The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 4110: Fairy house

Jiang Chen was not at the bottom of his heart, and he expected something completely different.

He can only do his best to resist the tearing force.

I don't know how long in the past, Jiang Chen finally survived.

There is no longer a colorful light in front of him. A new world is displayed in front of him. When he is here, he feels that he is in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and the spirit is moving crazy.

Jiang Chen knew that he was being recognized and accepted by San Qingtian.

When everything is over, he will become a member of Sanqingtian completely and will not be excluded.

At the same time, the injuries on his body were recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Just when Jiang Chen thought everything was getting better, he found that someone was there.

Because of his state, he could not resist.

Someone took a hard shot on him, and then he felt his own power solidified, not only the realm power, but also the divine heart, even the infinite source stopped.

Jiang Chen was shocked.

At this critical moment, he wants to set aside time, so that time goes backwards.

But he soon discovered that he couldn't do that, because in Sanqingtian, he couldn't control the time arbitrarily.

Jiang Chen is equivalent to experiencing the restrictions brought by the emperor's original restoration.

"Don't resist."

The people who came were scolded at him.

Because Jiang Chen had learned Sanqingtian's language in the tombs, he could understand what they said.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Chen could feel three people standing beside him.

"Shut up! No questioning!"

The three shot first against Jiang Chen, and naturally they would not be friendly.

After confirming that Jiang Chen had no resistance, he took him away.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Chen quickly examined his situation.

Those people just patted him just to hit a charm into his body.

This rune is not simple. It is the most powerful rune that Jiang Chen has seen so far.

He could not crack it for a short time.

However, it is not impossible to crack.

He looked at the three men, the clothes on them were the same, indicating that they were from a force.

"Which heaven is this?" Jiang Chen asked.

Three people stopped in the air, one of them turned around and, without a word, punched Jiang Chen's stomach.

"Don't ask you any questions, don't you understand? Don't you dare talk more, be careful of your tongue." The man said coldly.

Jiang Chenqiang endured the pain and stared at the man.

"What? Are you not convinced?"

The man sneered, "I have seen many people like you, and always consider myself unique and pretentious."

Jiang Chen didn't know who he was referring to.

"Are you sure you did not catch the wrong person?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"It seems you don't understand anything."

When the man heard these words, he couldn't help mockingly, "You are a breakthrough from the Nether, aren't you? Want to show your grand plans in Sanqingtian?"

When he asked, he did not wait for Jiang Chen to answer, and punched him in the stomach again. "This punch is another question you asked just now."

"Then I will ask another question and tell me your name."

When Jiang Chen spoke, his cold eyes looked like ice.

The man soon felt a chill.

"You want to remember me, don't you? Then you listen, my name is Meng Bai."

After that, he punched out again.

But this time, he found that his fist did not fall on Jiang Chen's stomach as he expected, but he caught it instead.

Meng Bai was startled.

Later, he showed pain, and it was Jiang Chen's hand that burst into flames.

The fire quickly stretched over his shoulder.

The other two were frightened and rushed over.

However, Jiang Chen's two flying swords whistled out, forcing them to stop.

"How can you ignore the spell?"

Meng Bai asked incredulously.

The spell had never failed, otherwise he wouldn't have that confidence.

"Nothing is absolute," Jiang Chen said.

The thunder was getting fiercer.

Meng Bai found that Jiang Chen controlled the fire on his arm and did not spread to his whole body. This was not because of pity, but to burn the hand to ashes.

He was crying with pain and anguish.

"You mortals in the lower world, let go of me, otherwise you will regret it."

Jiang Chen's response was simple. Thunder fire spread on the chest of the opponent, burning his upper body.

"If you kill me, you won't feel better."

"I know nothing about you, and I don't care who you are."

"We are from the Meng family of Xianjia."

Shouted Meng Bai.

"I have no idea about this."

With that said, the thunder fire had spread to his lower body.

Except that Meng Bai's head was not burned by the thunder, he has become a fireman, as if wearing a fiery fire armor, if it is not a painful expression, it looks quite windy.

"We are one of the fairy families in Shangqing Tian.

All of you who rise from the Nether must obey us and work for us for a hundred years before you will be free. "

Only then did Jiang Chen understand that the other party was not targeting himself, but against him from the Nether, in other words, to catch the labor.

Because Jiang Chen is from the lower world, in Sanqingtian, he is destined to be helpless, and no one supports him, so they can come wherever they want.

Jiang Chen stole the thunder.

Because if this continues, the other party will be burned to death. He still has a lot to ask.

"That is to say, everyone else who has risen up will be caught by you, and then by your slaves again?"

If Meng Bai gritted his teeth and did not answer, he also gave Jiang Chen the answer.

"What is the basis?"

"People from your lower realm ran to our heavens, where cultivation becomes stronger, and our resources are consumed, and of course we have to pay a price.

"Ascension is something that heaven and earth recognize. This sky recognizes that I exist here. What are you guys doing here for Heaven?"

Jiang Chen sneered.

Meng Bai did not argue with them, and they always made sense of it in the end.

"How are you in your Meng family?" Jiang Chen asked.

Meng Bai's heart was so tight that Jiang Chen was trying to figure out the strength of the Meng family through himself.

"I'm just a cricket in the Meng family. We in the Meng family are strong as clouds."

His realm ~ ~ is an extraordinary heavenly respect.

If it is only a small role, it shows that the strength of the Meng family is really strong.

"In Xianmen, the Supreme Celestial Masters can serve as master brothers, or even their Holy Son.

You, a member of Xianjia, are just a little tadpole, then your Xianjia is really strong enough. "

Jiang Chen sneered.

Upon hearing this, Meng Bai's face changed greatly. "Why do you know so much about Xianmen?"

In his cognition, people from the lower realm knew nothing about Sanqingtian.

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Chapter 4110: The Immortal Family (Page 1/1)

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