The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 111 - Disgrace And Amethyst

Parson Residence,

Lady Regina fell ill after it escalated from throughout the Internet. However, with a single photo that was sent by her beloved granddaughter, she felt a little better. Her daughter was always worried about her and even thought about her by sending photos of beautiful wild orchids. Her secretary also looked worried about her. 

"Countess, what do you suggest?"

"Let them find it out." She mumbled as she sat up. 

"Mother," A knock on the door caught their attention. Then Dana entered the room looking worried. "Mother, I will explain." 

"Explain, what?" Lady Regina asked coldly. 

"Well, about Katarina's actions," Dana said softly. 

"Her actions are also your actions, Dana. You showed her how to embarrass Victoria ever since they were little. Isn't that right?" Regina sneered. 

Dana couldn't say a thing from Regina's words. 

"Then, explaining Katarina's actions is useless to me, Dana. Your daughter has to pay for the consequences." She scoffed. "At least Victoria's husband knows how to protect her. I shouldn't entrust Victoria to you." 

Regina's regrets were too late. As she disregards her instinct on taking care of Victoria. She had learned that Bailey was disciplining her through abuse. Every time that she learned about it, she would slap him and scold him for hurting Victoria. But the trauma that Victoria received was already marked in her head. She felt broken-hearted that she failed Vivien, Victoria's real mother, to protect her. 

"Then, how can I face her mother like this, Dana? What your husband did to her was beyond imagination. I even took her child from her to give Victoria a good life but~~I," She paused as she realized more how bad she was. Regina was full of regrets. 

"Lady Regina," Her secretary approached her and held her hand. 

"Vivien is dead. We are the only ones that Victoria has." 

Regina creased her brows. 

"What do you mean?" 

"If she's alive, she should have taken Victoria. If she's alive, she should have gone hereafter that video." 

Regina scoffed and shook her head. 

"I can't believe you, Dana. Did my son marry a monster and become a monster himself?" 

Dana clenched her first but she showed a different expression. She was calm and composed. 

"Mother, how can I forgive that woman who seduced my husband?" 

"Rape is different from seduction, Dana! You knew that it was your husband's fault!" 

"Milady, please compose yourself." Her secretary said softly. "Miss Dana, please leave." The Secretary said. Dana glared at her but the Secretary stood strong. "The Countess doesn't feel good at the moment." 

Dana turned back with gritted teeth. 


Victoria already loved the Manor that was named to her. She stayed on the veranda while watching the farmers from above. They looked happy while they were working and it's rare to see such lovely farmers. She sighed and admired big butterflies around. She could get used to this. Their mansion used to have such beautiful butterflies in her grandmother's garden. She could only admire them from afar but never like this. 

Butterflies were lovely to watch from her room whenever they had to lock her there because she made a mistake. She stayed in the room and somehow, it became her comfort zone as she read and wrote things inside her head. Butterflies were beautiful and were free to perch on beautiful flowers. She somehow wished to be a butterfly back then. She wants to mingle too and at the same time too lazy to do so. 

"Butterflies are yours too." 

She turned her head to her husband who said those words. 

"I can't own them." She told him. Kenzo took a few steps to her and hugged her from behind. "I will just admire them flying freely from afar." 

"You are amazing." He whispered and kissed her cheeks. "So, do you want to check on the stables? I am done with my work." 

She glanced at the clock, four in the afternoon. 

"Are you not hungry?" She asked. 

"I'm hungry for you." He lightly bit her earlobe and she giggled. 

"Babe, why do you have a strong sex drive?" 

"Well, remember the herbal drink that grandpa wants us to drink every day?" 


"That's where it came from." 

"Oh," She laughed and held his arm. "You are something, Kenz." 

"So, let's go to the stables and I'm gonna show you your mare." 


"Let's change first." 

The couple went to Victoria's room and they changed into their horse riding outfit. Kenzo even tied up her boots and helped her put sunscreen on her face. 

"You really, love me." She started with a grin. 

"Nah, I don't." He teased me. She smacked him. "Alright, I love you." He scooped her face and kissed her lips. "Let's go." 

They held hands together as they walked on the wide garden walk of Victoria Grand Manor. 

"So, did you do it?" 

"Do what?" He asked. 

"Release something about Jason and Katarina?" 

"Hmm," he only hummed. 

"Kenzo," She pouted at him. 

"They did something bad to you. I can't just sit back and relax." 

"Grandma will be very stressed about it." All this time, Victoria was worried about her grandmother. She saw how Countess Regina protected the family's reputation. 

"Don't worry. I already spoke to your grandmother and asked for forgiveness." He squeezed her hand a little tight. "Babe, I'm sorry. But you married this handsome guy." 

She giggled and pinched his sides. 

"Stop messing around when we are talking about serious matters." Victoria sighed. "I am sure that Jason and Katarina would fix it up. But is the Dominant Hotel real?" 

"Why wouldn't I work on it when it wasn't?" he smirked. 

"What the hell?" She stopped walking as Kenzo faced her. "So, it's real?" 

"Uhuh." He patted her head. 

"What about grandma?" She asked. 

"Hey, stop worrying." He patted her head and he took her hand to continue with their walk. Victoria followed him and kept up with him. 

"Love, it'll be a big disgrace to the Parson." 

"I already apologize to your grandma." 

"That's not the point. She sighed. 

"I know," Kenzo sighed. "What your sister did was wrong and I don't want to watch you break down again because of it." 

"You are with me." She smiled. "You are my happy pill and I am good now." 

Kenzo lifted the hand that he's holding and kissed it. At the time that they reached the stable lots of beautiful breeds of horses were running around inside the fence. 

"Wow, they are beautiful." She mumbled. Then, an upcoming golden mare came accompanied by a red stallion. She gaped as it was decorated with flowers around the head and a basket on the mare's mouth. "Wow," She looked up at Kenzo with those shining eyes. 

"She's yours." 

"And this one is yours?" She reached the red stallion and patted the muzzle with her right hand while her left hand was patting the mare. 

"Yup. They are a couple." He told her with a grin. 

"Or you force them to be together?" She sneered. 

Kenzo laughed and shook his head. 

"They were bought together and they were simply attached." 

"Okay," The golden mare pushed the basket to her as she reached it and the mare let it go. "What's their name?" She asked. 

"The beautiful lady is Jewel and this one," He patted the red stallion. "His name is Ansel, which means 'a protector'. He always protected Jewel even when they were little, that's why." 

"Huh, so how old are they?" 

"Like~ten years old." He said and he looked at the basket. "What's in the basket?" 

"Hmm," She checked out the flowers that were carefully picked. "Flowers." 

"Yup. I think I never gave you flowers." 

"I think you already did." She creased her brows as she thought. "It's not a big deal though." She picked the most beautiful big orchid in the middle to smell it but a box was over it. "Another surprise?" She asked him as she took the box and hung the basket on her wrist to open it. She blinked seeing a beautiful round amethyst surrounded by small diamonds. It's quite big and the ring is made of gold. What fascinates her is how it reflects the light from the sun. It's beautiful and mesmerizing. She never saw such a beautiful ring in her life. 

Kenzo reached her hand as he got down on one knee and smiled up at her. 

"Victoria, I never kneel like this and ask you to marry me. And this time, with a real ring, I want to ask you one thing. Will you be my Duchess and my forever wife and lover?" 

"Kenz," Victoria pouted as tears started forming in her eyes. "Kenzo, did you just~~" 

"My love, didn't I promise you to give you everything?" 

Victoria nodded. 

"You did. But I don't want it. I just want you. But making these efforts makes me fall hard and deeply in love with you. I won't be able to let you go, my Kenzo." 

He kissed her hands as he reached the ring. 

"Then, let's replace that cheap ring." 

"It's not a cheap ring." She creased her brows and wiped her tears quickly. "You made that with your hands. It's one of the most precious things that I ever received." 

"My love, I know that you cherish that ring. But we can replace it, right?" 

"I will still keep it." She removed the ring maid and put it on her right ring finger. Then, Kenzo slid the personalized gem to her ring finger that fits perfectly. 

"That's beautiful," Kenzo said and kissed her hand. Then, he looked up at her and showed his most charming smile. "You are beautiful." 

"Get up and kiss me!"

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