The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 792: Taking the blame

Chapter 792: Taking the blame

When Zhu Wen and the other six people saw the Great Elder and his grandson stopped, they immediately flew up and saluted the Great Elder. Zhu Wen asked respectfully: "Great Elder, are you going after the Young Patriarch? Did the Young Patriarch leave or is there something else?" "

When the great elder saw that these six people had all arrived, he suddenly had an idea in his mind. They brought them all to him together. They really brought pillows to him when he felt sleepy.

 He hasn't found a way to conquer them all yet. This is simply God's will.

 The great elder immediately put up a barrier, then immediately sat down and looked at the six people.

The six people were shocked when they saw that they were trapped by the barrier. However, they saw the great elder sitting down and did not move. The six people sat cross-legged across from the great elder uneasily.

The great elder looked at the six people with deep eyes: "The young patriarch has indeed left and will never come back again. What do you think of this?"

 “We, what do we think?”

The six people looked at each other, wondering why the great elder would say this. What does it mean to leave and never come back again?

It was Zhu Wen who asked, "Can the Great Elder explain the matter a little more clearly? We don't quite understand what the Great Elder meant."

The great elder said one word at a time: "It means literally, that is to say, the young patriarch is no longer the young patriarch of our Suzaku tribe, and I will lead the Suzaku tribe from now on."

 The six of them were all shocked.

Is the Suzaku Clan still a Suzaku Clan without its young leader? Isn't this a joke?

They understand very well that the Suzaku blood in their bodies is very thin, just like human monks.

This is not their fault, because their ancestors found a woman who was a human monk to be a Taoist companion, and the children they gave birth to were almost human, and they were not actually Suzaku tribe members.

Once the young patriarch leaves, what qualifications do the Suzaku tribe members, who consider themselves nobler than humans, have to say that they are Suzaku tribe members?

 If you want to become a pure Suzaku tribe member, there is another situation, which is to return to your ancestors, but this situation is really rare.

In hundreds of millions of years, only the direct line of the Suzaku family has had such an incident, and they have always been the leaders of the Suzaku clan.

Now the great elder is their clan leader. To be honest, in their hearts the great elder is the great elder. How can he be their clan leader?

 The Great Elder saw them all frowning, his eyes sharpened, and he immediately released pressure.


 The six people felt a powerful force pressing down on them, screamed in surprise, and immediately used their divine power to resist.

 “Hmph!” Seeing their resistance, Zhu Yu snorted heavily and also released pressure to help his grandfather.


Not long after, the six people couldn't bear it anymore. They were sweating profusely, and in a moment, all the bones in their bodies were broken.

 “Hmph! You don’t know how to harm things.” The great elder increased his power.

Zhu Wenqiang asked: "Great Elder, if you force us like this, there must be a reason to convince us. Why does the Young Patriarch do this?"


The great elder snorted again. Seeing that the six people had no ability to resist, their ancestors and their grandchildren withdrew the pressure.

The great elder's eyes flashed. It was not enough to make them surrender by force. The reason was, let's leave the blame to the human goddess.

So he said angrily: "The reason? Why don't I tell you? It's not because of the young lady. She looked down on the position of the Suzaku clan leader and wanted the young clan leader to be the main god. Of course I didn't agree. We argued to no avail and eventually parted ways. If If the six of you want to pursue the young patriarch, this elder will never stop you, but you must think clearly about the consequences of following him. "

 This is another naked threat.

 The six of them were all frightened again.

Zhu Wen obviously didn't believe it. He gritted his teeth and said: "How is this possible? It makes sense that one of us would like to be the main god. It is impossible for the young patriarch to have such an idea."

It's not like he doesn't know that the young patriarch has a noble bloodline, so why would he want to be the chief **** of Nalaoshizi? This is obviously the elder's nonsense.

The Great Elder said sternly: "Believe it or not, I am here to make it clear that if you are willing to follow him, go now. If you want to come back here after you go, it is impossible. If you don't go, then you have to Listen to me."


The six people didn't know what to do for a moment. The elder didn't give them any time to think about it and asked them to make a decision now.

Today’s matter has made it clear that even if you don’t agree, you have to agree. They are all within the barrier of the great elder, and they cannot escape.

It turns out that the great elder had set a trap for them. Even if the great elder let them go, they would not be able to leave. The great elder would definitely give them a slap in the back and send them to the underworld.

How could the great elder let them follow the young patriarch?

 That’s all, the six people thought about the consequences and realized that they couldn’t afford it.

Besides, they still have descendants here. Even if the great elder lets them go out of kindness, their descendants will not end well.

 Forget it, they have been ruled by the Great Elder for so many years, they only changed one place and another name. From now on, the Great Elder has become the actual person in charge of the Suzaku clan.

 The six people looked at each other and said in unison: "Meet the clan leader."

The great elder then smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, okay, you are indeed smart people. The leader of this clan will definitely not treat you badly in the future. He will definitely lead the Suzaku clan to make the world proud of the gods."

The six of them smiled bitterly. From now on, they will be the swords of the clan leader. They will cut wherever he calls.

 “Follow the instructions of the patriarch.”

“Hahaha...Okay, from now on, the six of you will be the elders of the Suzaku tribe, Zhu Wen will be the first elder, and Zhu Wu will be the second elder..."

Zhu Hao gave the eldership to six people in public and gave a stick to a sweet date. This was a common method used by superiors.

 Zhu Hao is very good at it.

 The six people were naturally grateful.

Zhu Yu watched from the side as her grandfather subdued the six people so easily. She unconsciously raised the corner of her mouth, thinking that it was his loss that Mu Jiuchen did not become the leader of the Suzaku tribe.

 Look at these six people, they are all in the realm of God Emperors. There are several God Emperors in the entire Wushu Realm.

 Which force has eight divine emperor realms?

  No, they, the Suzaku Clan, are the first.

 Becoming a super powerful race is just around the corner.

Zhu Yu felt so proud that she couldn't hide it no matter how hard she tried, so she showed it immediately.

I also thought about it, will Mu Jiuchen regret it when he sees the glory of the Suzaku clan in the future? Will he regret it to the point of vomiting blood?

 Hahahaha...thinking about that scene makes people feel relieved.

 Her proud expression made the six people in Zhu Wen's eyes dazzle.

The elder glanced at his granddaughter, subdued these six people, and made them elders. He was no longer in the mood to pursue Mu Jiuchen.

Even after chasing them here, we didn't catch them. They must have entered the sacred tower.

 He asked the six people to heal their injuries first, leaving Zhu Yu behind. He took the six new elders back to the Suzaku Clan.

 (End of this chapter)

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