The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 4959: Looking for a door

Lot 4268

Tang Chuan and others did not know Jiang Chen's realm, otherwise he would not be so arrogant.

This is what Jiang Chen did not reveal.

Feeling the vast breath, Tang Chuan's people are embarrassed, and he has been clamoring in front of him.

At the same time, this incident reminded them of Jiang Chen's identity.

Before, they only thought he was joking, because now the name of Jiang Chen is special.

He claimed to be Jiang Chen at this special place, making them think it was a joke.

Now they are thinking that a big **** will not make such a joke with them.

They think of all the actions that Jiang Chen has followed, and they think he is worthy of him. This section of the bones dared to come here, and the realm suddenly reached the big **** from the middle.

"Brother, we were offended just now, please don't be surprised."

After returning to God, they apologized for their actions.

Yun Luo next to him was confused, and didn't understand what was going on. Even if she knew Jiang Chen's identity, she didn't need to be so humble. Of course, as a mortal, she certainly didn't know the difference of a big state.

The woman who said that Jiang Chen was out of date, was Kong Jin's face awkward.

Jiang Chen put away his breath and did not have general knowledge with them. Although their attitude was arrogant, they did not take too much action.

"Thank you, Brother, they feel very grateful for Jiang Chen's attitude."

At this time, Zhu Gefu and others flew back from a distance. Because they were flying, their realms were seen by Tang Chuan.

Four great gods!

"You are from the Xuandian."

Zhugefu recognized them at a glance.

Tang Chuan saw that this was Hong Dian, and Jiang Chen's identity was beyond doubt.

At this time, what Xiao Fuzi said just now reminded them that Jiang Chen not only played against Li Xuan, but also retreated.

On the other side, Li seconds also felt the breath of Zhugefu and others coming back.

He asked where these people came from.

The people in the palace are not clear.

However, combining time, Li Miao was convinced that Jiang Chen was a member of this group. She ran for all her life and ran to the base camp of others.

Scared that he almost left.

However, he thought that he would go before Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen should not have returned yet.

So he calmed down his breath so as not to be found.

In addition, good news came, his brother was not dead, he contacted him, and told him Jiang Chen's identity.

He quickly told the emperor through the palace that he wanted to come to the emperor and know that Jiang Chen's existence would not give up.

On Jiang Chen's side, Tang Chuan and others were dingy.

He told Zhugefu his findings.

"Isn't your identity revealed?" Zhu Gefu asked.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't care, because Hong Dian sent him here to stimulate the emperor.

Exposure is a matter of time. As he thought, Hong Dian did not let him retreat, but collected evidence.

It proves that Dishi is transferring its resources to another world. This scope is too wide and cannot be easily achieved.

In fact, let Jiang Chen see the Emperor's reaction.

The news of Li Miao quickly reached the emperor.

The senior officials of the Emperor learned the news and told their emperor immediately.

To their surprise,

After hearing the news from Jiang Chen, the emperor sighed.

I can still feel angry, but more of a helplessness.

Because the emperor had determined that Jiang Chen's luck was too bad.

It is not difficult to kill Jiang Chen, it is not easy to create an opportunity to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is now aggressive and came to their territory, forcing him to take action.

Just as the emperor was in distress, a mysterious man came.

This mysterious man suddenly appeared in the emperor!

The means of appearing out of thin air are amazing, and no early warning has been received before.

If it were not just the realm of the Great God, the emperor might face a great disaster.

The emperor came out to meet the man himself.

A woman is very similar to Jiang Chen.

This sounds contradictory, how can a woman be similar to Jiang Chen.

But that's the truth.

The similarity here does not refer to the appearance, but the breath and feeling on the body.

"Give me the temples of the heavens, and I will help you kill Jiang Chen."

Kill Jiang Chen.

The emperor's people felt these strange words when they heard these four words.

If they can kill them, do they have to wait until now?

"You have the confidence to kill him?"

"Killing him is easy."

"Then why do you wait till now?"

"Don't do what you are good at for free."

"Yes, as long as you kill Jiang Chen, I mean real killing, and the temple belongs to you."

"You have to give it to me first."

Speaking of this, the people of the Emperor's family thought that he had come to make troubles, or Jiang Chen's plot, and came to play with them on purpose.

However, their emperor finally decided to surprise them.

The emperor decided to give the temple to the woman.

When asking why, the reason for the emperor is simple,

Because this person is very similar to Jiang Chen.

If anyone can kill Jiang Chen, it is only him.

When she got her things, the woman didn't stay and moved through the temple.

Jiang Chen was not in the palace at this time.

Flying in the wilderness somewhere in the imperial clan, suddenly felt a breath to lock himself. Make him erect all over.

Everyone has a sense of crisis, and of course he does, but he rarely has such a strong sense of crisis.

This shows that the enemy is very powerful.

He thought of the emperor **** of the emperor.

It can only be expected that Hong Dian did not play himself.

There is a great **** around him to protect him. What he didn't expect is that the person who came is not only a great **** realm, but also the same as his realm.

A woman, from the first glance, Jiang Chen thought about what Ye Xue had said.

That is, there are countless clones of the founding Yuanling, and the clones will kill each other.

When killing each other, the person who survives becomes stronger.

This woman is one of the avatars.

Because Jiang Xuexue had reminded him before, Jiang Chen was not surprised when he was approached.

He was more curious about the identity of the other party.

Seeing the other person's face definitely looks like ~ ~ It doesn't seem to be the first time to do such a thing.

Of course, no matter for the first time or several times, Jiang Chen can understand the other party's thoughts.

As long as he is killed, the opponent's realm can at least be greatly improved, and if he is himself, he will hesitate to struggle.

He didn't like to kill with purpose.

So after Ye Xue told him something about the avatar, he didn't set about it.

But it was ready, and someone came to the door, and then killed him, and he was mentally prepared to gain strength.

Seeing the killing intention of the other party getting stronger and stronger, Jiang Chen couldn't help but said, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"You will hear."

The woman smiled slightly, this smile is very beautiful, but also very dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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