The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 44 - INTERESTING

When she was talking to the shifter, she felt a memory being pushed from the back of her head, showing a scene that Mila had never remembered doing, but oddly felt familiar to her.

In the shadow, Mila was wearing a beautiful dress and she was in a magnificent old building.

Mila looked around her until her eyes stopped on the figure of a man standing not far from her. The man turned his head when his name was called by Mila and the name was 'Dom'.

It was from these pieces of memory that Mila was able to find out the name of the shifter and got an even more convincing evidence when he confirmed it.

It meant that Mila had experienced these pieces of memories and indeed she was from a different world from the human world.

It was just, too bad, apart from those fragments of memories, there was nothing else that Mila could remember, even if she tried.

And when Mila was lost in her own thoughts, Dom suddenly opened her handcuffs and protected her body while Mila felt the car she was in, roll and hit the barrier.

Everything happened so fast, that Mila didn't realize what was really going on. The screams and screeching of car tires scraping the asphalt, as well as the deafening sounds of a car being crashed into something were all Mila could process until she heard a loud thud before water started to enter the car.

Luckily, thanks to Dom, who was protecting her, Mila didn't get seriously injured and also because her body was made differently from that of a human, it was not that easy to injure her.

Still, Mila doubted that she could breathe underwater, and as the car continued to sink into the lake and the water began to fill in the car, Dom kicked hard at the car door beside him.

This time Dom was no longer in Claire's form, he was back to his true form; a young man with shoulder-length golden hair that was tied below the nape of his neck.

If the situation wasn't this critical, maybe Mila would be amazed to see how Dom could transform so easily, just like breathing, but unfortunately their situation didn't allow Mila to admire that skill of his.

Deftly, Dom pulled Mila to his arms and they easily got out of the sinking car.

Maybe Mila had been able to swim before and her body remembered that, because instinctively, Mila started to move swiftly, kicking her legs in the water and bringing herself to the surface with Dom swimming not far from her.

She resurfaced first and got busy with observing her surroundings, and Dom appeared not long after. While in the distance, Mila could see many cars stopping at the parapet that the car she was in hit at, while the members of the special forces rushed to the shore of the lake and began to give commands, which Mila couldn't hear clearly.

"I am glad you still remember how to swim," Dom said, then nodded in the opposite direction from the lake shore. "We will swim there."

Mila then followed Dom while occasionally looking back. For some reason, she thought that maybe Aaric possessed one of the members of the special forces.

Thinking about Aaric made Mila feel curious about her relationship with him again, but not so much that she wanted to be with him.

For now, Mila would only follow what was in front of her eyes, while figuring things out.

It took Mila and Dom a few minutes to get to the shore and when they were finally out of the water, Dom took a bag from the bushes and handed Mila a dress.

"You can wear this," he said.

Mila then took the clothes which consisted of a brown shirt, black trousers, a black hat and a jacket of the same color.

"Have you prepared all this? Are you a fortune teller?" Mila raised her eyebrows. Apart from being a shifter, was Dom also a fortune teller? How could he have known in advance and prepared everything.

Dom laughed when he heard that. "Of course not, but the king is meticulous in executing a plan and considering all possibilities," he explained. "When we couldn't find you after attacking the research center, the king immediately came up with a new plan."

"You know where I am going?" Mila then turned her body and began to strip the clothes she was wearing. While Dom, who saw her actions, immediately turned his body away so that he would  not see Mila's body and began to change his own clothes.

"We have a skilled hunter, so when we found out that the same soul possessor, who had taken you decades ago, was at the research center, we started tracking him down," he explained.

Soul possessor, shifter, vampire…

Mila hoped that she would get her memory back quickly to find out if there were any other creatures around.

"So all this was the king's plan?" hmm… interesting.

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