The Buggiest System v1

141 The Ramblings of a Critic Who is Superior at Cooking in Every Way Possible ~Scaring Them Off Wit

"Class monitor..." Zhou Lei got exactly what he expected.

Just a few minutes ago, even though he knew that it wouldn't taste good, after seeing Ye Muqi's display of confidence, a faint hope grew in his mind. It mattered not whether he was right or wrong, what mattered was if the food tasted good.

However, once the juices of the roasted meat fell onto his tongue, only one word could be used to describe its taste: "shit".

"Hmm?" Ye Muqi replied with enthusiasm and confidence.

"It doesn't taste good." Zhou Lei said bluntly.

In that instant, the confident smile on Ye Muqi's face froze. She couldn't comprehend what she just heard. "D- d- doesn't taste good? What do you mean?"

"It means exactly what it means."

Zhou Lei continued chewing on the piece of meat, but his expression only became worse. He wrapped his tongue around the roast, but a disdainful expression was all he could muster.

He forced himself to swallow the roast.

To combat this, he used the plain white rice.

The rice didn't taste good, but it didn't need to taste good, so Zhou Lei was fine with that. At least, it was better than that godforsaken meat.

Ye Muqi shook her head to keep her composure. "What exactly doesn't taste good about the meat?"

"It's this. The piece of meat, it should be beef, I think. It isn't evenly roasted. The inside was pretty raw, and the outside was burnt.

Furthermore, I tasted a trace of charcoal on this small piece of meat, that's fine, but there's too much that shouldn't be there.

The fire was too strong, don't let the flames touch the meat."

Although he said this, the meat was virtually cooked perfectly. It was only on his divine taste buds could these microscopic imperfections arise.

"And also, this and this..."


"...and that's it."

Zhou Lei finished thoroughly criticizing the small piece of meat. His mouth ran out of saliva and was running dry due to talking too much.

His long speech about the flaws of the small piece of meat shocked everyone around him, including the smug Lin Guiying.

Of course, the one most affected by this was Ye Muqi.

Poor Ye Muqi, who came strutting with confidence. Her self-esteem was completely crushed by the long list of mistakes that came from Zhou Lei's mouth.

She noticed that he tried to tone it down as much as possible, but to remain calm was impossible after knowing that the meat she thought tasted extremely good was riddled with flaws.

"Class monitor, don't take it to heart." Zhou Lei really tried to soften his tone and lighten the impact of his criticisms, but it seemed like it didn't work.

"Anyway, I'll try the hotdog next..."

Right before he could stab the hotdog with the fork, Ye Muqi held his hand in place. "Classmate Zhou... you win. But I swear, I'll satisfy you next time!"

As she said that, she grabbed the lunch box and preemptively threw it out the window along with the container. Why would she need this measly box, full of food full of flaws?

She walked back to her seat, a fighting spirit glistening in her eyes.

Zhou Lei scratched his head. He caught sight of Fan Xinyue and Ma Xiaoli who both had lunch boxes with them. "Hmm?"

The two girls shuddered. Seeing that Zhou Lei was eyeing their lunch boxes, they felt terrified. After the frightening scene that he displayed earlier, who would want to give their lunch box to him?

Fan Xinyue stood up and flashed Zhou Lei an awkward smile before retreating to her seat, slipping the lunch box back into her bag.

Meanwhile, Ma Xiaoli was more brazen. She walked back to her seat, paying no attention to Zhou Lei as if she never heeded him any in the first place.

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Of course, these two girls' hearts were crying inside, but they wouldn't ever show that side of theirs to Zhou Lei.

"Erm..." Lu Xi, who had no lunch box to offer, sat on her seat and buried her head under her arms.

'What use was I in messing up Ye Muqi's plan when Zhou Lei could easily do that himself?'

Zhou Lei, the center of all the chaos, was, for the most part, satisfied with the outcome of the situation. After all, he achieved his main objective, which was to scare off any other people that wanted to give their lunch to him.

Finally, peace and quiet had returned to the classroom.

"Lei, you didn't have to go that hard." Lin Guiying had an astonished grin on her face.

"Hmm? Why wouldn't I? Honesty is the best policy after all..." Zhou Lei scratched his head.

"Ehhh~ stop lying." Lin Guiying obviously didn't believe that Zhou Lei told Ye Muqi off just because he wanted to be honest.

"Okay, fine. I didn't do it for the honesty. If I didn't do it, they'd think that I like their lunch. Then, they would make another one, then another one..." Zhou Lei continued with his endless rant.

"..." Lin Guiying.


End of class.

Lin Guiying and Zhou Lei headed to the mall.

The former noticed that her friend was strangely pumped and a little anxious about their trip this time. 'It's just DDR. Why is he so nervous?'

Meanwhile, Zhou Lei counted how many hours he had left and calculated in his mind how many attempts would fit in that time frame.

'Let's see, I have about 3 hours left. The length of the song is about 4 minutes long. If an hour is 60 minutes, then that leaves me with 180 minutes, divided by 4, which is... 45! I have approximately 45 attempts.'

Leaving aside any unfortunate circumstances that may arise, Zhou Lei was confident that he could perfect that Despaghetti song in those remaining 45 attempts. If not, he could go buy a blob of tofu and smash his head into it until he died.

While he counted, the two finally arrived at the mall.

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