The Bride Of The Vampire King


Knowing a person is like music,

What attract us to them is their melody,

And as we get to know who they are,

We learn their lyrics.



"DAMON!!!" she called his name subconsciously, as she closed her eyes tightly the moment the thick dark smoke descended to her.

It didn't take a long time after Tarsa called his name and the protector appeared. He dashed toward her and used his wind sword to cut the uncanny smoke.

The smoke scattered and dispersed into thin air, leaving a burning smell inside the room.

Damon stood beside the bed and scanned his surroundings, to make sure there was no more hidden threat. Only then did he put his focus on Tarsa, as a few guards came into the room and turned on the light, illuminating the room.

"Are you okay?" Damon gathered Tarsa in his arms and checked on her quickly. His eyes darkened when he saw scratches along her right arm and shoulder.

Four of the bodyguards came in and immediately checked all the corners of this room, especially the balcony.

They used their communication device and asked if the other guards saw something bizarre, but everything was fine.

"What happened here?" one of the bodyguards came to Damon and asked him in confusion since they found nothing.

They heard Tarsa scream and saw Damon storm into the room, therefore they thought something bad must be happening to her.

"You can't find this thing," Damon said gloomily, while Tarsa was still crying in his arms.

"What do you mean this 'thing'?" He frowned, but then realized what he was dealing with. Because it was the Duvessa people who said this, it must be something beyond their ability.

"Get the car ready, I will bring her to Duvessa," Damon gave an order.

At the same time, Claire and Russel entered the room, because they heard some commotion from the guards when they were communicating through the device.

"What happened to her?" Claire rushed toward her daughter and pushed Damon away from Tarsa. She cradled her daughter in her arms.

"What is it?" Russel stood beside the bad and stared at Damon, asking this young man to explain the situation.

"It was Bourdox," he replied curtly.

"And what did this Bourdox do to my daughter?" Claire was furious. She felt her heart almost stop beating when she heard something happening in Tarsa's room.

If she could, she didn't want her daughter to be involved with anything that had to do with Duvessa. It was an ancient society and too dangerous for her. This was the kind of thing that she was afraid of the most.

"Bourdox…" Russel muttered, "I heard about this creature somewhere."

Bourdox was a dark creature that would inflict a nightmare on someone, but the dangerous part was; whatever happened in that dream, would happen in real life too.

It meant, if you died in your dream, then you would die for real as well.

"I need to bring her to Duvessa." Damon took Tarsa's hand, but Claire swatted his hand harshly.

"You will not bring my daughter anywhere!" she glared at the protector viciously. "You are not competent with what you do. You will get my daughter killed!"


Claire couldn't understand why these people wanted to separate her from her daughter? As she still had the same thought as before; they did nothing wrong by taking Kairi Xierra's heart to save her daughter.

The woman had died, so why did those people keep fussing over it? It didn't seem she would wake up from her grave and search for her heart, right?

They were just being unreasonable!

"You will get my daughter killed, just like how you failed to protect the other woman!" Claire exclaimed, she shot a dagger look at the protector.

Everyone gasped secretly when they heard the first lady's words and waited with anxiety for Damon's reaction.

It goes without saying that the failure Damon had done was something that couldn't be forgotten easily. In fact, no one would forget about it and the mistake was always on his shoulder, but it was very audacious to say it out loud like that, especially in front of everyone.

Russel held his breath and took a step in front of Claire and his daughter. It was his instinct to protect his family from Damon's outburst from being reminded of those scars.

However, Damon didn't do anything, he just stood there, with his eyes fixed on Tarsa, yet didn't say anything or give any response to what Claire had just said, he turned deaf ears for those words.

"We need to go to Duvessa," he repeated his words. "Or her condition will be worse than this. She needs to be purified."

"What do you mean she needs to be purified?!" Claire couldn't accept the way Damon phrased his words, it almost felt like her daughter was an evil creature.

"She was touched by something dark and her spiritual power is not enough to repel it," Damon explained patiently, something that was so rare for him to show it in front of other people.

"No! You will not take my daughter anywhere!" Claire insisted and Russel didn't know what decision that he should take.

Yet, at this time Tarsa saved the situation, she raised her head and looked at her mother with exhausted eyes. "I think I should go…" she said with a small voice.

"You will not go anywhere Tarsa, it's okay, mother is here to protect you from them." Claire pushed Tarsa's head to her shoulder lightly, but she held her hand and talked to her again.

"I feel awful and I think he can help me." Tarsa then looked at Damon and saw the protector nodded his head. "He will keep me safe."


Tarsa didn't know why she chose to go with Damon, but she knew that her decision was right.

However, at this moment, she needed to push that matter behind her head since there was something more urgent that needed her attention.

The uncomfortable feeling that she felt at this moment only became more vivid and it was expressed by the way she scrunched her brows as if she was in pain.

Slowly, Tarsa could feel someone touching her arms and pulling her closer to them. It was Damon, the man who was sitting next to her in a black car that would take them to the Duvessa, after a long fight with Claire.

Her mother didn't have any other choice when she saw what her daughter was going through at that moment.

Tears started to stream down her cheeks when she said that she was having trouble breathing. It almost felt like someone pushed her chest down and sucked all the air from her lungs.

It was hard and almost unbearable.

"It's okay," Damon said in a shooting tone that calmed her a little, as his callous fingers touched her cheeks to wipe her tears, which Tarsa didn't realize she started crying. "Everything will be alright once we reach Duvessa. They will elevate the pain, you will be okay." His voice was like a whisper in Tarsa's ears.

Yet, behind Damon's calm demeanor, there was bigger than the word of anxiousness that Damon felt at that moment. He felt like he had failed again to protect her and now seeing Tarsa in pain, he started to doubt himself as the protector.

"I am sorry for not protecting you well," Damon said again. He cradled the girl in his arms and was at a loss since he had never seen Xierra like this.

Xierra always looked very strong and reliable. She was not as delicate as Tarsa, which made Damon worried to even touch her.

"What do you mean?" Tarsa raised her head and watched how gloomy Damon's expression was. She literally could see grief in his orbs' eyes and this made her heart tighten, which had nothing to do with her discomfort. Tarsa then stretched out her hand and touched his face, as she softly whispered. "This is not your fault."

'This is not your fault.'

Someone in the past said the same words to him and he could still feel how the words comforted him.


"You fail to protect the Kairi again," Amaro said sharply, as he shot a dagger look at Damon. "What is wrong with you? You are one of the best protectors that the Duvessa had., but now you keep failing on your mission."

It was not that Damon didn't protect Tarsa well, but the girl needed time to adjust herself with her new life and also because her spiritual power was still not stable, thus it rendered her situation more important to note.

For now, Tarsa was handled by Kairi Ariana and Raphael to purify the dark sign that was left by the Bourdeux, while Damon was not allowed to come close to her.

"I am sorry," Damon said, as he reciprocated his gaze. Even though he was in a critical position and had to face the wrath of the head protector, but he didn't lower his head. "I will do it better."

"No," Amaro said fiercely.

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