The Buggiest System v1

33 Anxious Again


Zhou Lei didn't get any sleep.

It was already 7:40 am. There was no time for sleep now.

He stood up and quickly got ready for school.


As this was his second time stepping out of his house as a handsome guy, Zhou Lei was kind of used to it now.

There were still some things he couldn't bear, like the flock of old ladies from here to there.

They always surround poor Zhou Lei going to school that he was almost late the previous day. This meant that he should be vigilant.

He sneaked through the dirty and smelly alleyways, eventually ending up in front of his school, although this made him quite dirty.

The guard, who was a female, fell in love as well when she saw the handsome new youngster attend the school she was working at.

As Zhou Lei made his way to the classroom, the teachers treated Zhou Lei as eye candy when he walked past them. Even the male teachers were captivated by his figure and looks!

He looked at the time on his phone as he was sprinting up the stairs.

"Ah, crap, I'm late!"

It was already 8:07 am.

That meant that his homeroom teacher, Wen Hui, would most certainly be there already.

He anxiously opened the door, afraid that his classmates would insult him for being late yet again.

Although he was not treated this way the previous day, he couldn't help but be nervous since he was used to this treatment. He remembered not to get filled with overconfidence just because he had a very good-looking face.

There was also the case with his homeroom teacher, Wen Hui, who he was supposed to make love with to level up System. This made him extremely jittery about seeing her.

He opened the door.

"Good morning teacher, good morning classmates, I'm sorry I'm late." After saying this, he just stood there.

Zhou Lei knew the proper way to act like it wasn't your fault that you were late: pushing the blame on traffic.

In reality, his house wasn't even that far from the school, taking at least 5 minutes to get from his house to the school on a bus.

As such, he was always reprimanded if he used this crappy excuse.

Waiting for his teacher's reply, Zhou Lei got more and more nervous as time passed by with his teacher not saying anything along with his classmates.

In Zhou Lei's point of view, they were already making fun of him in their minds, thinking "Oh, this freak's late again!"

However, that was not the case. Instead, their minds completely went blank as they saw the handsome teen that claimed to be Zhou Lei once again. They also got to hear his heavenly voice.

As such, they were left speechless as they stared at the supposed Zhou Lei's face and body. The girls already stored it into their minds for use later. The boys? ...some of them did the same.

Zhou Lei noticed the awkward silence. After such a long time, he couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't stand anymore either, so he sat on his desk.

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