The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 27 - RUNNING AWAY

The sound of a second explosion could be heard followed by the first one , only this time, it was much louder and was followed by the noise of many people running down the corridor. And a second later, the warning alarm sounds echoed in the entire building followed by instructions to leave the building through the emergency exit provided.

"'They'? Whom do you mean?" Mila asked, tossing her long white hair while folding her arms across her chest. "You mean the vampires?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Yes," Aaric answered briefly, he opened the door for Mila's room a little, peeking from behind it. "They are here, we are late."

"Should I greet them? At least they have come all the way to make a fuss like this. Honestly, I am a little flattered," Mila said with an amazed expression.

If at first Mila still didn't believe Aaric's words which said that she came from a vampire noble family and was also a future queen of their kind, then by looking at the commotion now, Mila started to believe in her importance.

Who would turn a place like this upside down just to save someone, right?

"Save your flattery for later," Aaric said. "We have to get out of here, but before that…" Aaric said, hurriedly taking out a syringe from his pocket before he rolled up the sleeve of the shirt Mila was wearing in a frenzy.

Mila saw him injecting a good amount of yellow coloured liquid into her body.

"What are you trying to do?" Mila tried to pull her hand back, but Aaric's grip was so strong that she still didn't have enough strength to fight this man. "You are going to make me lose consciousness again because I doubted you?"

"Don't be stupid," Aaric grumbled, feeling greatly displeased. "This is to increase your stamina, I can't carry you all the way out of here and I don't think you have enough energy to run with me until we are in a safe place."

Hearing that, Mila raised her eyebrows and looked at Aaric with meaningful eyes. "Give me one reason as to why I should follow you?" asked Mila. She made the situation even more difficult for Aaric with her question.

And it seemed that what Aaric said was true, because when Aaric had finished injecting the yellow liquid, Mila felt herself getting refreshed with energy and her head didn't feel as dizzy as before.

"Because you didn't like your previous life and you are happier with me," Aaric answered without thinking, then he opened the door, where many researchers were already running in the corridor to reach the emergency exit as per instructions.

"Tch, that was a completely irrelevant reason," Mila protested, but then her words were swallowed up when Aaric kissed her deeply and briefly.

"And also because you love me," Aaric replied while rolling his eyes at Mila who now looked ready to tear him apart.

"Don't do that again," Mila said in a deep voice, she growled dangerously in annoyance. "Or next time I will beat you up mercilessly."

Hearing Mila's threat, Aaric frowned. "I thought you liked it."

Mila snorted in disgust as a response. "You are not even a good kisser, so don't mistake that I like it."

This time it was Mila, who stepped out of the room first and walked down the corridor with Aaric groaning, following her from behind. It seemed Mila's words had just kicked his pride as a man.

"I am a good kisser. It must be because of the body I possess. I know Dr. Steve has been alone for a long time, oh I don't think he ever had a girlfriend before…" Aaric grumbled as he followed Mila, trying to blend with the others who were evacuating from the place, following the instructions that were being announced.

The current situation looked very bad...


People were seen running in neat rows and occasionally glancing at Mila curiously.

But, just like human nature, which was always selfish, so even in such a situation, they didn't really care about the fact that the object of their research was where it shouldn't be, especially when they saw Dr. Steve with Mila.

On the other hand, Mila didn't care at all about the sneaky glances these researchers were giving her, because the most important thing now was for her to get out of this place.

Mila couldn't wait to see the outside world and what life was like out there. It didn't matter who managed to take her out. Whether it was Aaric or the vampires, who were pushing their way into the defenses of this building, it didn't make a difference to her. Because, what Mila cared about right now was satisfying her curiosity.

However, just as a plan that was not well prepared would encounter various obstacles, so did Mila.

Because as soon as they passed through the first checkpoint, the alarm on Mila's feet went off. This was the anklet that was put on her some time ago to keep herself from running away.

Of course, the loud sound of the device invited unnecessary attention in the process.

"Dr. Steve, I don't think she can get past this post," said one of the guards in charge. "Did you get the permission to take her out of the building?"

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