The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 47 - THE KING

Dom's heart pumped rapidly and his body began to feel cold, while his vision began to blur. This was really bad!

In such a precarious situation, Dom had to get Mila off of him immediately before the princess sucked his body dry and finished him off in the process.

Weakly, Dom tried to pull Mila's body away from him, keeping himself out of her reach, but Mila was too strong and her instincts told her not to let go of her prey.

Meanwhile, passersbys immediately got out of the way, screaming in terror and started picking up their cell phones to either record the incident or call the special forces, informing them that non-human beings were out in the open.

And if the special forces arrived there before they could sort things out, no one could guarantee that Mila would survive the situation, because it was certain that they would arrest Mila by using any way possible, maybe even kill her if Mila refused, which was very likely to happen.

With great efforts, Dom tried to pull Mila's head away from his neck and this cut some of the flesh around that area. A strange, paralyzing pain brought Dom back to his senses.

On the other hand, Kyril was starting to get over his shock and stepped forward in a hurry, helping Dom to pull Mila away from him.

Their efforts paid off and Mila was pushed  off, releasing Dom in the process, and at the same time Dom threw Mila's body away with the remaining strength he could  still muster up.

That action certainly didn't mean anything to the female vampire, as she landed smoothly a few meters away from the two of them and started looking for her next prey wildly.

Mila snarled and groaned as her eyes darted wildly around her, making those close to her move away, running in terror.

"What should we do?" Kyril's voice sounded very low and quivering, as did his body when he supported Dom's frail body up.

Fresh blood flowed from the wound on Dom's open neck, making a puddle under his feet as he tried to stand up but couldn't.

"Call… them…" Dom breathlessly said, his words stuttering. Luckily Kyril understood what the shifter meant.

"How to call them? They are a block away from here…" Kyril watched in horror as Mila grabbed a woman and started sucking her blood brutally. Was the blood she drew from Dom not enough to bring her to her senses a little? And the answer was no.

Because after the woman stopped moving, Mila started looking for other targets. Her wild eyes looked around her hungrily.

"Blow… that… up.." Dom stammered, then raised his hand with difficulty toward a power pole not far from them. "Blow that… to attract attention."


The people who would pick them up would notice something was wrong if they heard the explosion and would come over to check on them.

Thus, without wasting another second, with trembling hands Kyril tried to do as Dom ordered. He detonated the power pole and caused the town's electricity to go out and darkness enveloped them, making the people panic even more and the atmosphere was immediately filled with terror, as fear crawled over their beings like a dangerous snake.

Only the light from the exploding power pole lit up the dark street, while people had taken cover in nearby shops, locking all doors until help arrived.

On the other hand, Mila was still unaffected by the deafening explosion, because she had just gotten her hands on her third victim and was struggling with the poor man. Blood flooded the front of her body and her white hair was now dyed red.

The only thing they could do now was to wait until the people who were going to pick them up realize this mess and came before the situation really got out of hand.

Without any lighting, the place looked very tense coupled with the female vampire who had lost control of herself and was filled with thirst. The seconds seemed to go by so slowly.

And when the people, who supposed to pick them up, arrived, in two black vans, which then stopped right in front of Kyril and Dom, a person got out of one of them. Someone they didn't expect at all.

"Your Majesty…" Kyril and Dom said almost simultaneously while bowing their heads before the king.

However, Liam's attention was now not on them, but on the woman who should be his partner.

Mila looked very messy and this would be a memorable first meeting for both of them after decades.

With slow and firm steps, Liam approached Mila who looked still dissatisfied. Blood was dripping down her face and body and the scene was very chaotic.

As if sensing that another creature was approaching her, Mila became alert. She turned away from the poor man who was no longer moving and bent over in an attacking stance, ready to pounce.

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