The Bride Of The Vampire King


Luckily for Milla as well as Aaric, they found a safer way to remove the bracelet on Mila's ankle which kept making deafening noises.

As it turned out, the corridor they were passing led them to Professor Ben Kingstone's study, where the latter had kept the key to unlock Mila's anklet.

Of course, this could be done without the Professor's permission because he had already evacuated himself along with the others.

"See? I am very reliable, aren't I?" Aaric said proudly, waving the bracelet, which he had managed to remove from Mila's leg. "I remember, no…" Aaric corrected himself. "The owner of this body, Steve, saw Professor Ben Kingstone put the key in his drawer..."

"Enough with the explanation," Mila cut off Aaric's words because she didn't need to know the whole story. They had to get out of there quickly if they really wanted to escape, so the story of how Aaric found out the key to the anklet Mila was wearing, didn't really matter. "We have to get out of here immediately."

Groaning because Mila's cut him off mid- sentence, Aaric stood up and gripped the woman's hand tightly.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave this place." He then pulled Mila toward the door. "Are you ready to see the outside world?" he asked.

Mila did not answer the rhetorical question and preferred to pull Aaric out of Professor Ben Kingstone's room instead.

"Where should we go?" she asked impatiently, turning to Aaric.

"This way," Aaric said, as he pulled Mila, running along the corridor to their left. "We only need to go through the two main doors, after that we will head to the basement, Steve's car is there."

Thanks to the keys that Aaric had taken earlier, they were able to pass through the two doors he mentioned without any significant problems until they reached the basement. As it turned out, that place was already filled with vampires, who were looking for Mila.

"Isn't that the crown princess Mila?" one of them asked his partner.

"Yes, that is her," replied the other with more certainty after seeing Mila's face quite clearly.

"Crown Princess?" Mila raised her eyebrows when she heard how they addressed her. "Are you sure I should run away from these people?" Mila glanced at Aaric. "Maybe I should follow them."

"Mila, no." Aaric shook his head frantically. "You do not understand. You will regret it after you remember everything later."

"Are you sure I will regret it? Looks like my life with my people is not as bad as you say," Mila said, starting to doubt Aaric's words.

"Mila, I will not risk my life just to lie to you," Aaric said desperately, trying to grab Mila's hand, but the woman stood rooted where she was, refusing to follow him while the five vampires who had seen them, ran over.

"Is it true?" Mila asked skeptically.

From the moment she woke up and was on the roof of a building with the corpse of a man she didn't know, the only person who could explain her unusual situation was Aaric.

Only this man could tell her the answers Mila wanted to know about who she really was and how she came to be in this research center and become the object of their research.

But now, it seemed that the one who could answer Mila's questions was not only Aaric, but there were many people who could do that for her.

Should Mila let go of the opportunity and trust Aaric like before?

"Mila, you have to trust me," Aaric tried to grab Mila's hand again, but the woman refused to cooperate with him. She stood there, frozen, as if waiting for the five vampires to approach them. "We have to get out of here immediately."

Mila still didn't respond to the request, but her eyes stared intently into Aaric's, searching for the truth. Try to examine their circumstances and come to a decision that she felt was best.

But, Mila herself didn't know what is best for her right now...

"Damn!" Aaric cursed as the five vampires now surrounded them, but then, they knelt before Mila respectfully.

"Crown princess Mila." They bowed to Mila consequently. "Sorry for being late to find you."

Mila, who saw how she was treated, was quite impressed by this.

"We must leave immediately. His Majesty, the king is waiting for you." One of them informed Mila that Liam himself had come to fetch her.

"There is no way the king himself came to this place," Aaric muttered in confusion. It was not uncommon for the King to come out of his palace.

"Crown princess Mila, come follow us." The five of them stood and looked at Mila with determination in their eyes.

Mila gave Aaric a small smile upon hearing that, "They don't seem as bad as you say." She looked around her. "Even the king himself came to get me."

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