Chapter 98 Roast Beef

After Yu Wan collected the beast, she returned to the pond. The water in the pond was now muddy, and there were many fish in it, all with their belly turned white.

She picked one up and threw it into a pond in space. After a while, the fish returned to normal.

Yu Wan unceremoniously caught all the small fish and shrimps in the mud. If he didn't catch them, he would die if he stayed.

After finishing these tasks, Yu Wancai took the little snake into the space. In the space, the three pillars had already killed a bison and skewered it.

 Looks like this guy is also hungry.

“Miss, should you bake it now or later?” Sanzhu asked her.

Yu Wan and Little Snake were already so greedy that they couldn’t get enough of it. She said, “Let’s bake it now.”

Three pillars placed the utensils that had been prepared long ago, lit a fire, and started roasting.

Yu Wan also took the beef and grilled it, brushing it with some oil, salt and chili. The aroma suddenly hit her nostrils and made the little snake roar.

"Hahaha..." Yu Wan couldn't help laughing, and even Sanzhu couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"Master", the little snake was laughed so hard that it got into Yu Wan's sleeve. It was really embarrassing. When did this majestic beast become so greedy? It spat out the core at Yu Wan, blaming its owner for roasting it too fragrantly.

 After being a mythical beast for so many years, this is the first time that I am so greedy.

Yu Wan put the roasted beef on a special plate for small snakes. The little snake stuck its head out, faced the beef, and sucked it into its belly.

 She roasted the beef herself and put it into her mouth, taking a small bite. The meat was tender and smooth, neither old nor tender, and the heat was just right.

“Well, it’s delicious. You can eat the three pillars too.”

 Sanzhu has been roasting the little snake and hasn’t even eaten a bite.

Yu Wan glared at the little snake before the snake stopped talking. She and Sanzhu roasted at least thirty kilograms for it to eat. This was a snake that couldn't get enough to eat.

San Zhuzhu glanced at the little snake timidly, and when he saw that the little snake didn't say anything, he started to roast it and eat it himself.

"You guys eat slowly, I have to go out." After saying this, Yu Wan stepped out of the room.

“Huh?” When Yu Wan came out, she saw that the water in the pond was already half full. She looked at the pond and saw that the water was emerging from the bottom of the pond.

 “Is there a spring here?”

Although this mountain is located deep in the mountains, it is not low. This canyon is halfway up the mountain.

 How come it hasn’t been discovered before?

Yu Wan sucked the water from the pond into the space again, and she walked towards the spring where the water was emerging.

She pulled away the mud from the spring, and a thumb-sized spring gurgled with clear water.

Yu Wan thought that she had not seen it before, so the spring must have been trampled and blocked by the buffalo herd. She fiddled with the bottom of the pond again, and the mud was slowly washed away by the spring, and the spring was restored.

She was still worried just now. She sucked up the water in the pond. If three villages were not enough, where would she find it? The beasts in the deep mountains will die of thirst if their water is cut off.

so far so good.

Taking advantage of the spring, Yu Wan simply used magic to clear away all the mud at the bottom of the pond. She has made space for all the mud. This mud is very fertile. When she returns to Zhuangzi and throws it into the fields, it will be better than fertilizer.

Yu Wan dug out the mud and the pond was enlarged. Now the pond can hold a lot of water.

She touched her chin. It would be great if the water in this pond could be connected to Zhuangzi. But it was too far. It was hundreds of miles away from Zhuangzi.

It is completely feasible to pick it up. The road out is downhill, but the amount of work is not small.

She looked at the mountains. When the work on the village was finished, the water had to be led out.

After Yu Wan filled up the pond in the space as much as possible, she ran down the mountain to Zhuangzi in the south of the city.

  When she arrived, it was already dark. She was standing outside the village, and there was a lot of noise from people inside.

She stepped forward and knocked on Zhuangzi's door. The person who opened the door recognized their young master at a glance. He bowed respectfully and called, "Miss."

 “What are they arguing about?”

The man said: "Miss, there is no water in the village, and there is no water for cooking. We are also hungry. The steward only bought pancakes and came back for everyone to eat."

Yu Wan nodded: "Yes, I understand. Ask Uncle Zong to come find me."

The man ran quickly, and after a while, he followed Zong Zheng and ran over panting, followed by another person.

 “Fourth Miss, you are here,” Zong Zheng shouted after he calmed down.

Yu Wan didn't talk nonsense. She said, "You two come into the house with me."

 She pointed to the last person again.

The man stepped forward and saluted Yu Wan: "Slave Zhongshu has seen the young lady."

Yu Wan looked towards Zongzheng, who hurriedly said: "Fourth Miss, he is the head of the village here."

 In fact, Zongzheng did not see Zhuang Tou follow him.

"Okay, then you two will follow me into the house." After saying this, Yu Wan walked towards the small courtyard in the village and asked Hu Zi to stay and guard the door while she opened it.

In the small courtyard, several women were cleaning the house. When they saw that it was their master, they all came up to greet him.

Yu Wan responded a few times, then opened the door to the room closest to her and went in.

 She asked the two of them to guard the door. After she entered, she washed the large jar of space wine, threw it into the pond, filled it with water, and then moved it into the house.

Yu Wan released two of them, which could completely solve their problem of drinking water. The water had absorbed spiritual energy in the space for a long time, and it was very refreshing and sweet to drink like this.

When she bought people, she ignored the problem of water and draft for so many people. Fortunately, she went into the mountains to find water.

 “Uncle Zong, come in.” Yu Wan finished it and asked the two of them to enter the house.

The two of them entered the house and saw two large jars of water. Zongzheng looked like he was used to his master's actions, but Zhongshu was shocked and stunned.

"Zhongzhuangtou, there is enough water for you to drink. You two go down and make arrangements."

Zhong Zhuangtou agreed in a daze, and then the two of them nodded and exited.

On the way, before Zhongshu could react, Zongzheng patted him heavily on the shoulder and said, "Don't make a fuss. Our fourth lady is very capable. If you see anything in the future, you will pretend you haven't seen anything, and you can't just wander around. Do you understand?" "

Zhong Shu almost staggered and said, "I understand, I understand."

No wonder, he said, that a little girl had such courage to buy Zhuangzi and raise servants like them. It turned out that the master had extraordinary methods.

Looking at Zongzheng’s appearance, this master is not a simple one.

He knew their duty as servants, and even if Zong Zheng didn't warn him, he wouldn't dare to talk nonsense.

   No one believes it even if I say it.

 The problem of drinking water at night has been solved, but everyone's washing is still a problem.

Yu Wan was deep in thought. It was unrealistic to ask everyone to go into the mountains to help chop bamboo to make drainage pipes. Not only would it delay digging the pond, but it would also delay the transplanting of rice seedlings. It's already the end of February, and she doesn't know how fast the seedlings in the space will grow after they are moved out.

 It seemed that she had to come in person with the little snake.

That night, Yu Wan applied small clouds and rain on the dry ground all night, then filled the jars with water, and filled three large jars of water in other rooms. After giving it to Zongzheng, she went up the mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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