The Bride Of The Vampire King


"Arabella…" Aaric said in a quivering voice as the pain overwhelmed his senses and made his eyes glaze over while his breathing became erratic.

This wasn't the first time Aaric had experienced this kind of pain, as it wasn't the first time he had been killed while still in a human body, but still, it wasn't a pleasant experience to go through more than once.

Especially when he was attacked suddenly without any prior preparation.

"Yes, it's me..." Arabella replied in a sweet whisper in the ear of Aaric who was dying, not only that, she twisted the scalpel which was still stuck right in Aaric's heart, sending a wave of extreme pain shoot through his entire body. "I like it every time you call my name."

"You are crazy," Aaric hissed, trying to push Arabella away, but sadly he couldn't, because his hands couldn't touch her, as if he was just trying to push away a wisp of thick smoke.

"You know you can't touch me with your pitiful human body," Arabella smiled triumphantly as she watched life slowly fade from Aaric's eyes, or Dr. Drake's in this case.

On the other hand, outside of the glass room, many guards could only stand frozen after being flabbergasted and shocked to see the murder scene clearly displayed in front of their eyes.

Especially Ellen, who was screaming hysterically because her lover was being killed right in front of her, she screamed until her body trembled when Dr. Drake's body, slowly fell to the floor with a gaping wound on his chest and a corpse covered in blood, while Arabella looked at him with a cynical smile filled with satisfaction.

In the midst of the chaos, no one realized that something was actually happening to Steve.

The man felt numbness all over his body and slowly his vision blackened out, replaced by the darkness that surrounded him and made him unable to breathe.

Steve tried to scream, trying his best not to sink into the darkness that was trying to swallow him up, but no sound could be heard, nor could he do anything when he finally lost the very short battle.

And when Steve opened his eyes again, his eyes were the same color as the eyes of the mysterious creature that had infiltrated this research center.

The mysterious female creature was now standing beside the object of their research, tilting her head in curiosity and consideration.

Meanwhile, Steve moved forward at a brisk pace and turned off the electricity in the room by destroying the main power source inside the room.

In that instant, the previously chaotic atmosphere became even more noisy due to the darkness that enveloped them, but at the same time the lock on the glass door, which separated them from Mila and Arabella, was unlocked.

This opportunity, of course, was used by the guards to break in and try to apprehend Arabella.

Unfortunately, when they got close and surrounded the woman, in the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared.

"We have to move this research object!" Dr. Steve exclaimed, as he broke through the line of guards to reach where Mila was.

Due to the power outage, the tools that were supporting Mila's life also stopped, if she was not treated immediately, something worse than this would happen.

In such a chaotic situation, they completely forgot the probationary order that mentioned Dr. Steve was not allowed to approach the object of this research and just followed the doctor's instructions instead.

Meanwhile, some of them were trying to evacuate Dr. Drake's body accompanied by Ellen, who tried to revive her lover, of course it was a futile effort and would not give any satisfactory result. No matter how hard she tried, Dr. Drake was long dead.


"You are awake," Dr. Steve said in an even voice, his eyes fixed on Mila as he walked up to her.

Not Dr. Drake or Aaric.

But, the problem now was; Mila remembered Dr. Steve as the person who insisted for herself to be destroyed.

Were the words that came out of Dr. Steve's mouth just her imagination? Because from the way he asked about Mila's condition now, he looked harmless.

And maybe this was also just Mila's imagination, because now she saw the concern in Dr. Steve's eyes.

Or maybe Mila was still not in her right mind, she was still affected by the drugs she was given and was hallucinating.

"Mila we have to get out of here right now, but you have to follow what I say," Steve said, then he knelt beside the bed of the confused girl.

"Stay away from me," Mila said sternly in a voice that sounded still weak. "Where is Dr. Drake?" Mila wanted to meet Aaric and ask what really happened to her.

But, then Dr. Steve smiled and took Mila's hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it gently, whispering, "I am Aaric, Mila munchkin."

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