Aaric did not think that Ellen would do something as reckless and bold as this, that too in his office room.

He knew that Dr. Drake, the man whose body he was occupying now, was Ellen's lover. They have been maintaining this secret relationship for a long time and Aaric only found out about it after he occupied this body and got all the memories about the two of them.​​

He was shocked, as he didn't expect something like this to happen, but what else could he do now?

They were good at keeping it secret from the others, because until to this day, no one knew about the affair between Dr. Drake and Ellen.

But, who would have thought that Ellen would take such a bold approach when they were still within the scope of the facility, and moreover in his office room.

First, Ellen just went up to him and touched his shoulder, she said something so seductive and slow, but Aaric didn't really understand what she was actually saying, because right after that very moment, Ellen tiptoed and kissed his lips while wrapping her hands around his neck.

This completely threw him off guard.

"Ellen?!" Aaric immediately distanced himself from her and pushed her away. However, Ellen was so stubborn, she still clung to Aaric's collar and didn't allow herself to be shooed away from this man. "What are you doing?"

Aaric looked at her fiercely and his words sounded very cold and sharp, making Ellen frown and her eyes reflected the pain in her heart at the treatment of her lover.

"Drake, why did you change? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" Ellen began to ask questions in a row. She couldn't take it anymore.

Drake had been avoiding her for the past week, he even acted like they were just colleagues, be it in the research facility or outside.

Even when Ellen came to his apartment, Drake always said that he wasn't home, and what made Ellen even more clueless was when Drake changed the apartment passcode and didn't allow her to get inside.

Since when did Drake do that?

Ellen couldn't understand what had happened to the man she had been dating for almost two years now. If it weren't for work, they would be married by now.

The last time Drake acted normal was when he said there was something strange in his house and immediately ended the call while they were still on the phone.

And the next morning, Drake began to treat her coldly.

"Drake, did I do something wrong? Did I do something that made you angry? Tell me, what happened?" Ellen shook his hand violently while Aaric was still trying to free himself from Ellen's grip.

"Don't be like this, if someone else sees us then we will be in big trouble," Aaric hissed, trying to warn Ellen.

However, the two of them didn't realize that someone else was already watching them with eyes full of hatred. Every inch of her body was shaking with the emotions that were churning inside her chest.

An unfamiliar emotion, but it would turn into something fatal if no one realized it immediately. It was just that Aaric and Ellen were too busy with themselves to realize what dangers that were lurking just around the corner...

"I don't care, I will be like this until you explain what made you change!" Ellen lost control of herself and now she started forcing a hug on Aaric.

Fortunately, in Aaric's office, there was no active CCTV, he himself had confirmed this, if not what they were doing now, was sure to raise suspicion.

What else, he did with Mila earlier…

"I will explain to you, but you have to let go of me first," Aaric tried to free himself from Ellen and pushed her to the bed that Mila slept in earlier.

However, a low growl from the direction of the door made the two of them turn their heads toward it.

And when they did that, their eyes found Mila, still standing there. Her misty gray eyes now darkened, as her nails elongated.

Mila stared at the two of them with a strong killing intent, but that wasn't what frightened Ellen, but the fact that Mila had reached this stage, left her at a loss for words.

Supposedly, with the various medications and injections she received, Mila should not be as dangerous as she was now, but the reality Ellen saw said the complete opposite.

And the next mistake Ellen did was, she hugged Aaric, trying to hide behind him, which only made Mila even angrier.

A deep growl could be heard from her throat.

"Drake, you have to call the guard..." Ellen said in a low voice, fear was clearly written on her face.

But, Aaric was staring at Mila with a frown, he was not afraid but of course, seeing Mila regain her strength in this scenario didn't benefit their situation either.

In this case, if Mila got out of control, then things would only get worse.

"Mila... listen to me." Aaric tried to get close to Mila, but Ellen, who didn't know what kind of relationship existed between Aaric and this vampire girl, held him back.

"No Drake, she is dangerous," Ellen warned him, worried that something might happen to her man.

But of course Drake didn't respond. Now the thing that was far more dangerous was; if Mila lost control now and took an action that could harm herself.

Mila had just gotten a little freedom in the name of researching her behavior, but if she attacked Ellen, then things wouldn't benefit her.

Cautiously, Aaric took the sedative injection that was on the table, when Mila's focus was only on Ellen.

"Shut up Ellen," Aaric said irritably, because this woman was just a pain in the ars*.

It was just that Ellen didn't listen and pressed herself closer to Aaric, seeing that, Mila felt herself burning with anger and without thinking, she lunged at Ellen.

Trying to tear her face with her razor- sharp nails.

This, of course, made Ellen scream hysterically. Fortunately, before Mila could injure Ellen, Aaric quickly stabbed the syringe in his hand into Mila's neck.

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