The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 17 - ROYAL BLOOD

Mila felt very weak and helpless.

A soft groan left her lips when she felt someone buckling something around her wrists and feet, something hard, heavy and cold.​​

Like a metal object. However, there was no way she could check it when her head wouldn't stop throbbing painfully and she didn't have much energy to even lift a finger.

Her head felt dizzy while her neck turned completely numb. She felt a syringe pierce her skin and she could do nothing but whimper in pain, but whatever she was feeling now, she didn't know how long it would continue.

Like before, she lost track of time, but this moment it was much worse.

Mila was too weak to even wriggle a bit and the darkness seemed more promising for peace, so she gave up and let herself go back into the dark tunnel in her mind which swallowed her whole.

Outside the glass door, there were three people who were observing Mila, and one of them was Aaric. He was with two other people who were also working as researchers at this place.

"If you keep giving her sedatives, she will die and there won't be any more specimens for us to research." Aaric glared at Steve next to him, while the other and third researcher, who looked older and was wearing round glasses, didn't notice the slight fuss made by his two colleagues.

"We can get other specimens, you know that we have lots of cold- blooded creatures just like her, right?" Steve said scornfully.

Aaric who heard that then raised an eyebrow and snorted. "You think you can find a specimen like her among your stupid samples?" Aaric laughed derisively at Steve and mimicked the man's voice, pissing him off.

"She is dangerous and must be eliminated," Steve remained adamant. And now all he has to do now was to convince the other man inside the room, Professor Ben Kingstone, to support his opinion, so Drake wouldn't be able to get into trouble with him anymore.

"You know she won't be allowed to live for more than fifty years and become the object of research if she is completely worthless." Aaric knew what he said was true. He had learned everything about the objects in this research center for quite a long time to be able to understand how valuable Mila was.

This knowledge came in handy for him now to save Mila's life.

"She is from a noble family of the cold-blooded creatures," Ben said, his voice heavy and hoarse. The wrinkles on his face grew prominent as he frowned, watching Mila inside the room, surrounded with many people while she was unconscious.

"Yes, she is the younger sister of the future queen of the vampire king," Aaric said, trying to hide his dislike when he mentioned the royal family. However, it couldn't be denied, Mila's blood as the royal family, really forced these researchers to place more value on herself.

The noble families were very closely guarded, so it was very difficult for them to get a sample from among them.

And as far as fifty years had passed, they could only get Mila, so how could they just eliminate her? They didn't have any better achievement aside of Mila.

"But, what triggered her earlier aggressive attitude?" Ben touched his chin, he thought deeply. "I will make a decision after I learn this further."

He didn't wait for Drake or Steve to answer him before he gave someone else orders to bring Mila's medical report into his office. It seemed that Ben Kingstone would spend the night studying this.

After Ben left, Steve, who didn't want to stay in the same room with Drake for long, stepped outside as well, leaving Aaric alone there.

The soul penetrator stood in place, not daring to move an inch as he stared intently at Mila's body which was connected by several cables and needles that monitored developments in her body and displayed numerous graphic readings or numbers up on the monitor.

Aaric was really angry to see this.

He had to do something soon, so that this would end quickly and he could take Mila away from this damned place.


Aaric was walking toward his office, when he felt someone's hand pull him hard enough to enter the empty medicine room on his left.

Instinctively, Aaric raised his hand and prepared to deliver a punch or two to this person who had attacked him. It was just that when he saw Ellen's familiar face, he immediately lowered his fist.

"Don't ever do that again," Aaric growled in annoyance.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Ellen ignored the fact that her lover; Drake, was only a step away from hitting her hard on the face and she also didn't give credit at the anger in his eyes.

"Why are you trying to save that damned creature?" Ellen hissed, she didn't like it when Drake was more worried about the creature being killed than her, who had escaped being torn apart by a crazed vampire. "That damned thing nearly killed me!"

"Lower your voice," Aaric warned. In Drake's memory, he learnt that Ellen could do crazy things when she was jealous and Aaric didn't need all that. The situation was already crazy enough without having to add Ellen's nasty traits.

"I don't want to lower my voice!" Ellen exclaimed. "What happened to you? Why did you change?" She asked, squinting her eyes suspiciously.

"I did not change, I am just fed up with you," Aaric said with eyes staring straight into Ellen's, so that the woman in front of him knew that he meant every word he said.

After all, there was no point in giving Ellen sweet hopes when the real Drake had already died, and if Aaric left this body to get a new one, this guy would no longer exist.

There would be no more Drake.

"You are lying!" Ellen cried and threw herself at Drake, putting her arms around the man's neck and tried to kiss him again like what she did the last time, before Mila attacked her.

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