The Bride Of The Vampire King


"Look?" Claire turned the little girl's face toward her father, as the girl tried to hit her, but unfortunately, the little girl's arm didn't even reach her face so Claire could easily avoid it. "She's very cute, isn't she?"

Aaric's fury was completely ignited when he heard Claire say that in a scornful tone.

Actually, Aaric didn't want to possess this child's body, because no matter how bad he was, he never resorted to killing the soul of an innocent child. It was just that at that time circumstances required him to find another body and only this child was closest to him.

Meanwhile, in his then weak state, Aaric couldn't possess the body of an adult human, hence the reason why his eyes were still red up until now and didn't have the original color of this little girl's eyes.

"Amazing," Danny muttered, impressed by his daughter's ability to analyze the non- human creatures she had caught. "How did you even notice her?"

"She was near me and was behaving very strangely." Claire shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Then I saw her eyes. That's when I knew she wasn't human."

"But, you are taking too much of a risk." Danny shook his head. Claire could be wrong and if this kid was a civilian, then they would be in big trouble.

"I am sure I wasn't wrong and I proved it efficiently." Claire didn't care about such details at all. If she could get her hands on the non- human beings, then this small sacrifice would be nothing.

It seemed that Claire's ambition to eliminate non- human beings had blinded her logic.

"Then what are we going to do with her?" Since Claire was the one who got the creature, she had full rights over her.

"Hm," Claire hummed softly, she then let go of Aaric's hair roughly, standing up. "Didn't you say you would cooperate with me if I released you?"

Aaric grimaced, clutching his aching head, he felt his scalp was torn after what Claire had done.

"Let go of me, and I will tell you the vampires usual hideouts," Aaric said, his jaw clenched tightly in anger.

Fucking woman!

Aaric swore he would get his revenge on this woman later. Claire was too stupid to believe him and her knowledge of soul possessors was pitifully limited.

She didn't know what Aaric could do once he regained his full strength. It wouldn't be difficult for Aaric to teach Claire a lesson or two and also to trap the vampires in order to get Mila back.

He was just waiting for the right time…


Mila cursed when the white powder that the last two vampires threw hit her eyes and made her unable to see.

These damned creatures! Mila cursed in her heart.

She tightly gripped the dagger in her right hand, right in front of her face, in a ready stance. This time Mila would not hesitate to slash their stupid heads.

A roar broke the silence of the secret passage and echoed along its mossy walls.

The echo disturbed Mila's hearing and made it impossible for her to hear clearly when one of them dashed forward to stab her.

Insolent elders! Elena is shameless! How could she use such a dirty trick on her?

Mila couldn't see and her hearing was messed up, but she could still feel the wind blowing against her face for a moment when one of the two vampires threw his fist at her.

Mila's body reacted to the attack automatically. She took a step to her left and raised her right leg to kick the vampire in the head.

This time, Mila could hear the sound of something colliding against a stone wall, as a smile of satisfaction spread across her lips.

Even without her sight, she could still overthrow a vampire whose body size was much bigger than her.

However, the triumphant smile on Mila's lips did not last long, because after that she felt a very strong blow from the back of her head and made her stagger forward. She felt that her skull was split in two.

Mila grinded her teeth, and from her throat reverberated a dangerous growl, like the sound of a wounded animal.

Quickly, Mila rolled her body forward before her head hit the hard ground, then kept as much distance as possible from the vampire.

However, because the last blow that Mila received was so strong, she had a hard time concentrating and determining her direction, especially because her eyes couldn't perceive anything.

What powder did the vampire spread earlier? How could this damage her eyesight? Would this be permanent?

Mila couldn't imagine a life where she wouldn't be able to see again.

After that, Mila received several blows, most of which she could not parry and she had to endure excruciating pain all over her body.

And in the end, the vampire strangled her neck and cornered her against the wall until Mila's back was against the damp and mossy wall.

Not only suffocating her, the vampire also lifted her high until she lost her footing.

Unable to breathe, losing her sight and feeling her whole body aching, Mila felt she didn't have the energy to fight anymore.

Mila's breath started to hitch, she felt that part of her neck was broken and her fingernails tried to claw at this creature, only the assailant didn't move in a position that did not benefit Mila at all.

And when Mila felt her consciousness begin to fade, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps accompanied with angry roars that rumbled through the secret passage.

Then in the next second, Mila felt her body slide down the wall, but before she actually fell, someone grabbed her quickly.

"Princess Mila, are you all right?" it was Andreas' worried voice, but then his sturdy hand was replaced by another.

"Are you hurt?" It was Liam. Looked like the king managed to finish off the vampire who attacked Mila, in one swift attack and immediately approached his future queen.

If Mila could see, then she would witness Liam's rarely seen worried expression.

"I will take you back," Liam muttered as he lifted Mila up with ease.

"I can't see," Mila whimpered, wrapping her arms around Liam's neck. "They threw some powder in my eyes and now I can't see."

In his arms, Mila could feel Liam's muscles tensing up. While his chest rumbled with a muffled growl as he spoke to Andreas.

"Call a healer to my room," he ordered, clear and firm.

"Yes, your highness," Andreas answered obediently, then he ran ahead, leaving Liam and Mila and some of the bodyguards who had come with them earlier.


Mila felt the healer's cold hand against her eyes as she heard her voice, muttering some ancient spells.

It went on for quite a while, maybe ten minutes had passed. Or was it thirty minutes? Mila couldn't tell how much time had passed since Liam brought her to his room.

Of course, Mila knew that this was Liam's room, because the scent of this man was very strong in the air, especially on the pillow that Mila was sleeping on.

"So?" Mila couldn't wait to ask, thus as soon as the healer finished casting the spell and raised her hand, Mila immediately asked the question.

"Princess Mila, you will get your eyesight back in a week, but during that time you should rest well and avoid staring directly at the sun," the healer explained. "I know that you nobles can stay out in the sun for quite a while, but it's best if princess Mila avoids it under these conditions."

Mila frowned. She was quite relieved that the worst thing she could imagine didn't happen, which was to be permanently blind, but one week without being able to see anything, was a long time…

"Alright, I will leave some medicine for princess Mila to use daily, after that I will come back the day after tomorrow to keep an eye on her progress." The healer then left.

Mila heard Liam and the healer talk about something, but she couldn't catch what they were saying, because their voices were too low.

"I don't want to go back to my room," Mila said in an irritated voice after she heard the door closing and Liam's stagnant steps toward her.

"I don't plan on making you return to that room," Liam replied to Mila and walked over to his wardrobe to change. Since Mila couldn't see, he didn't need to cover his nakedness now.

"Do you know about the secret passage?" From Mila's tone of voice, Liam could tell that this girl was still annoyed with him and at what had happened.

"No, I don't," Liam replied, putting his pants and clean shirt back on. "I only found out after I checked your room."

"Why do you check my room at night?" Mila tried to move her head in the direction from where Liam's voice was coming, as if she could see the king, but then she heard Liam getting very close to her and the bed sinking slightly when Liam sat beside her.

"I had a hunch," Liam replied lightly, then took a book from his bedside table.

For a moment the atmosphere turned silent because no one made a sound.

"Hey," Mila called out, even more annoyed that Liam didn't ask the question she was waiting for. "Why didn't you ask who brought me into that secret passage?"

Hearing the question, Liam closed his book and looked at Mila. "I don't need to ask, because I know for sure who did it."

"And you are just going to stay silent?!" Mila screamed in disbelief.

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