The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 3 - HE KISSED HER

The thing that made Mila wake up from her long sleep was the crackling sounds and the voices of several people speaking nearby.

Who are they?​​

Mila couldn't recognize a single voice and when she thought about it, Mila didn't really meet many people besides a man named Roy and five other men who didn't speak at all before they ambushed her.

As well as another man that had died at her hands, it was certain that he could not speak either.

After all the memories of that night returned, Mila still didn't open her eyes, pretending to be asleep so she could hear more about what they were talking about.

But, the clearer her consciousness came to her, the more voices she heard, they all sounded just like some bees buzzing right in her ears, getting louder and louder and more chaotic with each second.

When the sounds became more annoying and made her head spin, Mila could no longer hold on to her pretense and groaned softly, trying to cover her ears.

Only to find something hard and cold that was restraining her hands to her sides, keeping her from moving or… running away again?

Mila wasn't sure if she had run away before, but from what?

The hum of the sounds grew louder and Mila opened her eyes, just at that moment, she heard a sound that was so close, a shrill scream that made all of her hair stand in alert. The sound was painful, but at least it managed to drown out all the other voices rumbling wildly in her head.

After several people dressed in white came, Mila realized that the high, shrill sound was her own voice. She was screaming.

Three men came with expressions varying from frowns to panicked ones.

After the arrival of the three men, another man followed suit, but based on what Mila saw, it seemed that this last man had more authority than the others.

He gave them orders, staring at Mila with a gaze so intense that Mila felt like he was staring right through her soul.

So sharp, that Mila could swear that his brown eyes turned red for a split second before he blinked and his eye color returned to normal.

What is that?

Is it common for someone to change their eye color? Is that even possible?

Mila didn't understand, because when she no longer heard the shrill screams and her throat felt dry, consciousness slowly left her.

However, before that, she could see the strange-eyed man leaning over to whisper something to Mila.

"...don't be afraid, I'm here..." he said.

His voice was so low and intimate that Mila felt that this man knew her better than she knew herself.

And strangely, Mila's body reacted to his words, or maybe this was just her body's reaction to whatever drug they have injected into her veins again, whatever it was, Mila welcomed the darkness that soon engulfed her.


When consciousness returned to greet her, the first thing Mila realized was that she was sleeping on her right side while curled up like a baby.

There were no voices to disturb her peace now, everything was so quiet and… white.

Mila opened her eyes quickly, as if she had not been sleeping for hours until now and what she found was a room so white, lined with soft foam that covered every wall.

At first Mila didn't realize what this was, but when her brain got back to work, she recognized what place she had been kept in.

This is a padded room.

A room that was used to create a calm and quiet atmosphere.

This room was usually found as a facility in a psychiatric unit, used for patients who have the potential to do self-harm or were prone to suicide. Someone who has violent behavior…

Mila wanted to laugh scornfully because she remembered all this, but she couldn't remember herself at all.

However, for whatever reasons Mila was kept here, they didn't make any sense to her at all. She's not in the mood to kill herself, or hurt herself ...

Or maybe she was put here because of what she had done to that man who died on the roof?

Mila didn't even remember that she had done that. She didn't believe that she had killed someone, especially if people like Roy had said it.

She didn't know who she could trust at this point.

Mila massaged her forehead which wouldn't stop throbbing and realized that there were no restraints on her hands. They no longer wanted to tie or handcuff her? Mila didn't have time to notice what they used to hold back her movements before this.

Right in the midst of her confusion, Mila heard the sound of the door opening and a few voices buzzing in background.

Instinctively, Mila raised her hand to cover her sensitive ears, until the sound was gone and the door was closed again.

However, whoever the person who had entered this room, was standing motionless by the door, waiting for Mila to lower her hand and raise her head so they could look at each other.

"I'm glad you are finally awake," said the man.

His voice was so pleasant, that Mila felt like she could hear his voice forever, but what she did afterward were spouting words she had absolutely no plan to say.

"Said the person who made me unconscious," Mila replied sarcastically, she didn't know where she got this courage, but just by looking at this man, she already felt an emotional turmoil that she couldn't understand. "I can't believe you're happy to see me."

A grin appeared on the man's lips and somehow Mila wanted to grin along with him.

What kind of stupid feeling is this?

"Of course I'm happy, nothing can make me happier than this," he said, as he stepped forward and stood in front of Mila.

His frame was so tall, as Mila was sitting on the edge of her bed, he could easily intimidate her.

It's just that, Mila couldn't accept the situation well and stood up so that they were at equal level, or at least she didn't have to raise her head.

Yet, the thing that man did next made Mila widen her eyes in surprise.

The man kissed her lips!

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