Mila was returned to this phase again, where she didn't even know when was the last time she was fully consciousness or where she was now.

She felt that her head was very heavy while her vision became blurry due to the bright light that was unceremoniously directed at her.

Her body felt stiff and she couldn't move, but maybe it was because of the safety binds around her, which wrapped around Mila like a big snake or maybe it was because of the high doses of drugs that were continuously injected into her veins, making Mila unable to distinguish anything around her.

Mila didn't even know how long she had been in this state, that was in her coming and going back state of consciousness. She would occasionally see Aaric's figure, in the form of a man named Dr. Drake.

But, before she could think any further about this bewildering situation, the darkness would always engulf her like a cocoon and leave her paralyzed, unable to think of anything.

Moreover, the exhaustion and frustration that surrounded her, made the girl unable to move or think.

Sometimes Mila could hear Aaric talking to her, whispering something in a low voice, but in the midst of her unstable consciousness, Mila couldn't catch a word.

Mila's situation was made worse by the fact that every few hours, someone would come to take samples of her blood, hair or whatever they could take from her.

This situation had been continuing for who knew how long, but for sure, this time Mila had enough awareness to observe her surroundings and know that she had returned to her own room. Padding room.

Mila didn't know whether she should feel relieved or not, because right now she didn't even know what she should be feeling. Confusion engulfed her entire being as her thoughts seemed to become foggy, making her unable to think clearly.

For a full thirty minutes, all Mila did was lie motionless in her current position and accustom her eyes to the bright light in her room, until she felt confident enough to move her body. Then Mila squirmed and tilted her body, allowing herself to be able to stare at the door of the room that was closed.

Groaning because she felt her muscles have turned to jelly, Mila then forced herself to take a sitting position, which apparently required a lot of extra effort to do so in her current condition.

With her mind clouded, Mila tried to remember the last incident that happened to her and the scenes that followed, which she wasn't sure if it really happened or if it was just a dream or her imagination.

Mila remembered every detail of what happened before Aaric injected her with a powerful sedative.

"Sh*t! That stupid man injected me! Again!" Mila grumbled in annoyance, but her voice came out soft because her throat was so dry. No one knew how long it had been since the last time water had wetted her throat.

Mila recalled the anger that burned her chest from seeing how Ellen pressed her body so close to Aaric's, she also recalled the extremely strong killing instinct that radiated off of her own body when she stepped into the room.

Every glimmer of fear that flashed on Ellen's face, and how that stupid woman reacted by standing between herself and Aaric.

Mila felt her stomach churning, as she looked at her own hands, because the last thing she recalled was; sharp nails, like a freshly sharpened dagger, sticking out of her fingers.

Mila was sure that at that time if it was only her and Ellen, then the woman would have been torn apart beyond recognition.

But, what made Mila feel strange was, why did she feel such a feeling? It must be admitted that she didn't like seeing Ellen's advances toward Aaric, but that shouldn't be an impetus for her to kill the woman, right?

Her confused thoughts suddenly stopped when she heard the door creak softly, indicating that someone was about to enter the room and this made Mila even more alert.

Although Mila did not feel that she would be able to fight anyone who would enter later, but that did not make Mila feel resigned and that she would just let it happen if they wanted to do something to her.

This time, with sharper eyes and a stiff body, Mila prepared herself to see who would walk in through the door.

And a moment later, a man came in. A strange man that Mila remembered seeing when she was in groggy state after being sedated.

He was Dr. Steve.

The man who was in his thirties and had the same psychic as Aaric when he was still in the body of someone named Bryan, Aaric's first host that Mila met.

"You are awake," Dr. Steve said in an even voice, his eyes fixed on Mila as he walked up to her.

Not Dr. Drake or Aaric.

But, the problem now was; Mila remembered Dr. Steve, the person who insisted for her to be exterminated.

Or was that only her imagination?

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