Chapter 765 Searching

The man of God came to his senses when he saw that a goddess had caught him. He tried to shake off Yu Wan but failed. He had no choice but to say: "We don't know what happened to this goddess. We are in the tower." I was practicing here, but I was inexplicably thrown out of the divine tower, and then, the divine tower disappeared. "

After Yu Wan heard this, the disappearance of the sacred tower must be related to Mu Jiuchen's fall.

So she returned to the space again and looked for the two treasures in the world gate. The two treasures were also thrown out. At that time, the brothers were healing in their space.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you?” Liang Bao asked Yu Wan immediately when she saw that she looked very bad.

Mother's eyes are red, something must have happened.

“Didn’t you meet your father in the tower?” Yu Wan asked with choked sobs.

 Liangbao shook his head: "No."

Suddenly, Dabao's face changed. Thinking of the sudden and inexplicable vomiting of blood in the tower, he asked in horror: "Mom, something happened to dad?"

Yu Wan nodded, covered her face and cried bitterly.

As soon as the two treasures saw each other, they quickly ran to the place where the soul tablet was placed. As expected, a small pile of broken jade was scattered where the Mu Jiuchen soul tablet was placed.

"Brother, let's go to Soul Mountain." Erbao took up the big treasure and went to Soul Mountain. When he looked for it, he saw Mu Jiuchen's weak soul body floating in the air.

 “Dad.” The two babies were like deflated rubber balls, slumped to the ground.

After a while, Dabao stood up and helped Erbao up: "Let's go see mother."

 When something happens to their father, their mother is the most saddened.

Erbao nodded.

The brothers came to the small garden, and Yu Wan was still sitting on the ground, crying so hard that she almost fainted.

"Mother." Dabao flew over and picked her up, flew to the palace, and put her on the bed. The two brothers stood guard in front of the bed.

Yu Wan cried so hard that she felt so regretful that she wanted to separate from him.

At this time, in a city in the Eastern God Territory, the Suzaku Ancestor was wandering around the city. Looking at the current God Realm, he shook his head. His divine power was so thin, and other powers were even more pitiful.

It turns out that when the Suzaku ancestor saw that Mu Jiuchen still had some soul left, he devoured Mu Jiuchen. After devouring him, he got half of his memory.

There are only memories before becoming an immortal, and the memories after that were burned away by the Nanming Lihuo.

 So he could only rely on his own memory to come to the city, hoping to run into Yu Wan.

He thought that their sons were all in the God Realm, and Yu Wan should also be in the God Realm.

He was looking for Yu Wan mainly because he wanted to get Yu Wan's space. From Mu Jiuchen's memory, he learned that she had an artifact life space. It seemed that the level of that space was not low.

If you get it and use it to fuse it with his divine tower, then his divine tower will definitely be upgraded.

Moreover, he got Mu Jiuchen's body and was eager to see Yu Wan.

Yu Wan slept in the space for a long time before waking up.

 “Mother.” Liang Bao immediately helped her up.

Seeing her two sons reminded Yu Wan of Mu Jiuchen again. She touched the two treasures and said, "Mom is fine. Can you two tell me what happened in the pagoda?"

 After saying that, Yu Wan rubbed her swollen temples. Looking at the two faces similar to Mu Jiuchen, she felt even more uncomfortable. Although Mu Jiuchen would not die, she still could not accept the fact that Mu Jiuchen's main soul died.

Dabao said: "Mom, we don't know what happened. The two of us were fighting with a mythical beast that day. Suddenly, we felt so uncomfortable that it felt like our hearts were being torn out. Then we both spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, as if we were being ripped out. It was like a serious injury. After that, we entered the space to heal, and then we were thrown out of the tower. The whole process was like this. What we were worried about at the time was that something happened to our mother and father, otherwise we would not have reacted like that. Unexpectedly, we still reacted like that. Something happened to my father." After Dabao finished speaking, he lowered his head and felt very sad.

"I think your father must have been very sad at that time. Only we, mother and son, had that feeling. Your father's death must be related to the tower. You should not go out for the time being and stay in the space."

Thinking of Mu Jiuchen's despair at that time, Yu Wan's heart felt like a knife piercing her heart.

As for Liangbao letting them stay in the space, Yu Wan felt that it would be safer for them to stay in the space before they figured out the matter about the tower.

 Liangbao nodded.

“Then you go to the Soul Mountain to practice while watching your father, and leave your mother alone for a while.”

Liangbao nodded again, glanced at Yu Wan worriedly, and then went to Hun Mountain.

After the two treasures left, Yu Wan closed the palace door and sat on the bed alone, thinking about things.

She must find out what happened and cannot let Mu Jiuchen die in vain. Although this ray of soul can be cultivated to the state when he died and has all the memories, it will take a long, long time.

She couldn't wait until that time, so she had to figure it out now. No matter who it was, she would definitely avenge her.

If she wanted to find out, she had to search around the divine tower, but now she knew nothing about the divine tower and could not find it.

 The God Tower is actually the same as her space. It is an independent space. The God Tower can be said to be another world of cultivation.

 But it must be controlled by someone, otherwise it would not disappear inexplicably.

Moreover, the altar has been there since ancient times and there has never been any special situation. That is, there is only one possibility. The person who controls it must be healing there.

After so many years of training with so many gods and men, and spending so many sacred stones, it must be healing.

Whether he is absorbing divine power or entering the soul of a fallen god, he is healing. Unfortunately, Mu Jiuchen encountered an accident. After his death, the soul fed him.

Yu Wan had asked Jiemen to look for Mu Jiuchen before, but he had indeed disappeared from the God Realm without leaving a trace of his soul.

If it weren’t for the trace of soul left in the space, Mu Jiuchen would have completely fallen.

It was difficult to find the God Pagoda. During the past ten thousand years, she had seen the eleventh floor of the Scripture Pavilion, but she had not found a single word about the God Pagoda.

Even though there were no clues, Yu Wan did not give up searching. She decided to try her luck in the God Realm.

Yu Wan immediately left the Tiandao Sect. She originally wanted to see her parents and younger brother before leaving. She also wanted to see what the little Chu Ling had grown up to be now.

 But in her current condition, it is better not to appear in front of her parents.

So Yu Wan only left a message for them, saying that there was an emergency and they had to leave Tiandao Sect.

Of course Tianyan and the others would not have thought about Mu Jiuchen's death. They thought that Yu Wan was curious about the disappearance of the divine tower and wanted to see what was going on in the divine tower, so they didn't take it to heart and only told her to pay more attention. Just be safe and err on the side of caution.

Yu Wan left Tiandao Sect and randomly chose a city to enter.

In the city, people everywhere are talking about the sudden disappearance of the sacred tower.

Yu Wan found a teahouse, ordered a pot of tea, and sat quietly listening to people talking about the pagoda.

 (End of this chapter)

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