Chapter 822 To Earth

After the two of them arrived on Earth, Yu Wan took Xueyan to visit their old house. When they arrived, the old house there had been demolished and now a high-rise building had been built.

 “Ziwei, what are you here to see?”

In just one day, Xueyan and Yu Wan have become very familiar with each other, and they call her by her name naturally.

“This is the place where I used to live. I haven’t visited it for many years. I came back this time to take a look. I didn’t expect that the place has changed so much.”

Yu Wan did not tell Xue Yan that she had been reborn on earth. She felt that so much time had passed in a blink of an eye, and their graves were gone. She didn’t know where they were moved to, and she still wanted to pay homage to them.

 Only look for it and worship again when it is empty.

What made her even more shocked was that it was now the twenty-third century on earth, and technology was even more advanced.

Human spacecraft can fly to other planets at will, and even find a planet suitable for human habitation.

I just learned from people’s conversations that many people are unwilling to move and it is difficult to leave their homeland.

Xueyan nodded: "Oh! So it's a return visit to the old place."

After being silent for a while, Yu Wan said: "Well, if we two want to live here, it's not convenient in a big city, so let's find a place to live in the countryside."

In big cities, ID cards are required no matter where you are, but in more remote places, you don't need them. The two of them look like two girls. How could the simple country people think that they are gods who can turn clouds and rain with their hands? people.

Xue Yan has no opinion on where she lives. It doesn’t matter where the gods live. Their consciousness is so powerful that they can go wherever they want in an instant.

But seeing everything on the earth, Xueyan felt fresh everywhere. Sure enough, Ziwei didn't lie to her.

Xueyan was curious about everything. It wasn't Yu Wan who stopped her, so she picked up a building with more than 100 floors to study how a mortal could make it without any magic power.

“Be honest and don’t touch those buildings.” Yu Wan tightened her grip on Xueyan. She didn’t expect that the quiet Xueyan had such an innocent side. She wanted to pinch everything she saw.

Thinking of her innocence, Yu Wan felt that it was not surprising that Xue Yan was so like a curious baby.

She also didn’t want them to be gods who could crush those buildings even if they touched them lightly.

“I know, let’s find a place to stay.” Xue Yan impatiently took Yu Wan to find a place to stay. She would stay here for a while.

Everything here is incredible. In a place where there are no monks, there are actually more powerful methods than monks, and they can also refine "magical weapons" that can endure harm.

That's right, in Xueyan's eyes, these cars, planes, and high-rise buildings are magic weapons refined by these mortals.

The two came to a rural area in the south. The air here was relatively fresh and the scenery was nice. They stayed here.

The landlord was an old woman over sixty with no children. When she saw two girls, Yu Wan, renting her house, she agreed without hesitation.

She is an old woman who has been alone for a long time, so she likes to hang out with young and energetic people, so that she feels that she is not so old and not so lonely.

 The population of the 23rd world has dropped sharply, and it is even worse for those who are unmarried and infertile. She is a DINK. It was not until her husband passed away that she realized the pain of being childless.

 It is not said that children can extend their lives, but if there is a child, they will not be so lonely.

People also have less fun.

 Less love for life.

“How is it? Is it okay here?” Yu Wan asked Xue Yan when the two of them just fell asleep at night.

Xueyan nodded, resting her head on her hands, looking at the stars outside through the roof.

This planet is really amazing. You can also see other planets in the starry sky, which cannot be seen in the Tongxuan world. There is a barrier outside the Tongxuan Realm that protects the Tongxuan Realm. You cannot see the planets outside, only the energy balls.

Yu Wan saw that she was silent. She must be looking at everything outside with her spiritual consciousness. She ignored Xue Yan, but looked at the old woman in the other room with her spiritual consciousness. When she saw this nice old woman, she thought of her parents on earth. , she sighed, and injected a magical power into her body. This magical power could ensure that she would live a long life and grow old without any illness or disaster.

  Perhaps I will be reincarnated into a good fetus in the future.

As for Xueyan, her consciousness was looking around in every city at this time, and what she saw was exactly what Yu Wan said. Most of the girls were bold, unrestrained, and enthusiastic, which simply subverted her three views.

She didn’t expect that girls could live like this and do whatever they wanted.

In just one night, Xueyan's thoughts changed a lot. Mortal girls can live as wantonly as she, a goddess, can't live as well as a mortal girl.

From now on, she will live a free and easy life and no longer have to worry about other people's opinions.

 She is no longer so worried about what Qi Tian did to her.

Just like those girls said, just treat it as if you were bitten by a dog. If a dog bites you, you can't bite it back.

 So, hahaha…

 Thinking about it, the depression in my heart also disappeared.

"Ziwei, were you like those girls when you were on this planet before?" Xueyan was a little curious.

“No, I came here by accident. I already had a son at that time, but I still dare to be like those girls. Then my husband won’t twitch my muscles and peel off my skin.”

"Oh? You already have a husband and a son?" Xueyan was greatly surprised.

 She really didn't notice that Yu Wan was already a woman.

 Mainly because Yu Wan had already changed her appearance in the space, even her aura was covered up, and she was protected by divine clothes, so Xueyan really couldn't detect it.

 When I came here, I also changed my appearance.

This was also done intentionally by Yu Wan. She did not want to expose her star body in front of Xueyan for the time being and let her know the truth.

 In other words, Xueyan has never seen her true face at all.

Xueyan didn't care about this. She was only grateful for the people who rescued her from the fire pit.

“Yes, do you want to take a look?” Yu Wan looked at Xue Yan with a smile.

Xueyan waved her hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I'm not interested in men."

She has not yet completely come out of the shadow of Qi Tian. Qi Tian has been venting his anger on her during those days. When she thinks of men, Xueyan still thinks of those days.

Yu Wan patted her and went out.

  It was already broad daylight, so they went to walk around.

 The two of them spoke to the old woman and went out.

Yu Wan walked with Xueyan.

 In the 23rd century, all means of transportation are driverless and all require face recognition to get on the bus. Two people cannot get into the car at all and can only travel on foot.

 It's just that they were walking. It seemed like they were walking step by step. In fact, when their steps moved, they were no longer where they were.

 (End of this chapter)

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