The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 5 - DON'T MOVE

Even though Mila still felt a little strange and didn't understand why Aaric forbade her from taking the drugs, which were given to her by the people here, but Mila was not stupid to let those people force her to swallow something she didn't know either.

Mila had just lost her memory, but that didn't mean she would not stay vigilant with her surroundings.​​

One thing that was certain and she believed it as true, which Aaric had also confirmed with her was; this place was the center of their research and the object of their research was Mila herself, even though Mila didn't understand what's wrong with her until they made her an experimental subject, but whatever it was, she felt that it wouldn't be good for her.

However, avoiding their drugs intake wasn't easy, they would make sure that Mila took her medicine properly and wouldn't leave her until she swallowed the pills.

Even after that, they would check Mila's mouth to make sure that she didn't hide any single of them under her tongue or the back of her throat.

Only when they were sure, would they leave Mila alone again in this padding room.

The medicinal effect would start only after a while, and there were even times when Mila would feel that she was as light as cotton. Sometimes she felt that her surroundings had become pitch black and she was unconscious for a period of time that she couldn't tell how long.

Sometimes Mila would woke up on her bed in the padding room, or often she would wake up surrounded by people wearing white uniforms, saying something she didn't understand while examining her body.

At times like now, this noise was so bewildering, that there was nothing Mila could do except to let them do what they wanted to do to her.

No one knew how long Mila had been in this condition, but since Aaric had seen her, if she counted it, she had taken those damn pills thirteen times and always ended up in such a weak state.

However, this time it was different...

This time Mila woke up in the treatment room she was used to be in, it's just that no one was around, except for her and Aaric himself.

The man stood beside her bed, looking at her with a frown between his eyebrows, the look in his eyes was so sharp and Mila felt as if she was being stripped naked just by his gaze.

Therefore, instinctively, Mila glanced down at her lower body, and was only able to breathe a sigh of relief when she noticed that she was wearing a simple light blue dress, which was able to cover her appropriately.

For some reason Mila did not want Aaric to see her in an unclothed and pathetic state, even though before, she had no problem with these people seeing her nakedness.

"Didn't I tell you not to take the drugs? Why don't you listen?" Aaric asked accusingly. He looked annoyed at this point. Completely different from his previous cheerful personality which made him seem easy to talk to.

This time Aaric looked cold and somewhat distant, as if he was going to explode in anger the next second because Mila didn't heed his warning.

But, of course, it's not like Mila deliberately didn't listen to his words.

"You think it's easy for them to believe me when I pretend to take the drugs?" Mila snorted irritably. Her voice still sounded weak, but there was an angry edge to her words that Aaric would be able to catch, and Mila would love to let him knew how angry she was at his baseless accusation.

For a moment, Aaric seemed to want to argue, but in the next second, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before he opened his eyes again and spoke more calmly.

"You're right," he said in a voice that was like someone trying to control the emotions raging in his mind. "Those bastards must have made sure you eat them."

"Thank God, that you finally realized it," Mila said sarcastically, her head still a little dizzy and her consciousness still hadn't fully recovered, but by holding on to her annoyance with Aaric, Mila managed to think more clearly.

Aaric then mumbled something incoherent in an annoyed tone, but it seemed that this time his anger wasn't aimed at Mila.

Seeing Aaric getting busy with something on the stainless table above her head, Mila tried to get up from her bed.

However, something was holding her neck and when Mila was about to raise her hands, she felt something cold tied around her wrists.

"What is this…?" Mila hissed irritably, trying to get free, but of course she couldn't.

"Be quite," said Aaric.

The man then walked over to the bed to which Mila had been tied to by carrying something in his hand, only after his figure was close to her, could Mila see what the man was carrying.

A syringe.

"What are you trying to do?" Mila asked sharply, her watchful eyes could not divert from the needle in Aaric's hand.

"Be still and try to cooperate with me," Aaric said, this time his voice was so low, even his lips barely moved, but strangely Mila could hear his words quite well.

"What do you want?!" Mila exclaimed, this time in a louder voice, but of course it still didn't work to get Aaric to stop pouring alcohol on cotton, the standard procedure one would do when one were about to give someone a shot.

"I'm not going to inject this drug in you," Aaric whispered as he rubbed the cotton into Mila's arm, where he would inject it. "But, you have to calm down. In the upper left corner, there's a CCTV recording us, so if you don't follow my cue, we'll both be in trouble."

Mila was about to glance at the spot about which Aaric was talking, but the man grabbed her arm in warning.

"Don't make any suspicious moves." He then prepared the injection.

Aaric adjusted his position, so as to cover the CCTV camera he mentioned earlier, so that the people who were watching them, would not be able to see that Aaric was actually not doing his job.

"Now close your eyes," Aaric said in the same low voice.

Since Mila didn't feel the invasion of the needle into her skin, it is safe to assume that Aaric stayed true to his words.

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