Unexpectedly, the palace owner did not punish Jiang Chen.

What was said made the top executives stunned.

"If a force can kill each other, it cannot form cohesion." Qingli Tianzun was also present.

"The hatred between the various realms has reached a point where it cannot be adjusted and resolved, so we must not fight privately except in the holy city."

However, Xuan Yu's intentions have been decided.

The battle between Jiang Chen and Qiufeng happened to be outside the city.

"Also, it's time to explain the mind."

A joy in Jiang Chen's heart, waited so long, finally came?

Then, he saw a variety of figures appearing here, from the Celestial Master of various heavens, about hundreds of people.

Among them are Yuan Yuan and Park Tian.

He also saw Gao Tianzun.

It is worth mentioning that Park Tian is now Tianzun, which was stimulated by Jiang Chen.

He returned to his royal family, and then successfully completed the robbery.

The divine heart that only the deity can remember.

"The divine power you have is the law of heaven and earth. When you use the power to kill the enemy, does this power come from yourself or directly to the power that heaven and earth already have."

Xuanyu asked.

This question is easy to answer, naturally the latter.

Although Tianzun tempers himself through divine power, he does not possess such power.

Although, when crossing the calamity, the divine power will temper itself, making itself different.

But when confronting others, divine power does not come from itself.

It is only a switch to launch divine power.

"The self-driven heaven and earth divine power, I do not know will also pay for it, over time, whether it is the heavenly deity or the saint will die.

In particular, the saint, in your world, reaching the state of the saint without mastering the heart of God is equivalent to seeking death, so almost every saint-class powerhouse has fallen.

Then store his holy power for future generations. "

Xuan Yu said.

The people present looked at each other without refuting.

For a powerful force, there will be holy class powerhouses, but under normal circumstances, holy class powerhouses will not easily dispatch.

The reason is, of course, what Xuanyu said.

Jiang Chen thought of Tai Xuantian's power, as the other party said.

"To have a divine heart is to make divine power a part of yourself.

In this way, you will not decline, and you can live forever in the world.

The method of storing divine power in itself is called the mind method.

In Sanqingtian, only the strongest inheritance can master this method.

Now I pass this kind of mind to you, which means that you have become our heritage.

It's the same as if you joined a martial art and joined a lineup.

I don't care what the hatred between you is, but as long as the person who learns this mentality is the Shangqing Realm, the Extreme Heaven Sect. "

With this remark, everyone's expressions are extra serious.

This is the first time the other person has spoken of his origins.

The Emperor Tianzong cannot establish the temple for no reason.

Those who spend their energy in cultivating these heavens have their own purpose and cultivate strength for themselves.

"People who agree with this can stay.

People who do not want to be abducted can leave. "

Xuan Yu said.

No one left.

Although we don't know what happened to Jitianzong in Sanqingtian, why did he go to the following heaven to recruit disciples.

But they have no choice.

Without the Extreme Heaven Sect, they would not be able to grasp the divine heart, and without the divine heart, they would not be able to travel to Sanqingtian. ,

No one wants to miss such an opportunity.

"Very well, you will be part of Jitianzong from today."

Speaking, Xuan Yu opened her hands, and a rune of flew out of her sleeve, hitting the people present, including Jiang Chen.

These runes are submerged, but everyone doesn't feel anything.

"Now, I pass on your mind."

Xuan Yu passed the celestial mind method to everyone through the soul.

A new door opened to everyone.

"If you have mastered the mind, you can go to Sanqingtian, but this process is carried out at the same time. You must master the mind on the way you go, otherwise you will have no chance.

Xuan Yu said.

According to the previous thinking, after mastering the God's heart through the mind method, he was sent to Sanqingtian by the other party.

But looking at it now, this is not the case.

"Going to Sanqingtian is not easy. You need to reach a space and start from there.

In the process you have to grasp the heart of God. "

"Sir, why don't we get to know God's heart before we set off? So wouldn't everyone be more powerful?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

"Because once you have grasped the word of God here, you will face a calamity.

After the Tiancai, you can ascend to Sanqingtian normally, but the strength of the Tiancai is not necessarily able to resist the deities. Are you sure that a group of deities can stand? "

Xuan Yu said.

"Go back and prepare now."

The crowd left with all their hearts.

Jiang Chen found Feihong and said what he had just learned.

"Although it is not perfect as imagined, this is normal.

Sanqingtian has three celestial realms, and each celestial realm has large and small forces.

Even if they really want to set up a temple under us, it's not just one.

It must be the special situation that this extreme Tianzong encounters, which requires a lot of deities. "

Feihong said.

Jiang Chen nodded, and as he just saw, there were hundreds of Celestial Masters.

This is the number of more than twenty heavens.

This is the backbone of all heavens.

Even if the forces of Sanqingtian want to cultivate so many deities, it will not be easy.

But now, Ji Tianzong directly has hundreds of ready-made deities.

The real purpose is certainly not so simple as sending them up.

"With all this heaven and earth energy flowing from the Sanqing Heaven and the so-called mental method, all heavens are brought together."

Jiang Chen looked at the waterfall from the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ and felt it.

However, one thing is certain that this extreme celestial sect will not be a small force of cats and dogs in their heavenly realm, otherwise, it is impossible to do such a thing, and it is impossible to have a mind.

"What happened to the rune he put on you?" Feihong curiously said.

"The status symbol is still nothing, but if we practice such a mindset, this sign will bind itself and become a member of the Extreme Heavenly Sect."

"Then how do you decide?"

"I don't know yet."

Jiang Chen wanted to know what other people thought, so he went to Gao Tianzun.

There are not a few people who can think of Jiang Chen, most people are aware of the current situation.

. Three heads m.

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