The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 76: Kill Zhu Zhengting

Chapter 76 Killing Zhu Zhengting

He frowned: What kind of martial arts does the little girl practice? This inner strength is so strong!

He pointed at Yu Wan and said, "Who are you?"

Yu Wan ignored her. She lifted the Queen Mother up and said to her, "Old witch, just watch."

Just as Zhu Zhengting was about to open his mouth, Yu Wan whipped out the flying sword and shot at his throat.

 “Gah”, I held back all my farts.

 "Plop", Zhu Zhengting fell off his horse.

 “General, general”, the general next to him shouted.

Some people didn't believe it, got off their horses, picked up Zhu Zhengting and found out that he was already dead.

 Immediately, the soldiers surrounding the Qianqing Palace retreated, they were panicked and at a loss what to do.

They only followed orders. Now that the general is dead, what should they do?

 It doesn’t matter if the soldiers leave, it doesn’t matter if they don’t move, it doesn’t matter if they attack, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t attack. He could only stand on the spot in a daze.

The half of the officials standing on Zhu Zhengting's side were even more confused. What should they do now?

 Yes, the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother, they looked at the Queen Mother.

At this moment, the Queen Mother was being grabbed by Yu Wan. The old witch looked at Zhu Zhengting's body as if she was stupid.

Yu Wan winked at Bai Ziyi. Bai Ziyi understood and quickly ran to Zhu Zhengting's body. He quickly found the tiger charm on his body and brought back her flying sword.

They all know that if they want to mobilize the soldiers stationed outside the city, they cannot mobilize the soldiers without the tiger charm.

Bai Ziyi held up the tiger talisman and shouted loudly: "All officers and men listen to the order."

The soldiers who were stunned at the scene all turned over and dismounted when they saw the tiger charm in Bai Ziyi's hand. The leading generals and all the soldiers knelt down in unison: "The last general will obey the order."

Bai Ziyi: "Lead the soldiers back to their base immediately, do not disturb the people, and return quickly!"

The generals breathed a sigh of relief. Their own duty was to protect the imperial city, and they were not allowed to rebel.

 The general led the soldiers out of the palace quickly.

At the same time, Yu Wan found a phoenix-shaped jade plaque on the old witch's body, with four words on it: Ouchi Guards.

She threw it to Bai Ziyi, who held the jade plaque towards the black guards. The black guards had no choice but to abandon the Queen Mother and all stood behind Bai Ziyi.

Yu Wan then said to her: "Old witch, how are you? How great your hopes are, how disappointed you are. And all your bugs were killed by my little snake. How do you feel? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Accident? If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place? Why don't you, an old woman, do embroidery, play the piano, and sing in the palace? You should never attack my mother and dare to take advantage of the Feng family! Remember to keep your wits about you when you are reincarnated!"

Yu Wan turned to Mrs. Feng and said, "Mother, help the emperor's uncle over. I told him to see with his own eyes how this old witch died."

Mrs. Feng nodded and turned around to go in.

The Queen Mother glared at Yu Wan: "You can't kill the Aijia. The Aijia is the Queen Mother, and the Aijia is your grandmother. Killing the Aijia is treason." The Queen Mother yelled that she didn't want to die, she was the Queen Mother, so she couldn't be killed.

Yu Wan kicked her in the stomach: "Go to your uncle's grandmother, you are worthy of being an old witch. If you are the Queen Mother, you will no longer be."

 “Ouch”, the old witch howled in pain.

All the civil and military officials and guards twitched when they saw this.

That is the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother who is usually aloof and holds the power of life and death for them. When they met today, their three views were shattered. It turns out that a superior person is nothing when faced with a ruthless person.

Feng Shi and Xiao Dezi carried the emperor out on a soft couch. When everyone saw the emperor, except Yu Wan and the old witch, they all knelt down and called the emperor long live.

Yu Wan saw that the corner of the emperor's mouth twitched obviously when he heard "Long Live."

“Uncle Emperor, what do you think we should do with this old witch?”

The emperor looked around at all the civil and military officials and guards and said, "The Empress Dowager Wan was deprived of her title, she murdered my royal descendants, and indiscriminately killed court officials with the intention of colluding with Zhu Zhengting to rebel... Now my niece Yu Wan will execute the sentence on my behalf and execute the law on the spot." ”

The emperor was panting and said these simple and clear words intermittently.

 He wanted to see the old witch die with his own eyes. He had been looking forward to it for a long time and could not wait for a moment.

Yu Wan nodded: "Uncle Emperor, keep an eye on it."

 She pinched the old witch's neck and slowly applied force to make the old witch feel frightened.

Sure enough, the old witch glanced at the guards and officials and asked for help.

 “Save me, save me”!

It's a waste to save them. All they want now is not to kill the Nine Clans. This is already a great gift.

Yu Wan looked at the despair in her eyes and asked her to take another look at the palace, which symbolized the royal family.

 “Crack”, a crisp sound of bone breaking.

This woman, whose life was full of sin, died in the hands of a ten-year-old girl.

 When everything was settled, the emperor felt relieved. It had been more than ten years, and there were many more than ten years in his life, he had suffered at the hands of this old witch.

 Finally, the depression in his heart finally dissipated, and the emperor felt relaxed for no reason.

At this time, an official who originally stood on Zhu Zhengting's side picked up Zhu Zhengting's sword and wiped his neck.

 Others also imitated him and wiped their necks, which was the best outcome for them. The emperor probably wouldn't kill their nine tribes.

 The emperor did not stop her. These were the old witch's people. It would be better if they died, which would save their strength.

Bai Ziyi gave the military talisman to the emperor, but the emperor waved his hand and refused to take it. Bai Ziyi had no choice but to hold it temporarily. The emperor now has no one available, so he has no choice but to take on this drudgery.

Seeing that the emperor was very tired, Feng and Xiao Dezi carried him back to the palace and let him sleep.

 The crisis was over, and the emperor fell asleep as soon as he returned to the dragon couch.

Fengshi and Xiao Dezi were guarding the emperor in the palace, while Bai Ziyi and the remaining officials returned to the court to handle official business.

Yu Wan saw that nothing happened without her, so she looked at the emperor, left the spiritual spring water and asked Xiao Dezi to send her out of the palace.

On the road, many places and plants were trampled by the soldiers, which made Xiao Dezi feel distressed. All these require money to repair.

“Miss Fourth, thank you very much.”

 “Thank you very much? Mr. Xiao Dezi, where do you start with these words?”

"The fourth lady saved the emperor's life, I should be grateful."

"Then he is still my uncle. Don't worry about that. Just let Dr. Bai prescribe good medicine in the past few days and drink it carefully."

 “Slaves are spared”.

 “Mr. Xiao Dezi, why didn’t you see the queen’s aunt today?” The Qianqing Palace was almost turned upside down because they didn’t even see the queen.

Xiao Dezi hesitated for a moment: "I don't know this. The queen rarely leaves the palace and rarely visits the emperor."

Yu Wan frowned. Are you so timid?

“Are there any other concubines in the palace?”

Xiao Dezi shook his head: "No, the emperor fell ill not long after his wedding, and later he couldn't even leave the palace."

 (End of this chapter)

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