The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 4128: Holy power

Qiu Tian died under Jiang Chen's sword.

Within a few seconds of death, the pirates in the cottage fled and went in all directions.

Jiang Chen's flying sword killed half of the pirates like a heavy rain, but some fish that escaped the net escaped.

Jiang Chen didn't care much and returned to the ground.

"You, how can you be so strong."

Xue Li originally thought that Jiang Chen and Qiu Tian would have a shocking world war, but he did not expect to end it directly, without any suspense.

Soon, her curiosity was occupied by sadness again.

She began searching for her brother's body in the cottage.

"poor guy."

Jiang Chen didn't care about him.

"Who's the next goal?"

Zhao Pojun asked.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said he would not take action.

Zhao Pojun probably learned about Jiang Chen's mind, guessing that he would wait for all the pirates to come to his door, and then wipe it out.

The thought of Jiang Chen being able to deal with even the sacred powerhouses, he was relieved.

"Monarch, what do these people do?"

Zhao Pojun asked.

There were pirates caught on board before, they were bound.

Was waiting to see Jiang Chen killed by their king.

But the ending was not expected to be reversed.

They started hoeing for mercy.

Don't forget to praise Jiang Chen for his great power, and consider him as the new king.

"All killed."

Jiang Chen commanded.

He felt the blessed land carefully.

The blessed land coverage of the entire archipelago is similar to that of the original Meng family.

Jiang Chen can't get the spirit of the blessed land now, because welfare is a whole piece, not just this small island.

Somewhere in the archipelago.

When he realized this, Jiang Chen's heart appeared uneasy, and his gaze looked towards the sea.

The end result is, as he thought, the spirit of the blessed land under the sea.

You know that even in this area, no ship can float on the surface, and everything will sink.

And there is no fish under the sea. Although a dead person can enter the water, when he reaches a certain depth, he will feel uneasy and fear inside.

For example, Jiang Chen did not intend to continue without clarifying.

At the same time, the largest island in the Magic Mountain Islands.

The cottage here is, no, exactly a city.

Although the area is not very large, it has already changed from a village to a small town.

At this moment, several pirate bosses came to the city.

When people in the city saw such a situation, they knew that something had happened.

"Did some disciple of Xianmen come here to practice?"

Most of the people in the city were pirates and couldn't help but think.

Some Xianmen disciples will go out and practice, often hitting the target on the island of the demon god, and want to wipe out the pirates on the island in a net, and achieve their reputation.

At this time, the pirates will unite together to resist foreign enemies and let those people retreat.

I want to come this time is no exception, but the careful people found that this time the pirate boss came with a serious expression.

Because they all received the news, Qiu Tian had been killed.

According to the pirates under Qiu Tian, ​​the person who killed him was only a star-level person.

This unusual breath disturbed the pirates, and they gathered here, waiting for one of them to make a decision.

This man is the owner of the city and the top of the so-called pirate list.

Supreme Heavenly Supreme, possessing an extraordinary level of divine heart.

With this, he is ahead of other pirates, and he is dressed differently from the pirate's wild and uninhibited, wearing a robe, although the style is simple, but it has a unique temperament.

Sitting in a pile of pirates seemed out of place.

"This should be the one who hit the sky before."

He told other pirates.

But pirates don't know much about things on land.

He had to say everything about the Su and Meng families before.

"Isn't that the same as us? They also came to be pirates."

"After understanding, these pirates are at ease, and they are afraid that this person has a chance."

"A man who has the power of the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, and a Supreme Heavenly Supreme, we fight against it, and believe that it is not his opponent."

Immediately a pirate spoke.

All the other pirates followed.

It was a shame that they were shocked at the thought of their previous terror, and they were scared by a group of bereavement dogs.

Looking at these pirates at the top of the pirate list, do you think that being a pirate will affect IQ?

He coerced and didn't yell out, but said, "That man has no way to let both fairy families take it."

"But they did not destroy the two Xianjias and had to run to the sea, indicating that even if they had the means to deal with the Xianjias, there were also very big restrictions. Are we eight afraid of him failing?

The top of the list nodded slightly, and the information he probed was not complete.

I don't know how Jiang Chen confronted the Holy Power of Xianjia.

"Then let's go over the truth together," he said.

it is good.

Eight pirates set off with a mighty crowd.

Jiang Chen didn't know yet, he heard the sound of crying.

It was Xue Li's. She found her brother's body and was hung from a tree.

"Behind the cottage, there is a forest not far away. The branches are all corpses, dense and dense, just like wicker roots. This innocent mother is nothing."

Zhao Pojun scolded.

At this time, Xue Li came to Jiang Chen and said to him, "The ransom I got was all for you. Can you help me kill all the pirates in this area?"

"The pirate who killed your brother has been killed."

"No, it was the pirates who killed my brother. Pirates still exist." Xue Li's tone was very extreme.

She hated the pirates and wanted Jiang Chen to clear the devil islands.

"This was originally my plan, you don't have to give me anything, you can stay here to watch." Jiang Chen said.

"Thank you."

Xue Li quickly thanked him and looked at Zhao Pojun and others.

"Are you guys coming?"

Wen Yan ~ ~ Zhao Pojun just wanted to sneer at this woman, wasn't it enough to underestimate Jiang Chen just now?

But thinking that the other party had just lost his loved one, he did not speak.

"I, I don't underestimate you. I am a devil island, a holy class might exist."


Jiang Chen had discovered that the woman had some knowledge of the Devil's Islands before, and motioned her to continue.

"My brother was arrested for this reason."

Xue Li organized the language and began to tell.

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