The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 4112: Hong Tian

From the mouths of the two men in the Meng family, Jiang Chen knew the general situation of Shang Qingtian.

This place is predominantly Dongtianfudi.

There are ten great cave days, which are controlled by the ten great fairy gates.

There are several blessed places under each cave heaven.

Blessed land is not only the energy of heaven and earth, but also the energy in it.

The Meng family is a blessed place.

The mine they said is also in this blessed land, so Jiang Chen didn't fly long, so he rushed here.

The cultivators of the heavens and heavens have not completely conquered this heaven and earth, and even if they are sacred powers, they cannot go wherever they want. There are still many sinister places in heaven and earth.

Like this mine, there is a terrible Zerg.

Zerg and humans and beasts are completely different lives.

The mission of the Zerg is destruction.

Sanqingtian will have a worm disaster every few hundred years, and the damage caused can exceed that of the corpse demon of the tomb.

The mine is deserted, with no grass, and rubble everywhere.

Jiang Chen saw a lot of busy figures. In an open-air stone field, many people waved sledgehammers and knocked down the hard rocks piece by piece.

Those stones are not mortal, harder than many armors, these people must go all out to shake the rocks.

Jiang Chen saw that the realm of these people were almost all imperial powers.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but be surprised. In the lower world, no matter how powerful the emperor was, he wouldn't fall to this point.

Of course, he also understands that the reason why these people suffer here is not to say that they have insufficient realm, but to be caught here.

"This is a forbidden area and leave quickly."

When Jiang Chen was watching, two people appeared in front of him. The clothes on them were the same as those of the Meng family, so it is not difficult to guess that the Meng family is here to oversee.

"I don't see any danger here, why is it a forbidden area?" Jiang Chen curiously said.

"Would I like to see you off then?"

The two men were not at ease with Jiang Chen, their eyes were very dangerous.

"You don't have to be so angry, I'm just curious."

"Get out quickly, warn again."

The two had already given actual action and had more weapons in their hands. If Jiang Chen said another nonsense, they would not be polite.

Jiang Chen spread his hands and laughed, "Is that the case of your Meng family?"

This remark made the faces of the two people change, so they stopped talking and shot.

However, the two star-level Tianzun was far from Jiang Chen's opponent, and he was easily defeated by him.

This scene was seen by the people below, and they stopped their movements and looked at the air in disbelief.

In this blessed land, there are people who dare to do something to the Meng family! ?

In addition, many people are eager to move because Jiang Chen holds two supervisors and they can escape by any means.

"What the **** are you?"

The two people who were subdued by Jiang Chen looked very ugly and threatened Jiang Chen.

"How is it that you are talking nonsense now? It is not so much to write so many questions just now." Jiang Chen said.

"We are disciples of the Meng family. If you start with us, you will not end well."

"It's a coincidence. Someone named Meng Bai said this to me before, but do you know what his result was?"

As soon as this word came out, the fierceness of the two people disappeared immediately, and fear appeared in the eyes.

Meng Bai is a proud disciple of the Meng family, and their strength is far above them. What does Jiang Chen imply? They are very clear in their hearts.

"No more nonsense with you, I'm looking for someone, his name is Hong Tian."

Jiang Chen said.

"My patience is limited."

Looking at the two people hesitated, Jiang Chen said coldly.

The two men were so scared that they immediately landed in Shishan below, and took him to a man whose hair was worn out and his clothes were torn.

This man was so embarrassed that all he left was skinny.

And the whole person was numb.

Regarding Jiang Chen's arrival, he still ignored the question and waved his hammer on the ground.

"I also soared up, do you want revenge?" Jiang Chen asked as he opened his eyes.

When the two people in the Meng family nearby heard this, they immediately understood what was going on. When Jiang Chen soared, he appeared in the blessed land of the Meng family, and then Meng Bai brought people to capture, but I do n’t know why it was not successful. Instead, Jiang Chen found here.

When Hong Tian heard these words, his dim eyes burst into light.

He turned around and looked at Jiang Chen with bloodshot eyes, but did not speak, but stuck out his tongue.

There was a sign carved in ink on his tongue, making him speechless.

"Let me see."

Jiang Chen motioned for him not to stick his tongue back, to go up and look carefully.

About a quarter of an hour later, he found a way to crack it.

Hong Tian has not spoken for a long time. Although the spell was lifted, he did not say a complete sentence for a long time.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also noticed that there was a spell on him to restrict himself.

He had encountered the Dao before, but in a short time, he had found a way to crack it.

After the amulet was lifted, Hong Tian's body made a crackling sound and began to swell, recovering from a skinny man to a strong man.

Then a pair of murderous eyes looked at Jiang Chen.

To be precise, it is the two Meng family disciples behind Jiang Chen.

He didn't say a word and went towards the two men.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the disciples of the Meng family fled.

But it was quickly overtaken by Hong Tian, ​​because Hong Tian's realm was the supreme heaven.

He beheaded them in the presence of Jiang Chen. From the expression of his shot, this was the result of a long depression, because during this period, he was tortured by inhuman people.

"Where are you from?"

Hong Tian turned around again, and looked at Jiang Chen up and down, his eyes were unscrupulous, and he did not have much respect, because he saw that Jiang Chen's realm was only a star level

Appeared here ~ ~ It's nothing to actually subdue two disciples.

The rare thing is that Jiang Chen dares to do so and dares to offend the Meng family.

But considering that Jiang Chen was soaring, it is not incomprehensible.

"Follow me later, I will take care of you." Hong Tian said.

Jiang Chen couldn't help crying and laughing, it seemed that the other person regarded himself as a person looking for a thigh.

"Speaking of which, you are just a star level, how did you rise up?"

Hong Tian noticed that his state was a little too low, and he couldn't help being curious.

Jiang Chen didn't know how to answer this question. Fortunately, at this time, a few figures appeared in the sky, rushed here quickly, and don't think about it, you know that it is the Meng family.

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