The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 4108: Go to 3

This battle in the Nether World ended because of Jiang Chen's will.

"Jiang Chen, for you, the correct way is to kill the Kamikaze King directly, because he is the most threatening.

But you don't want to do that, because once you start, the war in the Nether will burn for more than a century.

Because your mind is revealed by you, you do n’t want to cause life to be charred because of this, right? "

Feihong said what Jiang Chen thought.

This is beyond the expectation of Jiang Chen. It seems that Feihong followed him for a while and knew him a little.

"This is a freak battle, it should not go on like this." Jiang Chen said.

"But your personal will cannot change those who are ambitious. Everyone wants to be the first to rule the lower world."

"There are twenty heavens in the lower realm. Who has the ability to truly dominate is nothing more than influence and let others hold their signs."

"It's just that, it's already a big shot."

Feihong said.

He did not oppose Jiang Chen's decision.

"Are you suggesting that I will be that person?"

"You must be that person."

After Fei Hong, Na Lanyan also found Jiang Chen and was very angry at Jiang Chen's decision, because she was hostile to Shenfeng.

What she wants to see is the destruction of the kingdom of Kamikaze.

"If you do that, I will face the attack of dozens of souls, and I have to release a thing that is enough to harm all the Nether. The risk is too great, and that is your hatred. I will not help you. But I will give you a chance to get revenge.

In a hundred years, you can become stronger and enemies. "

Nalan Yan was full of anger, and disappeared after hearing this, because she did not have the confidence to avenge herself.

He did n’t have the confidence to avenge himself, so how could he ask Jiang Chen?

"How can I catch up with someone far more than me, if my father is still there, it is still possible." She reconciled.

"A hundred years is enough."

"That is for you."

"I will give you the complete scripture and teach you the mind."

Upon hearing this, Na Lanyan finally lighted up and raised hope.

On the other hand, peace was raised by Jiang Chen, but the three great heavens did not pay too much attention. They all believed that when one side had the strength to break the balance, they would not hesitate to take the shot and prevent the other two from catching up.

Looking at their attitude, Jiang Chen did not require written restraint.

After returning to the realm, the Xuanyuan royal family immediately found Jiang Chen and asked about the other half's mind.

About half of the mind, at present only the people of the Xuanyuan royal family know.

The two Supreme Celestial Masters want to break through to the Holy Level through a complete mind.

Jiang Chen also took it out generously and gave it to the two supreme powerhouses of the Xuanyuan royal family.

The Xuanyuan royal family was shocked and happy again, thanking Jiang Chen for speaking so well.

Immediately, people from the three great heavens began to engage in cultivation competitions. Although it was a hundred years old, there may be wars tomorrow, and they dare not neglect.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Chen did not intend to retreat.

But it does not mean that he will be willing to fall behind.

Anyone who knows him knows that he must have a very bold plan now.

"Are you going to Sanqingtian?" Xiao Yan first learned this.

When Jiang Chen became an imperial powerhouse, he wanted to challenge Tianjie and fly to Sanqingtian.

It has not been implemented until now, and it is already very patient.

"Those who know me, Xiao Yan also." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Come less of this, are you afraid I will stop you, right?"

"Why do you stop me?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"You know well, why should I say that?

The reason why you gave your heart to the Xuanyuan family so simply is that they are worried that after the accident, the Xuanyuan family can also help us in this share. "

According to Jiang Chen's actions, Xiao Yan worked out what he was about to do.

"I also want to wait for Sanqingtian when I become a sacred power, but it will be at least nearly a thousand years old."

Jiang Chen said helplessly, "And the speed of cultivation in the lower world is not as fast as in Sanqingtian."

This point was already felt when Jiang Chen was in the temple.

One day of cultivation in Sanqingtian is worth ten days in the Nether.

Over the years, the gap is not that big.

"You want to go to Yexue, right? Sure enough, she is your favorite. Every day and night, I've been impatient with my yellow-faced wife, right?"

Xiao Yan was full of complaints.

Jiang Chen's head was big.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan quickly smiled.

"It turns out you're teasing me."

Jiang Chen pretends to be angry, and holds his elder wife in his arms.

After a fight between the two for a while, Xiao Yan changed to a serious expression.

"If you go to Sanqingtian, you need to cross the road, right?"


"Different from the previous Tianjie?"

"Well, the previous calamity was to test its own divine power, and the calamity to Sanqingtian was to test one's life."

"I'm not asking this. Do I want to say whether this robber will be stronger or weaker?"

"I'm not sure, but it's more scary in terms of probability."

Jiang Chen did not hide her.

There are a lot of people who become the deities and even saints in the Nether, and they have all gone through the corresponding robbery.

However, few people soared to Sanqingtian.

From this point of view, the ascension to the sky is much more difficult.

"Then you are sure?" Xiao Yan asked.


Jiang Chen replied.

Even if it doesn't, it can only be said to be there.

"After crossing the calamity, which celestial realm will you go to Sanqingtian? Doesn't it say there are three celestial realms?"

"I don't know. They don't seem to be selected. They are random."

Jiang Chen is also unclear on this point.

Because no successful person told him this.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen began to prepare for the crossing.

When everything was ready, the place where he chose to cross the robbery was Tai Huangtian.

Because it is soaring to Sanqingtian, it doesn't matter where it is.

For Sanqingtian, all heavens are flat.

"I hope to go to Taiqingtian, but I promised Princess Ling to deal with Jitianmen, there is Shangqingtian."

Before starting ~ ~ Jiang Chen began to struggle with where to go.

Fortunately, others don't know what he thinks, or they will be scared by such optimism.

"let's start."

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky, and tried to go to Sanqingtian according to the method taught by his sister.

His attempt was immediately resisted because he did not belong to Sanqingtian.

There was a roar in the sky the moment he ignored the resistance and forced to break.

Then, Thundercloud billowed.

For people in this realm, this scene is no stranger, and it means the coming of the day.

"come on."

Jiang Chen looked up, two flying swords around him, ready to go.

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