When crossing another mountain, there is a river in front of it. There are two single wooden bridges on the wide river. There is a big protruding stone supporting both ends of the bridge in the middle of the river!

Perhaps because of the rain, the original clear river water has become very turbid and extremely turbulent. The rolling waves boil and roar downward. The height of the single tree bridge from the river is only one meter away!

Such a terrible scene, not to mention walking over a single wooden bridge, just looking at it makes people tremble and their legs soften, so people stop at the bank one after another.

This time, no matter what others think, Lin Hao finally backed out, not for himself, but for the lives of these eight people.

It's just an interesting mountain climbing and treasure hunting. It's not a wild life. There's no need to risk your life.

If you have to cross the river under such conditions, you will lose your life at any time!

Lin Hao looked at the surging river for a while, then asked eight people, "what do you think?"

The crowd was obviously asked, and finally the strict grid out, "Daniel, how far is it?"

Liang Daniu said: "cross the river, hundreds of meters ahead of it!"

Yan Su looked at his little friend and said seriously, "you are close to success. Are you willing to give up?"

Seven people shook their heads and went all the way to here. Crossing the river is the destination. Who is willing to give up at the last moment?

After eight people discussed for a while, strict grid said to Lin Hao, "black face God, you can find a way to let us cross the river."

Lin Hao frowned and asked, "do you want to go? Can't we stop here? "

Eight people said in one voice: "no way!"

Lin Hao said with a wry smile: "you have proved your perseverance with your practical actions. There is no need to take any more risks. I will detoxify you and be responsible for your life. Therefore, I am firmly against your crossing the river! "

The eight people once again said with one voice: "opposition is invalid!"

Lin Hao said that the soft one could not be used hard. Finally, he even found a cane as a threat, but it didn't work. Eight people seemed to be in a bad mood and vowed to cross the river!

Lin Hao was made a little soft paralysis, powerless curse: "you do not know this group of guys."

Wu Ruolan and Liang Daniao both came to persuade him.

Wu Ruolan said: "Lin Hao, since they have to cross the river, you can think of a way. Since they have arrived here, the front is wugutan. Let alone them, even I would not give up."

Liang Da Niu also clapped his chest and said, "yes, Dr. Lin, I cut down the tree to build this single wooden bridge. I don't know how many times I've walked. It's absolutely reliable. It's OK."

Lin Hao couldn't help it. After thinking about it, he asked the crowd, "who else brought the rope?"

Strict Ge busy pointed to the backpack in the basket behind him, "I have it in my bag!"

Lin Hao took the knapsack down and opened it. Sure enough, he found a bundle of 20 meter long ropes inside. Then he tied one end to a tree here. After the tie was firm, he went to the Dumu bridge alone!

The single wooden bridge is made of wood. The skin has already fallen off, and the rain makes it even more slippery. So watching him go up, everyone is a little nervous. Wu Ruolan feels that his heart will jump out. He also regrets supporting them to cross the river. After a while, he can't help but cry: "Lin Hao, be careful."

Walk slowly along the bridge.

When the first section was finished smoothly, his foot stepped on the second section. However, he did not know whether it was because no one left for a long time or because of the rain that it had loosened.

Lin Hao stepped on it with one foot, and before the second foot could go up, the wood slipped askew, and his body lost its balance and fell into the river in a hurry.

"Ah All the people were frightened and screamed.

But before the sound was over, they saw Lin Hao's body standing there, like a nail that had been driven into a stone, and then slowly straightened up.

People opened their eyes in disbelief. The balance ability of this body is too abnormal, too rebellious, simply It's not human!

After Lin Hao stood firm, he turned back and scolded Liang Daniu: "Daniel, you said that the bridge is absolutely reliable?"

Liang Daniao scratched his head with a blush: "last year, when I got up, I was steady and steady."

Last year? Black lines sprang up on their forehead!

Lin Hao fixed the loose piece of wood. He was sure it was OK. Then he stepped on it again and slowly crossed to the opposite bank.

Then he fixed the rope that he had been holding in his hand to another tree and pulled it straight, parallel to the log bridge. After making sure that the rope is firm and strong, he called to the people on the opposite bank: "hold the rope, come one by one, and be sure to hold the rope firmly and pay attention to your feet. Daniel, you cushion the back

Liang Daniu quickly agreed: "good!"In addition to Daniel, the ten people standing on the bank here look at me and I look at you. Finally, Wu Ruolan took his head and was the first to reach for the rope and walk on the single wooden bridge trembling.

Lin Hao called out from there: "sister, don't be nervous. Keep your body balance. Pay attention to your feet and look at me. Yeah, slow down. Yeah, that's it! Believe in yourself, you can! "

In spite of Lin Hao's command and encouragement, Wu Ruolan is still very nervous. He is shaking and shaking.

But in the end, she came.

If you really want to describe her courage and courage, it can only be: women are not inferior to men!

Then, according to the principle of giving priority to female officials, Fan Ying, Yan Su, strict style and so on, three women also walked past one after another.

All the girls came over. Naturally, the men would not have any problems. Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look forward to find the location of wugutan.

"No way!" Just when he was a little relaxed, there was a sudden sound of water ringing in his ear. When he turned his head and looked at it, he was shocked.

I went there. Yandong fell into the river.

"Help, I can't swim..." After Yan Dong fell into the water, he immediately called for help, but the call was not finished, the water completely submerged him, and the whole person disappeared on the turbid water surface.

"Ah! Ah The men and women on the shore screamed in horror!

As soon as Lin Hao saw Yan Dong falling into the river, he ran down the river bank without saying a word.

As he ran, he kept a close eye on the river. There were thorns and rocks on the bank. When he saw that Yandong, who had been hit more than 20 meters downstream, showed his head again, he ran faster to the lower reaches. When Yandong was about 230 meters away from the floating Yandong, he did not hesitate to plunge into the turbulent river Medium.

Obviously, Lin Hao wants to stop Yan Dong from falling into the water further downstream.

However, as soon as he fell into the river, he disappeared like a stone into the sea. All the people were worried again.

For a long time, people in the middle of the lower reaches of the river saw Lin Hao's head come up, and then they saw him struggling to keep balance on the river, while keeping a close eye on Yan Dong, who was drifting down the river from time to time.

When Yandong was pressed to the bottom of the water again after the two men were about six or seven meters apart, Lin Hao rushed forward decisively and grabbed Yan Dong's clothes with his hands in the river where he couldn't see his fingers. Fortunately, he caught Yan Dong's clothes, and then he quickly held him in one hand and paddled to the bank.

When they finally reach the shore and stop, Lin Hao is exhausted, holding Yan Dong, who is half dead, and is unable to breathe on the bank.

At this time, they have been a kilometer away from the single wooden bridge above, which shows how turbulent and turbulent the river is at this time!

When Wu Hao and Lin zuolan arrived at the place for a while, they had already checked the situation.

However, Lin Hao was frightened because it was only ten minutes before and after that. Yan Dong had no breath.

"Yandong, Yandong!"

When they saw that Yan Dong was out of breath, they were all flustered and yelled loudly.

"Wuwu ~" Fan Ying, who had long been in love with Yandong, couldn't help throwing herself on him. She cried and hissed: "Yandong, don't scare me. Didn't you say that after we quit drugs together, you promised me to fall in love with me? How can you not count your words! Open your eyes quickly, will you promise me

Seeing her cry into tears, the eyes of other friends were red, and the tears could not help but gargle down. Then there was a cry in the field.

"Howl what, get out of the way!" After Lin Hao returns to his senses, he quickly pushes Fan Ying away. Then he grabs Yan Dong's clothes and tears them.

With the sound of "Zila", Yan Dong's clothes were torn open, and the top of his trousers was torn loose. Lin Hao's hands were folded and pressed to his heart, while pressing and counting: "one, two, three, four, five..."

This is undoubtedly in the implementation of artificial cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

When Wu Ruolan sees Lin Hao pressing nearly 15 times, he pinches Yan Dong's mouth and prepares to give him artificial respiration.

Although men and women are different, but life and death, she has no way to consider these, save talent is the first!

Who knows she opened her lips and just took a breath. Before she could get down to her mouth, Lin Hao had already released a hand and pushed her away. Then he pulled Fan Ying over and pointed to Yan Dong's mouth and said, "every 15 times I press, you blow air into his mouth once, and you can blow as much air as you can."

Fan Ying was stunned for a moment, and quickly bent down to blow at Yan Dong's mouth.

Lin Hao kept pressing, but after several minutes, there was still no movement in Yandong.

People see, a heart also keep sinking, sinking

Yan Dong, I'm afraid it's really bad luck this time!Lin Hao didn't give up. He still pressed Yan Dong's chest again and again. In order to avoid his panic, he pressed and comforted them and said, "don't worry. The heart is the simplest organ in the human body. In addition to contraction, it expands. As long as it stops for a short time, it can be recovered with its normal frequency and rhythm Beating

Although Lin Hao said it very simply and optimistically, looking at Yan Dong, who had no movement at all, the people were not relieved at all, and their tears kept falling. However, they all bit their lips and did not let themselves cry out, as if a sound would affect Yan Dong's waking up.

Lin Hao pressed for nearly ten minutes, and his clothes soaked in the river were wet with sweat again. However, Yan Dong still didn't respond. Lin Hao's heart began to lose his composure. When he pressed, he couldn't control his emotions. He put his hand on Yan Dong's face and swore: "Yandong, I'll fuck you. You should wake up quickly Laozi can't take this responsibility, let alone live in this shadow for the rest of his life. Do you hear me? If you don't wake up, I'll beat you with cane... " #Welcome to join the village doctor group. The group number is 46308275

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