When Lin Shitian reached the fork in the village, he faced two directions. One was to go to the restaurant where he often drank at the entrance of the village, and the other was to Wu Renyao clinic at the end of the village.

Thinking of the flavor of Hakka pure wine in the restaurant, the wine bug in his stomach is ready to move, and his steps almost subconsciously go to the village entrance.

Su long followed him not far behind. From time to time, he picked up something and put it into the red plastic bag in his hand. Seeing him go to the village, he immediately turned to run home. Obviously, he wanted to tell Su Qing that Lin Shitian had gone to drink again.

Lin Shitian is in such a hurry that Su Qing is no better than she used to be. In the past, she didn't say that she was drinking. She would exchange the last valuable thing in the family for wine. But if she wanted to drink again, she might divorce herself. So she called to Sulong: "Xiaolong, where are you going? Come back!"

Su long asked suspiciously, "isn't my uncle going to drink?"

Lin Shitian's face was slightly embarrassed. His eyes turned and said, "that Bruce Lee, I'd like to discuss something with you! "

Su long said, "what's the matter?"

Lin Shitian said: "after a while, I'll buy you a lollipop! Will you not tell your aunt? "

Su Long's eyes brightened for a moment, but then he asked, "uncle, do you still have money?"

Lin Shitian said, "I can pay on credit. How about a deal?"

Su long shook his head and said, "no!"

Lin Shitian said: "well I'll buy you a caravan! Is that all right? "

Su Long's eyes were brighter, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said, "no!"

"Why?" Lin Shitian doubted

Su long just shakes his head and doesn't speak.

Lin Shitian looked down and found that he was holding a red plastic bag in his hand. He could not help but reach out and take it. There were some bottles and jars in it. He could not help asking, "Xiaolong, what are you doing with these?"

Su long said in a low voice: "there is no food at home. These water bottles and cans can be sold for money. As long as I pick up a full bag, I can sell five or six yuan. My aunt and brother will not have to go hungry tonight!"

After hearing this, Lin Shitian almost burst into tears. Because of Su Long's understanding and his own cowardice, he was ashamed and moved. He felt as if he had been gouged out by a knife!

After a while, he reached out and stroked Su Long's head and said, "go, let's find the man named Lin

Su long said: "looking for doctor uncle?"

Lin Shitian said: "Well! That's him

Su long said: "then you go! I'm going this way. I'll pick up more things here. There's no one there. I can't find anything. "

When Lin Shitian heard that Su long didn't go with him, he felt a little uneasy. He asked, "aren't you afraid that I'll go to the village to drink on the way?"

Su long no longer looked around, seriously looked at Lin Shi Tian Dao: "I believe in the character of my uncle!"

This made Lin Shitian blush again and asked himself: do I still have moral character now?


Wu Renyao clinic.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Lin Hao and Wu Ruolan dried and arranged the herbs collected from the mountains again.

When he was busy working, a man came from outside, but he did not come in immediately, but lingered outside hesitantly.

Wu Ruolan has met, and he is going to welcome him out. Lin Hao said in a low voice, "sister, don't go!"

"Why?" asked Wu Ruolan

Lin Hao continued to cut the herbs, and without raising his head, he said, "don't go anyway!"

Wu Ruolan hesitated for a moment, and finally did not go out and continued to turn over the herbs in his hands.

After wandering outside for a long time, the man finally came in and coughed.

Lin Hao still pretended not to see it, and kept busy living. Wu Ruolan was not as good as he was. He stood up and said, "director Fan, you are here!"

This man is not Lin Shitian, but fan Qiang, the deputy director of the village committee who scolded Lin Hao for meddling in the village committee this morning.

Lin Hao was a little angry when he thought of his hateful face in the morning, so when he came, he deliberately hung him up first.

Fan qiangchong Wu Ruolan nodded, then looked a little uncomfortable: "Dr. Lin!"

Lin Hao finally stopped his work, raised his head and said, "Oh, director Fan, come to inspect the work?"

Fan Qiang still held on and nodded: "well, come and have a look."

Lin Hao said plainly, "look at it as you like, and I won't greet you! I have to get rid of these herbs while the sun is shining

Hearing him say this, fan Qiang finally couldn't hold on, "no, Dr. Lin, I'm here to show you!"

"Oh Lin Hao still didn't put down his work. He just said, "see a doctor!"

After the morning, I went to the hospital to have a check-upLin Hao asked quietly, "what's the result of the inspection?"

Fan Qiang said: "the doctor said that I did have alcoholic fatty liver disease, and had become alcoholic hepatitis, so I had to be hospitalized. If not hospitalized, it will soon become alcoholic cirrhosis

Lin Hao still did not have what expression way: "then you are hospitalized treatment!"

After listening to his irresponsible words, fan Qiang couldn't help crying and laughing, but he couldn't help it. Who let him look down on others in the morning and scold him for meddling in his business?

"That Dr. Lin, you can see at a glance that I am alcoholic fatty liver, which proves that your medical skills are not so good. You can treat this disease, can you? "

"Not bad!" Lin Hao said, "I really can cure it!"

"Can you cure me?" said fan Qiang

Lin Hao deliberately said, "don't you think it's more safe to go to the hospital? I'm just a small clinic, and I'm just a doctor! "

Fan Qiang shook his head and said, "no, Dr. Lin, although you are young, you have excellent medical skills. Uncle Yan's illness and uncle San's disease have all been cured by you. So I believe you better. And I don't want to be hospitalized. It's too much trouble! It's more convenient to work in the village. "

Lin Hao said, "but the prescription I use here is more partial, and the medicine is rare. The cost of this treatment is also relatively high..."

Fan Qiang said, "Doctor Lin, you don't have to worry about the cost of treatment. You can get what you pay for.". You can tell me how much it costs

Lin Hao pondered for a while and said, "you go and sit down first. I'll come after I cut this herb."

Fan Qiang repeatedly nodded: "good, good!"

Seeing him go in, Wu Ruolan followed him in and made tea for him. However, after waiting for a while, he saw that Lin Hao was still busy outside, so he came out and said, "Lin Hao, what are you doing in such a hurry? Go in and see director Fan!"

"Elder sister, is this fan Qiang rich?"

Wu Ruolan was stunned and then nodded: "yes, he has more money than fan Tong and Yan Bo. He has a lot of shares in the company owned by the village collective. But he was kind of rich and unfriendly. He didn't donate a cent to the public welfare undertakings in the village. "

Lin Hao nodded and said, "OK, I know."

Wu Ruolan saw that he was still in a relaxed manner, which pushed him and said, "well, don't put on airs and go to see a doctor quickly."

Lin Hao had to put down his knife, wipe his hands and walk in.

After giving fan Qiang a pulse and a physical examination, he said leisurely: "your disease is really serious. The liver is not only swollen, but also tender. If you don't treat it in time, you will really develop towards liver cirrhosis. If you want to cure it then, it will be difficult. "

Hearing this, fan Qiang was very anxious and asked, "Dr. Lin, how should we treat it?"

Lin Hao said, "first of all, stop drinking!"

After hearing this, fan Qiang's face suddenly showed a puzzled expression. He was not fond of gambling and lust, so he was fond of drinking. Moreover, he was addicted to alcohol, because he always had to drink wine at breakfast, "this, this Wine is my life

Lin Hao asked, "director Fan, is wine important or life important?"

Fan Qiang was asked, "this..."

Lin Hao held out his hand and said, "if you can't stop drinking, it's useless."

Fan Qiang finally said, "OK, I quit."

Lin Hao asked, "can you really quit?"

Fan Qiang said with a sad face: "it's all like this. If you can't quit, you have to quit. Do you really want to drink more than kill yourself?"

Lin Hao laughed. "Well, for the sake of your great determination, give 100000 yuan."

Fan Qiang opened his eyes wide: "ah?"

Lin Hao said: "one hundred thousand yuan, you this hepatitis, a month package to cure you."

"Hiss!" Fan Qiang took a breath of cold air as if he had a sudden toothache and murmured: "this, it's too expensive!"

Lin Hao spread out his hand and said, "it's not expensive to change a healthy liver. If director Fan is too expensive, he can go to the hospital. Maybe it will be much cheaper."

Fan Qiang grinned bitterly and discussed: "can you make it cheaper? Really, a hundred thousand dollars... "

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, director Fan. I don't like bargaining here. But it's not urgent. Your liver won't harden for a while. You can go back and think about it

Fan Qiang was made to wonder whether he was angry or crying. He was so mean that he immediately wanted to stand up and brush his sleeves and walk away. However, thinking of his liver, he finally asked, "one hundred thousand yuan, really cure me?"

Lin Hao nodded and said, "of course!"

Fan Qiang said, "what if it can't be cured?"

Lin Hao originally wanted to say that I paid you a hundred thousand yuan, but when he thought that he didn't have one, he pointed to the X6 outside. "If it can't be cured, I'll give you this car, and I won't get any money for the treatment."

Fan Qiang weighed it over and over again and finally said, "OK, 100000 is 100000!"Lin Hao said with a smile: "refreshing!"

Fan Qiang said, "but I have a request!"

"Talk about it!" Lin Hao said

Smart and mean fan Qiang said, "I'll give you money after I get cured!"

Lin Hao didn't expect that he would make such a request. He looked him up and down and said, "director Fan, you won't be dishonoured in the end?"

Fan Qiang was a little annoyed and said, "I'll pay you back? Will fan Qiang refuse to pay? You go to the village to inquire. Am I fan Qiang like that? "

Lin Hao waved his hand and said, "there's no basis for what you say. Let's set up a word for it."

Fan Qiang was angry and asked, "do you really don't believe me?" #

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