The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 159 - Little Did They Know

Parson Residence, Guest House

Katarina quickly rushed downstairs when she heard about the wedding of the new Prince and Princess. The Royal Empire hasn't released any statements on why in hell they crown an adoptive granddaughter, slash niece. It was still a big confusion to the people. But still, at that time, the free restaurant in Berkon City had been lined by many homeless people. 

From that footage, the team had been preparing food since three in the morning and breakfast was served to each homeless person. They said that it was a gift from Princess Kaisley and Prince Caleb. Since commoners couldn't enter the banquet the Princess had planned such a thing for them. The sponsors are also unknown besides the Royal Family. 

"I can't believe that we aren't invited!" Katarina exclaimed and watched as Victoria's friends were at that party. She never thought that Victoria's friend would be an instant princess too. "Samara will be in a rage." She smirked. Samara is also her friend since she's Jason's sister. 

"Well, my dear. Have some cookies." Dana said and extended it to Katarina. She takes a piece and bites on it. She munched five times and wiped her lips gracefully. 

"Mom, how long are we going to stay here?" She asked. "Look at Victoria. She's having fun with her friends, her wealthy Royal husband." She exhaled. "I feel depressed staying here." 

Dana pursed her lips and sighed. 

"I'm sorry, dear. But we have to stay here." Dana looked at her husband who was busy watching the television. There's a flash toward the Marquess where the reporter said that they sponsored the tea beverages. 

Lots of nobles, aristocrats posted on their social media about the foods and drinks that were served. The Marchioness also became a hot topic as it became her second public appearance. Her jealousy surged as her husband focused on that. Dana knew it. He still hasn't forgotten that woman. This time, she was going to make sure that there would be no traces and evidence that she harmed Vivien. Nor the corpse of a man whom she paid to kill that little maid. 

"Mom?" Katarina creased her brows when she noticed that her mother was holding the tray tightly. 

"Yes, hon?" Dana smiled at her daughter and Katarina knew well that it's something forced. 

"I'm going to work out," Katarina said as she went upstairs with her cookie. 

Dana approached her husband as she put the tray on the coffee table. She crossed her arms and stared at Bailey. 

"Well, if you think of her again, you better stop that fantasy. She married a Marquess." 

"It's you who should stop that fantasy," Bailey grumbled as he reached his tea. "You said that she's dead." He looked up at her. "What did you do?" 

"It is what you wanted." Dana smiled as she reached her husband's arm. "Remember that night? You wished that she was gone." 

"It's not what I meant. She's still the mother of our daughter." 

"The daughter you meant is now a Duchess. You think that she would even care for you, after what you did to her?"


Welch Corporation

Currently, Jason was busy reading the proposal for the upcoming bidding. They have lots of connections and competence. The first would be the K and C Company that was led by Caleb Tanner. Ever since the announcement of that bidding, Caleb Tanner was making it to the top although his company was only a tiny piece of the Welch Corporation. 

But what everyone thought was he would get it. He did everything to ruin every company just to get it. He's confident now that building a penthouse that piece of the building would be better. But he's still worried that the Duke of Wisteria would get in the way. He sighed and someone from television caught his eyes. Somehow, his heart started pumping in a very odd way the moment he saw that beautiful Duchess of Westeria who smiled genuinely. 

"Victoria," he mumbled. He never saw her this perfect… so beautiful and so alluring. 

The report continues to report. And recently, at this very moment, the Duke and Duchess of Westeria came together to visit the site for the home of the homeless that was constructed outside Westeria. She's wearing jeans and a shirt and a coat that matches her husband's casual clothes. The couple was holding hands together and since it was said that Kenzo was once working in construction, that led Jason to the memory when he saw how Victoria flung into that asshole yet Kenzo was working for Jason. He chuckled and shook his head. 

But lots of reports came that Duke Kenzo was one of the most handsome men in the world. Some people just couldn't decide between the two Dukes. They were hot topics that made Jason envious of Kenzo. Here he thought that she just married some beggar but now she's living her life as a Duchess. One of the most respected royals. 

It is not just the thing that made him angry. But there's also Caleb who becomes Prince. He never thought that the man who had a small business, and the man that his sister used to chase after became a Prince overnight. And he also married that woman with whom he had a relationship for a long time. 

"Sir," His secretary entered with a tablet. "Lord Bailey is still on a long vacation. I also can't get through to him." 

Even Jason couldn't get through Katarina. He can't call her at all. He tried to visit them many times but they didn't acknowledge his visit. He's sure that the Baroness was hiding them from the current mistake that they made. Mostly to Victoria. He will also be in a rage if Victoria was kept like that. 

"I'll handle it," Jason mumbled. He leaned on his swivel chair and he pointed to the door. 

His secretary knew well what to do. She locked the door, put her tablet on the table, and kneel as she rubbed his crotch. He reached the remote control and replay on seeing Victoria looking perfect. 


Kaisley finished half of the day's work. She thought that she could go over Caleb's house back in Lwazi but with piles for her that only her Uncles entrusted, she had to finish it at least. Now, she's currently leaving the office to the airport. Last night, Caleb was tired and she was too. But he's not that tired not to try on the toys that were given to them as gifts. 

"Your highness, here's your tea." The attendant carefully gave it to her. She thanked her for sipping her tea. Drinking tea is one of the most relaxing things before they depart. "Is there anything else that you like?" 

"No. Thank you. The Marchioness already prepared her cupcakes and macaroons for me." 

"Please call me if there is anything else you like." The attendance said. 

Kaisley nodded and enjoyed two pieces of macaroons. She already left a few for her beloved husband. Maybe she should have stopped by the grocery and cooked for him. It's been so long since she last cooked for him. She wanted to surprise him since he's currently in the few warehouses that he needs to take care of. One would be put as food storage and it is also nearby the restaurant that they set up. There were more than one hundred people who came to have a meal. 

At the time that they landed in Lwazi, the car was waiting near the private jet and since she asked for a normal car, they gave her indeed a normal car. Now, time to have a grocery. She even called Caleb who seemed to have people arguing in the background. 

"So, what do you want for dinner?" Kaisley asked quickly. 

"Babe, are you supposed to nap? You are tried and~~" 

"I already had a nap on my way here." She mumbled. "So, what do you want, babe?" 

"I'll eat anything you can prepare, babe. I'll be home before you know it. There's just a big commotion at the moment." 

"What happened?" She asked as she chose the fruits. 

"I'll tell you later." 

"Don't get punched okay?" 

"Y~yeah. I won't." He chuckled. 

Kaisley was still worried. 

"I love you. I'll wait for you, okay?" 

"I'll be there." 

Kaisley picked up the things that she needed and checked her phone many times for the ingredients. Then, she checked it out. She had disguised herself enough not to get noticed. Then, her bodyguard followed her around and even held groceries for her. Still, she's worried about her husband. The time that she reached Caleb's house, which is now also her house she smiled at how tidy and clean it was. 

She went to the kitchen and it's also a good thing that she bought a new pan to replace the old ones. She changed her shoes first into comfortable fluffy slippers. She turned on the television as the news about Royals, mostly about her and Caleb easily escalated. Well, it's one way to remind the people that the Royal family is aware and alive. After decades… probably centuries of reigning the whole continent. 

She was currently putting the creamy pasta that she made after putting the slices of Gorgonzola Piccante cheese. She set it up in ten minutes. 

"Flash News! The K and C Warehouse had called it an unexpected disaster. This warehouse has been cleared out to be food storage for the new project and was caught in a big fire. The company had already coordinated with the Fire department, and it is possibly an arson." 

Kaisley stopped and stared at the television, and Caleb was also helping on putting first aids to the crew that had few burns. Her heart ached for her husband.. He was just talking to her, and not long, one of the warehouses was on fire.

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