Chapter 811 Meeting Dahei

The two stepped onto the teleportation array and entered an underground space. When they arrived, they could already hear the sound of fighting, which was the sound of gods shouting.

 It looks like the scene is very intense.

The two of them followed the crowd through a passage and arrived at the hall. At a glance, the two of them saw that this hall can accommodate about 50,000 people, but it only has a space formation.

 At this time, the seats were basically full, and the two of them were led by the waiter inside to sit down at a seat farther back.

As soon as the two sat down, they released their consciousness and looked at the dueling platform in space.

Two parties entered the duel stage. There were gods and men guarding the intersections where both parties entered. At this time, the two gods and men on the stage were fighting fiercely.

With the tense fighting scene, the people watching on the field shouted loudly, some shouted to come on, and some shouted to kill him quickly. The noise was deafening.

Yu Wan frowned when she saw such a **** scene, it was really crazy.

Yu Wan felt that these people seemed to be releasing their emotions.

With half a stick of incense, one of the two duels on the stage was killed by his opponent. When the dead man fell, the man immediately disappeared on the stage.

 The other victorious person raised his hands on the stage and shouted: "Who else will challenge!"

 The mood is high and the appearance is cruel.

That scene was very similar to a modern black boxing scene.

After the man screamed crazily for a while, a tall man of God came up and started fighting with him.

Yu Wan discovered that when they fought, they only used their own strength and did not use their divine power.

No wonder the fight scenes are so bloody.

It’s no wonder that the gods onlookers shouted loudly. This is really a way to relieve stress and a way to make people crazy.

Not long after the two men fought, the man of God who shouted loudly before was punched to death by the man of God who came up from behind. The moment the man fell to the ground and died, his body disappeared inexplicably on the table.

Yu Wan saw that there were no formations on the stage. It was just like her space, and someone was collecting it.

At this time, the tall and strong man of God slowly scanned the surrounding people with his eyes, without shouting, as if he was looking for someone inside.

For a long time, no one came up to challenge him. At this time, the guardian saint on the stage said to the **** opposite: "Ask someone to send someone up. Don't let the scene be cold and let everyone down."

The man of God opposite nodded, waved his hand in the air, and immediately two men of God escorted one man of God onto the stage.

When the person being escorted came onto the stage, Yu Wan saw the person clearly, and her head started to buzz. How could it be Dahei?

Haven’t Dahei and Xiaoqing been following Yu Haoran and the others? Dahei appears here, but what about Yu Haoran and the others?

At this time, Dahei's eyes were dull and his steps were stiff, which showed that his soul was obviously controlled.

Yu Wan was angry. Who dared to touch her? She stood up with a cry. Unexpectedly, Mu Jiuchen grabbed her tightly: "Wan'er, don't be impulsive. Let's see what's going on first."

Yu Wan turned to look at Mu Jiuchen, holding her breath and controlling her urge to run away, she nodded.

“Wait a minute for you to go down.” Yu Wan said in a deep voice.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go down later.” Mu Jiuchen patted her and held her hand.

This is the city of the evil god. The people here are all cruel and they cannot act rashly.

The two people on the stage let Dahei go, but Dahei was still stunned.

The tall man of God opposite also saw that something was wrong with Dahei. He did not take action immediately. Instead, he asked the two guards on the stage: "What's going on with this man? I don't want to hit anyone who can't fight back."

The two guards glanced at him, and one of them said coldly: "If you don't want to be beaten, go down. Just go down sideways."

 Everyone knows that as long as a person is on the duel stage, he can only survive alone.

If the tall and powerful man doesn't want to fight with Dahei, then he will have to go down sideways.

The tall and powerful man had no choice but to raise his fist and hit Dahei with his fist.

Dahei was controlled by his soul and could not feel the attack. He was punched alive, and the punch directly penetrated his chest.

Suddenly, blood flowed from his chest, but he seemed to feel no pain. His body only shook a few times and did not fall down.

The people watching on the field were in an uproar. They liked to see such one-sided abuse, and some gods even shouted: "Hit me quickly, what are you doing, like a girl."


 Cause everyone burst into laughter.

Yu Wan was furious when she saw it. She swept over with her consciousness and saw who it was. She ignored Mu Jiuchen's dissuasion and insisted on taking him into the space. She immediately moved Dahei into the space through the boundary gate.

 Then she brought the divine man she had locked into space and threw him directly into the prison.

 Then he quickly treated Dahei's injuries and asked Mu Jiuchen to pay attention to the outside.

Outside, when Dahei disappeared on the stage, except for the onlookers who didn’t know what was going on, the three people on the stage all stared blankly at the place where Dahei disappeared.

 How could Dahei disappear if he is not dead?

Not only were the three of them stunned, but the person controlling the duel under the duel stage was also stunned.

 He immediately sent a message to his master about what was happening here, and then he had people rearranged to play.

 It’s just that no one noticed that a person disappeared out of thin air.

The person who came on stage this time was actually Yu Haoran.

 His situation was the same as that of Dahei, his soul was also controlled by others.

It turns out that this dueling ground is open at twelve hours every day. At the beginning, many people went up to duel, and I also took advantage of this to help many people resolve their personal grievances.

 Later, fewer people went up to duel, but there was an endless stream of people coming to watch, which could not meet the needs of the audience.

So the owner of the arena ordered to arrest people outside, but happened to meet Yu Haoran and his party.

 Five brothers were arrested together, including Dahei and Xiaoqing.

"Wan'er, come on, it's the eldest brother." When Mu Jiuchen saw it was Yu Haoran, he immediately called Yu Wan.

Yu Wan looked around and saw that it was indeed Yu Haoran. She was so angry that she couldn't care less and directly took Yu Haoran into the space.

Let Mu Jiuchen heal their wounds, and she came to look outside. Yu Haoran was here, so Yu Haoyu and the others must also be there.

This time the tall godman didn't make a move at all, and Yu Haoran disappeared. They didn't know what happened now. They were blinded by the godman in vain.

Even the audience sensed something was wrong.

 Immediately everyone asked the patron saint on the stage.

 “Are you doing a big transformation? We don’t want to see such a performance.”

 “Yeah, what are you doing?”

“If we don’t see the duel, then withdraw our sacred stone.”

“Yes, give us back the sacred stone.”


 The scene suddenly got out of control.

The person in charge of the arena was so worried that he sent a message to his master, but he didn't come when he said he was coming. Seeing that the situation was about to become chaotic, he had no choice but to send another person up.

 (End of this chapter)

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