, the male ancestor will avoid her, ancestor, do you think the junior is right?"

Yu Wan rolled his eyes at her. She had already been merciful to her. Although it was not her fault, everything was caused by the male ancestor.

If this kind of thing happened to Mu Jiuchen, she would not be merciful and just crush them to ashes.

Yu Wan was so kind to help her analyze it, but he didn’t want her to continue to be confused.

If there is a chance to meet her again in the future, this stupid ancestor thought that they would not kill her to death. Didn't she know that the male ancestor asked for her life?

  Forget it, now that she knows the whole story, Yu Wan wants to help her, help this silly ancestor. She is the ancestor of their Ming family, but she is also a poor silly woman.

After listening to Yu Wan's words, Mingzhu immediately became discouraged: "Yes, now that I think about it carefully, it should be as the junior said, it was the ancestor who was impulsive. The junior said that he could help the ancestor, junior, tell me how you can help the ancestor? But explain it in advance , I can’t afford the remuneration. At that time, my ancestor only had a ray of soul left. If I want to repay, I have to wait until the ancestor’s building is restored. "

After hearing what she said, Yu Wan thought that this ancestor was not only stupid, but also so simple-minded. He did not force her to help because she was an ancestor, and he was thinking about how to repay her.

  Except for wanting to take her away from her before, this Mingzhu still has a good character. It's just that she trusted an unworthy person, which is why she harmed herself.

Yu Wan: "The junior helping the ancestor is voluntary, and there is no need to repay or repay, but the ancestor must swear an oath in his heart. The junior will help the ancestor, and he shall not harm my life for any reason or by any means, or rob the junior's things. During the recovery period, everything is left to the junior. After swearing the inner demon oath, the junior will take you out of here immediately and let you recover from your injuries as soon as possible."

Yu Wan could understand Mingzhu's mood. Although she did something like a saint in this matter, not killing her and helping her, but she was not stupid, and precautions were necessary, otherwise she would not help her.

"Really?" Mingzhu couldn't believe what Yu Wan said. Is this junior's request so simple?

Yu Wan nodded: "It's that simple."

She doesn't need any repayment. She already has a lot of treasures. She may not appreciate the pearls given to her.

 She didn’t want to see Mingzhu kill her to seize the treasure after knowing her secret.

 She is not Mr. Dong Guo.

Mingzhu felt happy. If this junior could help her, how could she repay kindness with enmity? She had never been that kind of person.

 The thought of seizing the house before was really a last resort.

 She just wanted to recover as soon as possible and find the man and her son.

 Making an inner demonic oath is the best way, so that both of you can feel at ease.

“Okay, I swear, my ancestor, by the way, what’s my junior’s name?”

"Ziwei, my Taoist name." Yu Wan said. She has been called Ziwei ever since she could remember. Maybe this is her name too. If I ask her parents another day, she should be called Chu Ziwei.

Mingzhu swears an oath in her heart, just use her name. Heaven only recognizes people, no matter what your name is.

Mingzhu nodded, then she raised her right hand and said solemnly: "I, Mingzhu, shall not retaliate against the goddess Ziwei. I shall not take away Ziwei's things or harm her life for any reason or by any means. Otherwise, I, Mingzhu, will be deprived of my soul." Destroy!"

Yu Wan nodded, this inner demon oath is okay, it has binding force on Mingzhu, but it has no effect on her at all.

When Mingzhu finished swearing the inner demon oath, Mingqi, who was outside, heard a thunder in the sky. He didn't know what happened inside to cause the thunder.

He stood up tremblingly and approached the barrier. He was thinking, could it be that the old monster succeeded in seizing the body and that Heaven was giving a warning?

Ming Qi just finished shouting in his heart, and he slumped on the ground, like a puppet that had lost its life.

Not long after, I saw that the aura on his body was disordered, and for a moment, he fainted at the door.

Of the two people in the main hall, only Mingzhu sensed the inner demon and swore an oath.

 (End of this chapter)

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