The Bride of the Serpent Prince

Chapter 197: [197] Ambiguous

"I know, but you believe me, if Lanxi is really pitiful now, she's all hurt now. If I didn't arrive in time, she would be tortured to death if she wasn't stained by that coward!"

"Forget it, since you are so persistent, let her stay!" Wu Feiyue sighed slightly, how could he not understand her character for such a long time together, forget it, just leave it alone She's fine this time.

However, this does not mean that he has let go of his mustache to Lan Xiruo. It is said that the demon world is generally men practicing spells and women and husbands, but Lan Xi Ruohao is also a fox princess. Is the coward bullying so miserable?

"Really? Feiyue, thank you!" Mu Tangchun rejoiced, excitedly lifted his toes, wrapped his neck, and printed a kiss on the **** thin lips.

Unexpectedly, the little woman's initiative was naturally very happy in Xun Feiyue's heart, and her original indifference to Lan Xiruo was also swept away.

It was Mu Tangchun. She came back and finally reflected what she had done. Her face turned red with time. She turned her back on her face, covered her face, and was so ashamed that her ears were red.

"We've done even more intimate things, what are you still holding on to now?" Hugging her soft body, 夙 Feiyue laughed and teased her.

It ’s okay to mention that Mu Tangchun began to think of what he did to herself every night, and she was even more shy, and she didn't even dare to lift her head. The evildoers are so bad, always teasing her like this.

"You ... you don't have to say any more!" Mu Tang swallowed droolily, and spoke very hard.

"Okay, I don't need to say, I can do it, okay?" Qi Feiyue suddenly smiled evilly and hugged her horizontally. "I'll help you again so much, should you make good compensation? Me? Last night you fell asleep without waiting for me to come back, how do you say you should compensate me? "

"You ... you, you don't have to be every night ..." Although these words are really ashamed, but Mu Tangchun still has to defend her interests so that she won't really die in bed, but soon she finds that Her resistance had no effect at all, and the body was directly placed on the bed in the inner room, and a heavy body was immediately pressed on the body.

"You ... 唔 ..." Without giving her a chance to fight, 夙 Feiyue sealed her lips directly and arrogantly, and swallowed everything she wanted to say.

Soon, the room was filled with spring, and the ambiguous atmosphere began to heat up ...

After the incident, Mu Tang was so tired that she couldn't even move her fingers. She cried silently in her heart. Does the snake have to be this color? If this continues, will her body not be able to bear it first? These days, my body is a bit uncomfortable, but today seems to be extra tired, my belly is even a little uncomfortable ... It didn't look like this before!

"Junchun ..." It was only once vented that the unsettled hand of an unsatisfied evil spirit immediately began to move over her again, and her fiery eyes silently told her something.

"I'm so tired ..." She rolled her eyes and was too tired to talk.

"But I still want it!" He wasn't happy enough, naturally he didn't want to let her go so easily, "It doesn't matter, you just have to enjoy it and leave the rest to your husband!" The beauty is still pregnant, or herself The most beloved woman, Qi Feiyue really can't wait to swallow her whole body with her completely water, milk and blend.

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