The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 143 - Princess Kaisley

Royal Etrama Corporation Head Office

Kaisley only checked the important documents. And since her head was throbbing, she needed to take a day and a half sick leave. She took medicine from her headache and drank it with water. 

"Your highness, are you sure that you'll only take a day off?" her assistant asked. She called her Miss B. 

"Yes, I already talked to the COO. He's gonna take care of everything." She signed the last document that was needed. Then, she stood and reached for her purse. 

"I'll go now." 

"Yes, your highness." 

Kaisley wasn't used with the words of your highness. But she'll be officially a Princess in a few days. That's why her grandfathers… the ones who adopted her were making sure that everything was perfect. Although it's a simple celebration, she still feels that it's superb. She reached her head as it still felt like throbbing. More like breaking. It's probably because of lack of sleep. She didn't get enough sleep. 

The elevator door opened and Caleb was already waiting for her with two bodyguards. 

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked and reached her arm. He patted her head and kissed it. 

"My head was just aching." She replied. 

"Okay, I'll take you home." 

"Are you done with your meetings?" 

"Yup." He grinned and took her to his car. "Everything is great." 

Caleb shows off a new car for her. It's a new Bentley Car with champagne and a mini-fridge inside. Since her head was aching, he gave her milk instead. Then, she relaxed on the comfortable seat. He took out a neck pillow and gave it to her. 

"Babe, you need a massage?" He asked. "I have ointment with me." 

"Sure, when we get back home." 

Caleb was currently staying in Kaisley's mansion. She even provided her room and office. Since the mansion was too big for her, she set up a place for Caleb. Even a working station since he loved making furniture. 

"How's your day?" Kaisley asked. 

"It's good, babe. The meeting with the two Dukes went well. Also, your restaurant is doing well." 

Kaisley's heartfelt that good warmth. 

"Everything will be perfect, my love. That also includes the shelter." 

"Thank you, babe." 

"Anything for you." He reached for her hand and kissed it. 

"I'll close my eyes for a while." 

"Yes, do that." 

He took the sunglasses from the drawer compartment that matched him and gave them to her. She smiled and put it on. She reclined her chair and closed her eyes. She was dozing off when she heard Caleb speaking to someone over his earpiece while driving. 

"I don't think so," Caleb mumbled. "Make sure that they won't even show up in front of my fiancee's face." He grumbled. "I don't care. Just do it." He hung up. 

Kaisley squinted her eyes and adjusted her seat. 

"Who was that?" 

Caleb glanced at her. 

"My men. They are trying to reach you out." 


"Your father." 

Kaisley was speechless as she shifted uncomfortably on her seat. 

"Babe," He reached her hand. "Just relax and I'll take care of everything." 

"I~I don't want to see him," Kaisley mumbled. "He didn't respect my mother and~~he sold me off. I feel like a thing to him." 

"Hmm, but don't worry. They aren't with you anymore." He patted her head. "Are you happy now, baby?" 

"Yes," She squeezed his hand. "I shouldn't care about them anymore." 

"I'll protect you, Princess Kaisley." 

She giggled and turned sideways to admire his handsomeness. At the time that she reached her mansion, the King was unexpectedly there and he was busy telling other people what to do and what to prepare. They bow slash curtsied to him and they greeted them warmly with hugs. 

"Grandpa, what brings you here?" Kaisley was already used by calling them that. 

"Well, I checked on the rooms for the Dukes and Duchesses." 

"Oh," Kaisley had slipped it off from her head. 

"I added a few more rooms for the Astera family. Do you need anything special, dear?" 

She somehow doesn't understand why they were extra-kind to her and they were acting that they are family. For years, after her mother died, she never felt what family was like until Caleb. 

"Not at all, grandpa. I only want to have my friends around and my family. It's enough, right Cal?" 

"Yes," Caleb said. "Too much crowd is costly and family is better." 

"Great." The King said and faced the servants. "I will only make sure that the rooms are arranged well." 

"Yes, your majesty." 

The King then faced the couple. 

"Alright, I'll let the two of us relax. I'll speak to you at dinner. If that's alright?" 

"Yes, of course. Grandpa. I'll just sleep off my headache." 

"Sure, my dear. Your health is a must too." 

"Your majesty. I'll be with you shortly. I'll just help her with the headache." 

"Don't worry. I'll stay and check the stables." 

Caleb bowed as the couple went to their room. The maids set up their lunch and she only ate a little. Then, Caleb helped her undress and massaged her. She fell asleep quickly. Since she's naked, he covered her naked body and kissed her lips. Then, he wiped off his hands and left. He went to where the King was. He's currently relaxing in the great room with open doors as the fresh air is blowing inside. He didn't even use a fan since it's currently summer. 

He bowed at him as the King gestured to the seat. 

"How's Kaisley?" 

"She's asleep. Probably with the stress going on in the family." Caleb said casually. "But I am still worried." 

"What should you worry about when you have every power to protect her?" The King smiled at him. Caleb just realized that he's telling the truth. His business grew every day and since he's also working with the Etrama Corporation, his net worth increased. He's now known as one of the young billionaires. 

"I am confident now… that I could give Kaisley a luxurious life and protection. Although she's a Princess now." 

The King nodded as he reached a document. 

"Kaisley is now a Princess. But she won't be able to sit on the throne. She's good at business. I couldn't ask for anything anymore." He then slowly grinned. "Except for grandchildren." 

Caleb chuckled. 

"Of course, I love kids too. We've been dreaming of having a beautiful family back then. But for now, Kaisley is still in trauma and we'll take it slow." 

"Take it slow… for a while." The King stood. "Since I am done with checking the rooms. I must have my afternoon nap. It's a hot day and my head is aching." 

"I'll escort you." 

Caleb escorted the delicate man to his room and even checked everything. He can't let anything bad happen to the King in this house. Then, he finally went to their room with his laptop and a few documents. He started working on a few documents. After finishing it, he just noticed that his beloved seemed to be cold. He quickly approached her and covered the fleece blanket with her naked body. 


"Love," He kissed her forehead. 

"It's cold." She mumbled. "Sleep with me." 

He can ditch everything for that alluring invitation. He quickly removed his shoes and undressed. Then, he climbed up on the bed and lay down beside her. She snuggled to him and he pulled the duvet to cover their body although she's already covered with her very own fleece blanket. 

"I'm sorry for making you cold, Princess." He mumbled. She giggled and kissed his lips. "I'm also sorry for making you tired every night." 

"I love it." She mumbled. "I love having sex with you. Because I love you and you always make me feel better." She closed her eyes. 

"Does your head still hurt?" 

"A little bit." She mumbled and sighed. "I love you, Cal." 

"I love you, Kai." He pressed his lips to her forehead. "Sleep now. I'll message you later." 

"Thank you." 

Caleb was very careful of her delicate body. Mostly whenever they are having sex. He was careful not to give her bruises since her bruises almost faded off. It's been a month now after the divorce. They are living their life normally and since she needs a break every weekend. However, with the problems going on, there's a chance that their bodies might collapse. 

Although Caleb just moved into the new HQ, he was slowly taking things slow. 

"Babe," He called and rubbed her back. "Do you want us to get married this year?" 

She creased her brows momentarily. 

"I thought Stacey was going to get married first?" 

"Yes, I know but…" 

"Next year. Let's wait for a little longer." 

"Okay," Caleb nodded and held the back of her head, and gently shoved it to his chest. "Sleep now." 

"My head is still throbbing." 

Caleb's heart ached a little. He kissed her top head. 

"Go back to sleep. I'll be here with you." 

Caleb heard his phone vibrating but he ignored it. He already sent out a message to his new male secretary to set everything for him, unless there's an emergency. He checked his smartwatch and checked the message. He replied using it without leaving the bed. He doesn't want Kaisley to wake up. However, another message popped up from Maverick. 

"Welch and other corporations seemed to be pulling you down. There's news that came up to ruin you." 

Caleb only smirked and replied to Maverick. 


He didn't want to leave the bed.. He didn't want to leave his beloved in the bed.

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