The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 147 - Greenhouse

Wild Orchid Castle

When she woke up, she felt warm although it seemed to be cold in the place. Her cheeks were also cold but feeling his warm hands on her left cheek, she felt so happy. 

Stacey never thought that she could wake up every day with the handsome man that she always dreams to wake up with. He's still sleeping and breathing on her neck. She hated it because it cost him a lot of sleepless nights. But what should she do with those bad dreams that she couldn't control? It felt like her heart was breaking slowly because she's making her beloved stressed over it. 

She pulled the blanket and placed her warm hand over his cold cheeks. 

"I'm sorry, Mave." She whispered and kissed his nose gently. "I'm sorry for stressing you out." 

She snuggled to him to warm him. That's when she heard clinging on the door. Maverick opened his eyes and smiled at her. 

"Babe," He mumbled.

"Mave, someone's at the door?" 

"I got it." 

Maverick sat up, rubbed his eyes, and reached his tablet. He checked on who was at the door. Butler Paul. He pressed the open and he sat up and covered the duvet with Stacey. Butler Paul has two maids with him holding sealed hot drinks. 

"Your grace." 

"Thanks." Maverick smiled and took the other mug and gave it to Stacey. "Prepare for a bed here with a mosquito net." 

"Yes, your grace. I'll also have the half bath set up near the bed." 

"That's great. Thank you." 

The couple enjoyed their hot drinks while their breakfast was settled on the table in the middle of the greenhouse. Stacey and Maverick are busy laughing over something. They fell asleep in the mat that they set up with thick blankets and a duvet as their bed. 

"Won't it bother you, everyone, if you ask them to set up a bed here?" 

"Nah, don't worry about it." He patted her head. "You are my Duchess. You'll have anything you want." 

"I~~I didn't say that I wanted it. And we aren't married." 

"Babe," he chuckled. "You sleep well in here." He said softly. 

He stood and put his slippers on. 

"Sir," Butler Paul approached him and gestured to the shell-like sink where they can wash their face. He also has towels set up for them. He washed his face and gargled some mouthwash. Then, he wiped his face while Butler Paul was scrolling through the emails. 

He gathered Stacey's hair so it won't get wet while she's washing her face. Then, he peeked at the tablet that Butler Paul was showing to him. He smiled at the type of the bed and nodded. Stacey carefully damp the towel on her face as Maverick brushed her hair with his fingers. 

The couple has a beautiful breakfast. For Stacey, it was a dreamy breakfast with Maverick. She never expected to have maids and butlers waiting for them to finish their meal. They also have a good talk. Then, after their breakfast, the couple walked back to their room together and this time, it's time for him to work. 

Maverick finally had it all as the court already set up a big appointment for the hearing. Currently, his beloved was busy with the sketch pad. She seemed to be enjoying it. While in the other room, there is a big sound of drills and so on. Since he wanted to have a kitchen close to there and then, a bed in the Green House, plus a mini-kitchen. What he wanted would be given to him right away. He wanted to spoil her nonstop. 

"Alright, I'll visit this afternoon." He mumbled to the prosecutor that he's speaking with to deliver the photos of the evidence. He hung up and to her surprise, his beloved was already in front of him. 

"So, can I go?" 

"Sure thing, love. Let's go shopping after I deliver the documents." 

"Yes!" She exclaimed and walked around him and kissed his cheeks. He smiled as she rushed back to her desk like a little girl. 

They dressed well and she wore one of the beautiful dresses that he set up for her. It's a long dress to cover up a few blemishes on her legs. She followed him to the prosecutor's office as Maverick delivered it to the prosecutor and spoke to him shortly. Then, the prosecutor showed him something from the investigation about Belmont. He won't cover up such a family and Stacey only stays on the corner seat. 

"I'll set up an appointment with you next week," Maverick told. 

"Yes, your grace. By the way, the farmers came too just a while ago. They said that they will have a little more evidence against Kennedy. It's not just the murder though." 

"Please assist them well." 

"Will do, sir." 

Maverick shook the prosecutor's hand and he approached his beloved. Stacey reached Mave's hand as she clung to him and they left the office. 

"Shopping?" Maverick asked. She nodded at him and leaned on his arms. He was too busy looking down at his beloved when a man in a welled tailor suit was standing in their way. The man didn't even bow his head but when Maverick looked at him, he bowed his head a little. 

"Brother, it's been a while," Vince said as Maverick stared at him. 

"Hmm, Lord Vince," Maverick said formally. "Are you here to check on your fiance's case?" 

Vince was a little surprised by him. 

"Yes. And since I have met you here, is there a possibility that we should talk?" 

"My schedule is quite tight, Vince. If this is about the case of the Kennedy," Maverick reached Stacey's left hand that had a bandage. "They should have thought first before they attacked my Duchess." 

Stacey looked at Maverick with those sparkling eyes. 

"Even if it happened to another, I won't think twice of bringing justice here. Even though they are from a noble family." 

Vince looked down, probably because of shame. 

"You should think twice too, Vince. I know everything about that family… and your family." Maverick said it like a threat as he gently pulled Stacey, with possessiveness, and the couple left with their bodyguards. 

"That's your brother?" 

"Hmm, yeah. From my father's side." 

"You don't look so much alike."

"Good thing." He mumbled. "So, what do you want to shop for today?" 

She giggled. 

"I don't know." 

"Let's visit the mall and just point at whatever you like." He kissed her forehead. 

"You are spoiling me so much." 

"I don't mind." Mave grinned at her. 

When they reached the Edward Shopping Center, the manager rushed to them. With the unexpected visit of the Duke, everyone's attention is on him. Stacey was wearing her sunglasses and hat so she won't be able to attract much attention. But with the Duke of Marduque with her, it seemed like she already attracted attention. 

"Please don't bother," Mave told the Manager. "We are only here to shop for a few things." 

"Yes, sir." 

Stacey tagged his sleeve. 

"We should have shopped at different stores." 

"It's fine." He grinned. "I will pay for everything." 

"Fine," She grumbled. "Oh, let's take some donuts!" She pointed to the donut stand. 

They approached the donut store and she started checking on what to buy since the attendant was busy packing a few for the customers. The customers even moved away to give them some space. 

"Your grace, you can cut the line." One of the customers said. 

"No." Mave shook his head. "It's alright." 

The customers chattered and some already took photos of them together. They didn't cut the line and Stacey finally said what she wanted as they packed it and Stacey even paid for it in cash, from her own money. Mave held it for her while she started eating a piece of donut with fillings inside from the small paper bag. She even fed him with it and he took a bite. The couple doesn't care that much if they become instant celebrities. Stacey just acts normal like she always does when she's around him. 

"I want lemonade too." She told him Mave bought a big lemonade and they both shared it. Finally, Stacey froze seeing a comics shop. "Let's go there!" 

He nodded and followed her. He held the lemonade for her as she started going through the shelves. He wiped his lips that still have sugar stains from the burger. He looked through the shelves and found the comics that Stacey and Victoria made in their pen names. He took it and collected the series. 

He had read at least three volumes of it. 

"Why are you reading that?" Stacey asked. 

"I am into porno." He joked with a big grin. 

"But you already read that one." 

"I want a hardcover." He put it in her basket. She had lots of the series and she fell in line on the counter. 

People didn't recognize them and they only kept quiet while their bodyguards were waiting outside. 

"I want green sheets for our bedroom in the greenhouse," Stacey mumbled to him. 

"Sure thing." 

"Why won't we shop for the sheets instead?" She suggested. 

"Okay," he nodded at her. 

"Are you okay with anything that I want?" She creased her brows. 

"Yup, it's all for you baby." 

She giggled and snuggled under his arm. 

"Duke Maverick, Milady!" One exclaimed and everyone looked at them as they bow or curtsied. 

He smiled at them. 

"How do you do?" He asked them as they seemed to be in a dreamy mode. Mostly the girls. 

"Don't smile too much." She mumbled to him. He chuckled and patted her head. 

After leaving the comics store, Stacey pouted at him. 

"Did you just smile at those girls to charm them?" She looked angry~~but adorable. 

"I can't stop anyone from being charmed by my handsomeness. But I swear, I will only lay my eyes on you." 

"You better be.." She sneered as she hid her flushed face.

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