The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 837: mutated creatures

Chapter 837 Mutated Creatures

 After the two celebrated, Mu Jiuchen decided to return to the battlefield outside the territory.

"Wan'er, I went through the teleportation array myself. From here, no one will know that I came from the battlefield outside the territory." Before leaving, Mu Jiuchen said.

Yu Wan nodded. There was no other way. Mu Jiuchen couldn't enter her space with the Demon Suppression Tower, so she had to take the teleportation array.

Mu Jiuchen left directly for the Beishu Divine Realm. After he left, Yu Wan took a look at the battlefield outside the realm from the gate. The new round of war had not yet begun, so she had new ideas.

That is to find where those weird creatures come from, and then kill them all. From then on, there will no longer be foreign battlefields, and there will be a clear world in the cultivation world.

Yu Wan controlled the realm gate, looking for the strange creature.

 “Master, it’s so strange, I can’t find those weird things.” Xiaojie said to Yu Wan.

 As long as the small world stores the breath, you can find what you are looking for based on the breath. It is a bit strange that I haven't found it for so long.

 “Look for more.” This situation was relatively rare, so Yu Wan could only tell Xiao Jie to look for more.

 “Okay, Master.”

In the process of searching, Yu Wan saw many abandoned planets. The planets were dead and silent, with no life at all.

Yu Wan also went directly to these planets to take a look and found that these planets had traces of life activities in the past, indicating that these planets were life planets in the past.

It was the same as the ruined star she had seen before, and it was also destroyed by the power released by the energy planet.

Yu Wan continued to search, believing that those strange creatures were nearby.

 A month later, Yu Wan finally found a planet.

This is a moving planet. Yu Wan can clearly see that the planet is moving in the universe, as if it is controlled by someone.

In fact, this situation is not strange in the world of cultivation. The space on her body is actually a small planet in the universe. It just doesn't move regularly like this. Instead, the space moves with her wherever she goes. It's just that others It's just undetectable.

 In this vast starry sky, the existence of space is like a movable planet. There are actually countless such planets in this universe.

Yu Wan took a look at the planet. It was just an ordinary planet, and it was populated by ordinary mortals.

Yu Wan searched for a long time and finally found the planet where those strange creatures live.

 This is also a moving planet.

 No wonder Xiaojie can’t find it.

Yu Wan was surprised when she looked at the species on this planet.

There are actually buildings on this planet, and they are buildings where humans live. Many of them are still intact, and a few have been destroyed.

 The creatures that live above, especially those strange human-like creatures, all live in that building.

That scene is similar to that of humans.

 Looking at other monsters and monster plants, they all live in the forest.

 Like the cultivation world, residences are divided into regions, but they can also communicate with each other.

Seeing this, Yu Wan understood that this planet was originally inhabited by humans, and it should have been a world of cultivation. However, due to a disaster, all the creatures on the planet were eroded by a force, and then mutated into the strange creatures they are now.

 Looking at this planet, divine power is already very scarce, there is nothing that can allow them to survive, and there are not many other miscellaneous powers, so they will look for a planet that allows them to survive.

 The various cultivation circles have become their first choice.

Yu Wan did not immediately destroy these strange creatures. Instead, she captured one and sent it into the space to see if these creatures still had human consciousness.

This is a creature like an octopus. The octopus has a bare head, and countless tentacles grow on the head of this creature, and each tentacle has a pair of eyes.

On the round head, there are two holes for breathing. Below the holes is a large mouth with sharp teeth. It also emits a harsh and terrifying scream, which is very scary to look at. There are seven long legs below, and there is a shadow of a sole on each foot.

Yu Wan placed it on the Soul Mountain, and then observed whether there were any changes in it.

When a monk's body mutates, most of the time it's because his soul is eroded. Let him put it on the Soul Mountain. After leaving it there for a while, see if there are any changes. Can it return to its human form?

Yu Wan did this partly because she was curious, but partly because she couldn’t bear to kill them. After all, these might have been mutated by humans.

After the mutant creature was frightened, it calmed down and looked around with the tentacles on its head. After seeing no one, it seemed to feel that the soul power here was very strong. It actually closed the eyes on all the tentacles and began to breathe in and out rhythmically. .

Yu Wan was delighted. This mutated creature should still have human consciousness.

Yu Wan was afraid of disturbing it, so she did not use her spiritual consciousness to check its body.

 Let's wait a few days and check again to see if there are any changes in this mutated creature.

 Then she searched for some magic medicine in the space to see if she could prepare some medicine for it to take.

 However, while she was preparing the medicine, Xiaojie told Yu Wan that all the creatures on the planet were flying towards the battlefield outside the territory.

 No matter their size or species, they can fly extremely fast in the starry sky.

Their speed is extremely fast. If compared with her Star Step, it is about five times faster than her Star Step.

 This is still in the starry sky.

 There is a violent wind in the starry sky, which seriously affects the flight speed.

 This speed is simply incredible.

 It’s no wonder that with this speed, they can search for other planets in the universe.

 So the war on the foreign battlefield broke out again.

Yu Wan had to put down what she was doing and focus on the battlefield outside the territory. Just like before, she would take action when it was time to take action.

 The corpses of the mutated creatures were picked up and thrown directly into the red soil, allowing them to be transformed into divine power.

The divine power in the red earth began to gradually recover, and Yu Wan noticed that the leaves of the green lotus were beginning to turn green.

 The original color was a bit dark and lifeless, but now it is full of vitality.

At the same time, Yu Wan also paid attention to the mutated creature on Soul Mountain. There has been no change yet.

 Later she called the little snake over to look at it, so that she could pay full attention to the battlefield.

This war is very fierce, and there are many mutant creatures flying in, not just the planet Yu Wan found.

Yu Wan would not rush into the space when she was not sure whether these creatures could recover, so she tried her best to help.

Mu Jiuchen has a monster-suppressing tower. He also collected many mutated creatures into the tower and let the mythical beasts in the tower kill them.

 The corpses were all kept by Yu Wan.

He discovered that as long as he did not collect the corpses in time, the corpses would be devoured by the Demon Suppression Tower, and after being devoured, they would be converted into divine power for the Demon Suppression Tower.

“Master, the aura of that thing is getting stronger.” At this time, the little snake sent a message to Yu Wan.

Hearing this, Yu Wan immediately teleported to Soul Mountain. Sure enough, the aura of the mutated creature was getting stronger, but its appearance remained unchanged.

 (End of this chapter)

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