"Mom, I'm heading to the arcade."

Zhou Lei waited for a response, but all he got was the sound of his two parents flirting with each other.

He knew his words fell on deaf ears, and shrugged as he opened the door and left.

His mission to master the DDR's hardest song warranted for him to train everyday, especially since System reduced the time limit from a week to five days.

As he was thinking of how to get better at DDR, he remembered the girl that offered to train him.

He opened his phone and looked at the time. Even though they said to meet at noon, it wouldn't hurt to be a little early, wouldn't it?

Besides, I can do a little training myself while she's not around.

He put his phone back in his pocket as he placed both his hands in the jacket's pockets.

His attire was still the same as before, covering his whole body. After all, he wouldn't want to attract attention, would he?


Lin Guiying wore the disguise as she sneaked out of her room. With glasses, freckles, a little bit of makeup, and a horrendous hairstyle, nobody would recognize her as the hottest actress of today.

As she closed the door to her room, she heard Shao Gingxin yawning. Panicked, she entered her room again and hid in the closet.

Her manager was fetching her to work. She was going to act in the new anticipated series, Spy High.

Every single one of her fans were hyped for her appearance in the already stellar cast for this show.

Lin Guiying was supposed to attend school for the whole week, but she only went for one day, because for the rest of the week, the series was filming.

Shao Gingxin knocked on the door. "Ying, wake up... it's already 7 o'clock."

After waiting for five seconds for a response, Shao Gingxin furrowed her eyebrows at the silence she received. "Ying? Wake up already..."

The knocks on the door became harder than last time. "Ying! Guiying! Wake up!"

At last, Shao Gingxin, being the impatient woman she was, barged in the room.

"...Huh?" She glanced at the bed, but Lin Guiying was nowhere to be seen.

In doubt, Shao Gingxin raised the blanket to see if the actress was hinding under it.

"Damn it, Guiying! Where are you?" Shao Gingxin muttered curses before she exited the room and shut the door.

Waiting for a few seconds to pass by, Lin Guiying sighed in relief. Hopefully, she won't be angry at me if I come at three in the afternoon.

She opened the door as quietly as possible, and poked her head out to investigate.

Her manager was talking to her mother, complaining about how she was troublesome to work with. Instead of defending her, however, her mother sided with Shao Gingxin, nodding her head in agreement.

Seeing that made Lin Guiying's mood bad. She decided to delay her arrival by one more hour, and exited the house through the backdoor.

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