The cashier was sure she was looking straight at a certified A-list model. It was because the man in front of her... was too stunning! Too stunning, in fact, that not even her long time idol, Hou Heng[1], could match up to him!

Now, this Hou Heng had no place in her mind, as he was replaced by this man in front of her.

By the time she heard the man clearing his throat, she had already fallen in love with him multiple times. However, this throat-clearing snapped her out of her daze.

"Ah, yes!" She moved quickly as she scanned the price of the egg tray.

Beep! It was 5$.

Zhou Lei handed over the 100$ bill, albeit hesitantly. It was just a couple of eggs, why did he have to spend 5$ over it?

This little twitch in Zhou Lei's hand as he handed over the bill didn't go unnoticed by the cashier. She looked at the bill he was handing over and realized... nothing.

Maybe this bill had some sentimental value to it? Maybe he was handed this bill when he lived on the sidewalks by a nice grandmother...Whatever it was, this bill had some importance to the man in front of her.

The cashier thought, 'This is a once in a lifetime chance!'

She quickly took out her wallet and paid for the egg herself.

"Huh?" Zhou Lei looked at the cashier's actions in puzzlement. 'Why did she pay for the eggs? Wasn't I supposed to be the one to pay for that?'

The cashier took the egg tray, put it in a plastic bag, and gave it to the handsome man. She did this very quickly.

Zhou Lei was so dazed by the cashier's actions, that he didn't realize his hand was still intent on handing over the bill!

The cashier closed the handsome man's hand and pushed it away, winking at him in the process. She then spoke. "You owe me one."

"Huh?" Zhou Lei was pushed out of the convenience store. As he looked back, he saw the cashier waving at him.

'The heck?!'


Zhou Xiang finished her meal. It was the most delicious meal she ever had in the past decade, no, in her whole life!

After the meal, she was ready to sleep. She invited her husband to sleep. "Dear, let's sleep already."

Meanwhile, Zhou Jiahao sat on the chair absentmindedly, waiting for Zhou Lei to arrive. He heard from his daughter the explanation on why Zhou Lei walked out of the house. 'It turns out we were already out of eggs, and my son went out to buy more, ah.'

Now, all his ear could hear was the sweet voice of his son arriving again. Alas, it has not appeared yet after such a long time! "Ah, he's taking too long!"

Zhou Zhenya looked at the wall clock. It hasn't even been three minutes yet...

Zhou Xiang noticed that her husband did not pay any attention to her. "Hmph!" She slept in the bedroom by herself, locking the door in the process. It was clear that she didn't intend to open it again for her husband.

"Hello, open the door, please."

As this voice that came from the door reached Zhou Jiahao and Zhou Zhenya's ears, their eyes brightened. They were excited! Excited for more eggs!

The Zhou house door had a peephole to see outside, for some reason. Zhou Zhenya ran towards the door with glee. She couldn't wait to eat the eggs!

As a force of habit, Zhou Zhenya checked the peephole. She was startled and walked backwards.

"Umm, hello?"

Zhou Lei's voice sounded out again. This time, Zhou Jiahao was the one who reacted. "Little Ya, why did you not open the door?"

Zhou Zhenya looked back at her father, blushing! She was blushing!

Such a sight almost made Zhou Jiahao bleed through his nose. His daughter... really was too beautiful! It was too much for him!

Luckily, he held himself together.

"Little Ya, why are you blushing?"

Zhou Zhenya raised her eyebrow. "I'm... blushing? Oh, that's right, it's because... of the man at the door..."

"Hmm? Isn't that your brother?" Zhou Jiahao asked his daughter. 'I'm pretty sure I heard Zhou Lei earlier... isn't that him?'

To her father's question, Zhou Zhenya shook her head fiercely. Her manner of speech turned timid as she replied, "G... go look yourself..."

Zhou Jiahao stood up from his chair and walked towards the door.

"Is anybody there?" Zhou Lei continued.

Zhou Jiahao opened the peephole and looked. There, in front of the door, stood an extremely handsome young man.

[1] Hou Heng is a name I came up with on a whim. If there really is a star whose name is Hou Heng, tell him to not sue me please

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